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Bible Commentaries
Ironside's Notes on Selected Books Ironside's Notes
The Word Became Flesh; John the Baptist's Testimony.Chapter 2
Wedding at Cana; Cleansing of the Temple.Chapter 3
Nicodemus; Jesus' Mission; New Birth.Chapter 4
Samaritan Woman; Healing of Official's Son.Chapter 5
Healing at the Pool; Controversy with Jews.Chapter 6
Feeding 5,000; Walking on Water; Bread of Life Discourse.Chapter 7
Feast of Tabernacles; Jesus' Teachings and Division.Chapter 8
Woman Caught in Adultery; Light of the World.Chapter 9
Healing of the Blind Man; Controversy.Chapter 10
Good Shepherd Discourse; Jesus' Works and Rejection.Chapter 11
Raising of Lazarus; Plot to Kill Jesus.Chapter 12
Anointing at Bethany; Triumphal Entry; Teachings.Chapter 13
Washing of Disciples' Feet; Prediction of Betrayal.Chapter 14
Comforting Words; Promise of the Holy Spirit.Chapter 15
The True Vine; Command to Love.Chapter 16
Promises of the Holy Spirit; Overcoming the World.Chapter 17
Jesus' High Priestly Prayer for Unity.Chapter 18
Arrest of Jesus; Trial before Pilate.Chapter 19
Crucifixion and Death of Jesus.Chapter 20
Resurrection; Appearances to Mary and Disciples.Chapter 21
Restoration of Peter; Final Appearances and Instructions.
- John
by Henry Allen Ironside
An Ironside Expository Commentary
Originally published in 1920. Reprinted in 2006 by Kregel Publications, a division of Kregel, Inc., P.O. Box 2607, Grand Rapids, MI 49501.
Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are from the King James Version of the Holy Bible.
Scripture quotations marked RV are from the Revised Version of the Holy Bible (Church of England, 1885).
Like many of my other books of recent years, this volume consists of addresses, stenographically reported, which were delivered in the Moody Memorial Church of Chicago. While somewhat carefully edited, occasional repetitions will be found and a colloquial style will be apparent, which are almost unavoidable in a series given on Lord’s Days for a period of over a year’s duration and intended for the instruction, not of theologians or scholars, but the masses who attended the meetings in large numbers or listened by many thousands over the radio. They were broadcast over WMBI, the station of the Moody Bible Institute, which is wholly dedicated to the service of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In spite of their many imperfections, I trust they may be useful and blessed to many readers as now sent forth in this more permanent form.
The gospel of John has been well called “The greatest book in the world.” Its presentation of the Eternal Word who became flesh for our redemption has brought life and assurance to millions.
H. A. Ironside