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Bible Commentaries
Hampton's Commentary on Selected Books Hampton's Commentary
Christ's Superiority to Angels.Chapter 2
Christ's Humanity; Salvation; Warning Against Neglect.Chapter 3
Jesus Greater than Moses; Warning Against Unbelief.Chapter 4
Rest for God's People; High Priesthood of Jesus.Chapter 5
Priestly Role of Jesus; Warning Against Immaturity.Chapter 6
Exhortation to Maturity; Promise and Hope.Chapter 7
Melchizedek's Priesthood; Superiority of Jesus' Priesthood.Chapter 8
New Covenant; Better Promises.Chapter 9
Earthly versus Heavenly Sanctuary; Christ's Sacrifice.Chapter 10
Christ's Once-for-All Sacrifice; Exhortations to Persevere.Chapter 11
Faith's Hall of Fame; Examples of Faith.Chapter 12
Endurance in the Race; God's Discipline.Chapter 13
Christian Conduct; Final Exhortations; Greetings.
- Hebrews
by Gary Hampton
Christ Is Superior
A Study of Hebrews
By Gary C. Hampton
Bales, James D. Studies in Hebrews . Shreveport: Lambert Book House, 1972.
Bruce, F. F. The Epistle to the Hebrews . Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Colossians, 1964 .
Coffman, James Burton. Commentary on Hebrews . Austin: Firm Foundation Publishing Company, 1971.
Fudge, Edward. Our Man in Heaven . Athens, Alabama: The C. E. I. Publishing Company, 1973.
Harbin, Albert Leroy. Harbin’s Notes on the Epistle to the Hebrews: “Consider Jesus.” Vallejo, California: Mrs. A. L. Harbin, 1970.
Holland, Thomas H. Focus On Faith . Henderson, Tennessee: Holland Publications, 1972.
Lightfoot, Neil R. Jesus Christ Today . Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1976.
Milligan, R. The New Testament Commentary Vol. IX.-Epistle to the Hebrews . Delight, Arkansas: Gospel Light Publishing Company, n.d.
Thompson, James. The Letter to the Hebrews . Austin: R. B. Sweet Co., Inc., 1971.
Turner, Rex A., Sr. Teacher’s Annual Lesson Commentary 1977-78 on Bible School Lessons . Nashville: Gospel Advocate Company, 1978.
When I entered Freed-Hardeman College in the fall of 1971, I was blessed with many fine teachers who loved God’s word and His people. Among those was a man named Cecil N. Wright. Brother Wright was a man with vast experience. He was very thorough in his studies and urged his students to follow that same path. He also was a man with great insight into the nature of people and the functioning of the local church. On more than one occasion, I found his advice to be both sound and useful. Even after I left college and went into local work, brother Wright continued to be a good advisor and trusted friend. When he died, the church lost a great warrior and I lost a faithful counselor.
Brother Wright taught me the book of Hebrews when I was still a student at FHC. He was the one who first required us to write a commentary on this great book. I am thankful for his encouragement and gratefully dedicate this book to his memory.
Christ the Superior Spokesman
The epistle to the Hebrews could well be titled "Christ is Superior." Its main purpose is to show Christ's superiority as God's spokesman. Some of the Hebrew brethren were apparently tempted to go back to serving Moses' law. They needed to be shown Christ's greatness. It was important for them to recognize Him as the lawgiver for this age. It is impossible for us to know the exact identity of the author of this letter. After long years of hearing people say Paul wrote the book, it is hard to say we cannot site positive proof. Perhaps it is out of that bias that I seem to see Paul's style and argumentation throughout the book. The reader will have to make up his own mind on the question. If such a study is of interest to someone, careful consideration should be given to Milligan's arguments and Lightfoot's discussion.
A casual reading of the book convinces one it was written to Hebrew Christians. What is not so obvious is where they lived. Again, I have been inclined to assume they were in Jerusalem and Judea. However, there would have been persecution there. Some of the readers had resisted to the point of shedding blood ( Heb_12:4 ; Act_7:54-60 ; Act_8:1-3 ; Act_12:1-2 ). Also, it is likely that some, if not most, at Jerusalem would have seen the Lord. They would not have had to be informed by other eye witnesses. So, my assumption that the letter was addressed to those in Jerusalem is confronted by some hard questions. However, Milligan gives some good reasoning which should be examined before discarding Jerusalem as a possible destination.