the Last Week after Epiphany
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Bible Commentaries
Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible Gill's Exposition
Division in the Church; Wisdom and Power of God.Chapter 2
Paul's Message and Wisdom; Spiritual Discernment.Chapter 3
Church as God's Temple; Paul's Ministry.Chapter 4
Apostles' Role; Warnings Against Arrogance.Chapter 5
Immorality in the Church; Discipline.Chapter 6
Lawsuits Among Believers; Body as Temple.Chapter 7
Teachings on Marriage; Advice for Singles.Chapter 8
Food Offered to Idols; Love versus Knowledge.Chapter 9
Paul's Rights; Self-Discipline for Ministry.Chapter 10
Warnings from Israel's History; Freedom and Idolatry.Chapter 11
Proper Worship; Lord's Supper Instructions.Chapter 12
Spiritual Gifts; Diversity and Unity in the Body.Chapter 13
The Way of Love; Its Superiority.Chapter 14
Gifts of Prophecy and Tongues; Order in Worship.Chapter 15
Resurrection of the Dead; Victory through Christ.Chapter 16
Collection for the Saints; Final Instructions and Greetings.
- 1 Corinthians
by John Gill
This was not the first epistle that was written by the apostle to the Corinthians, for we read in this of his having written an epistle to them before, 1 Corinthians 5:9, but this is the first epistle of his unto them, that is now extant; and has been received by the churches, as of divine authority, being written by the inspiration of God, of which there has been no doubt in any age. The apostle himself was nearly two years at Corinth; where he preached with great success; and was the instrument of converting many persons, who by him were formed into a church state, consisting both of Jews and Gentiles, as is clear from many passages in this epistle, and whom be left in good order, and in great peace and harmony; but quickly after his departure, false teachers got in among them, and bad principles were imbibed by many of them, and evil practices prevailed among them, and they fell into factions and parties, which occasioned the apostle to write this epistle to them, as well as their writing to him concerning certain things, they desired to have his judgment and opinion of, 1 Corinthians 7:1, It is thought to be written about the year of Christ 55, and in the first year of Nero, though some place it in the year 59. It was written not from Philippi, as the subscription added to it affirms, but from Ephesus, as appears from 1 Corinthians 16:8, and, it may be, after the uproar raised there by Demetrius, as should seem from a passage in 1 Corinthians 15:32. The matter of it is various. The apostle first rebukes them for their schisms and divisions; suggests that their regard to the wisdom of men, and the philosophy of the Gentiles, had brought the simplicity of the Gospel into contempt with them; blames them for their conduct in the case of the incestuous person, and urges them to put him away from them; reproves them for going to law with one another before Heathen magistrates, and warmly inveighs against fornication; and then answers several questions, and resolves several cases concerning marriage; treats of things offered to idols, and of the maintenance of ministers; and dissuades from idolatry, and all appearance of it; takes notice of the unbecoming conduct of the members of the church at the Lord's supper; and discourses concerning the nature and use of spiritual gifts, and commends charity above them; observes and corrects some irregularities in the use of their gifts; proves by various arguments the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead, which some of them denied; exhorts to a collection for the poor saints, and to several other things, and concludes the epistle with the salutations of others, and of himself.