the Last Week after Epiphany
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Bible Commentaries
Ironside's Notes on Selected Books Ironside's Notes
The Blessed Man Meditates on God's Law.Chapter 2
God's Anointed King Reigns Over Nations.Chapter 3
David's Morning Prayer During Absalom's Rebellion.Chapter 4
Evening Prayer for Deliverance and Peace.Chapter 5
Morning Prayer for Guidance and Protection.Chapter 6
Prayer for Mercy During Illness and Distress.Chapter 7
Prayer for Deliverance From Persecution and False Accusations.Chapter 8
God's Majesty in Creation and Human Dignity.Chapter 9
Praise for God's Justice and Deliverance of the Oppressed.Chapter 10
Prayer for God to Act Against the Wicked.Chapter 11
Trust in God's Righteous Judgment.Chapter 12
Prayer for Deliverance From Lies and Oppression.Chapter 13
Cry for Help and Trust in God's Salvation.Chapter 14
The Folly of Denying God; God's Concern for the Righteous.Chapter 15
The Character of Those Who Dwell With God.Chapter 16
A Song of Trust in God's Protection and Guidance.Chapter 17
Prayer for Protection From Enemies and Vindication.Chapter 18
David's Song of Thanksgiving for Deliverance.Chapter 19
God's Glory in Creation and His Perfect Law.Chapter 20
Prayer for the King's Victory in Battle.Chapter 21
Thanksgiving for the King's Victories Granted by God.Chapter 22
A Cry of Anguish and a Song of Praise.Chapter 23
The Lord Is My Shepherd; A Psalm of Trust.Chapter 24
The King of Glory and His Righteous People.Chapter 25
Prayer for Guidance, Forgiveness, and Deliverance.Chapter 26
Declaration of Integrity and Trust in God.Chapter 27
Confidence in God Amid Adversity.Chapter 28
Prayer for Help and Thanksgiving for Deliverance.Chapter 29
The Voice of God in the Storm; A Psalm of Glory.Chapter 30
Thanksgiving for Healing and Deliverance From Death.Chapter 31
Prayer for Deliverance and Confidence in God.Chapter 32
The Joy of Forgiveness and Protection From Trouble.Chapter 33
Praise for God's Creative Power and Sovereign Rule.Chapter 34
Praise and Exhortation to Trust in God's Deliverance.Chapter 35
Prayer for Vindication and Protection From Enemies.Chapter 36
The Wickedness of Man and the Lovingkindness of God.Chapter 37
Exhortation to Trust in God and Do Good.Chapter 38
Prayer of Repentance for Sin and Plea for Healing.Chapter 39
Reflection on the Brevity of Life and Trust in God.Chapter 40
Thanksgiving for Deliverance and Prayer for Continued Help.Chapter 41
Blessing on the Righteous and Prayer for Mercy in Sickness.
- Psalms
by Henry Allen Ironside
I have fought a good fight, I have
finished my course, I have kept the
faith: Henceforth there is laid up
for me a crown of righteousness,
which the Lord, the righteous judge,
shall give me at that day: and not to me
only, hut unto all them also that love
His appearing:-2 Timothy 4:7-8
Harry A. Ironside is now at home with the Lord his Saviour, whom he deeply loved and so devotedly served.
The publishers are conscious of their deep privilege in preserving in book form these studies on the first book of the Psalms.
These addresses were originally given by Dr. Ironside at the Moody Memorial Church in Chicago. Illinois, and printed in the Moody Church News. They are now reproduced in the earnest hope that they will be a means of rich blessing “unto all them also that love His appearing.”
The Publishers New York December 1951