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Sunday, March 9th, 2025
the First Sunday of Lent
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1 Kings 7:1 — Trece años - Los trece años, i. e., contando desde el final de los siete 1 Reyes 6:38. Los edificios de Salomón lo ocuparon así veinte años 1 Reyes 9:1; 2 Crónicas 8:1, desde el cuarto año de su reinado hasta el vigésimo cuarto. La diferencia en el tiempo que tardan el templo y el palacio debe tenerse en cuenta, (1) por
1 Chronicles 1:29 — These are their generations - As Shem was reserved until after Japheth and Ham 1 Chronicles 1:5-16, because in him the genealogy was to be continued (Genesis 10:2 note), so Isaac is now reserved until the other lines of descent from Abraham have been completed. The same principle gives the descendants of Esau a prior place to those of Jacob 1 Chronicles 1:35-51; 1 Chronicles 2:1.
1 Chronicles 1:29 — Estas son sus generaciones - Como Shem estaba reservado hasta después de Jafet y Ham 1 Crónicas 1:5, porque en él la genealogía debía continuar ( Génesis 10:2 nota), por lo que Isaac ahora está reservado hasta que se hayan completado las otras líneas de descendencia de Abraham. El mismo principio da a los descendientes de Esaú un lugar anterior a los de Jacob 1 Crónicas 1:35; 1 Crónicas 2:1.
1 Chronicles 10:13 — For his transgression - Compare 1 Chronicles 9:1. The “transgression” intended is probably the disobedience with respect to Amalek, recorded in 1 Samuel 15:1-9 (compare 1 Samuel 28:17-18).
1 Chronicles 10:13 — Por su transgresión - Compare 1 Crónicas 9:1. La "transgresión" que se pretende es probablemente la desobediencia con respecto a Amalek, registrada en 1 Samuel 15:1 (compárese 1 Samuel 28:17).
1 Corinthians 1:1 — Pablo, llamado a ser apóstol - Vea las notas en Romanos 1:1. A través de la voluntad de Dios - No por nombramiento humano o autoridad, sino de acuerdo con la voluntad de Dios y su mandato. Esa voluntad le fue dada a conocer por la revelación especial que se le otorgó en su conversión, y el llamado al apostolado;
1 Corinthians 10 overview — In regard to the design of 1 Corinthians 10:0, commentators have not been agreed. Some have supposed that there is no connection with the preceding, but that this is a digression. The ancient Greek expositors generally, and some of the moderns, as Grotius, supposed that the connection
2 Corinthians 1:1 — Paul an apostle ... - ; see the Romans 1:1 note, and 1 Corinthians 1:1 note.By the will of God - Through, or agreeably to the will of God; note, 1 Corinthians 1:1.And Timothy our brother - Paul was accustomed to associate some other person or persons with him in writing his epistles. Thus,
2 Corinthians 1:1 — Pablo un apóstol ... - ; vea la nota Romanos 1:1 y la nota 1 Corintios 1:1. Por la voluntad de Dios - A través o conforme a la voluntad de Dios; nota, 1 Corintios 1:1. Y Timothy nuestro hermano - Paul estaba acostumbrado a asociar a otra persona o personas con él al escribir sus epístolas.
Colossians 1:3 — We give thanks to God - See the notes at the parallel place in Ephesians 1:15-16.Praying always for you - See the Romans 1:9, note; Ephesians 1:16, note; compare 1 Thessalonians 1:2.
Colossians 1:3 — Damos gracias a Dios - Vea las notas en el lugar paralelo en Efesios 1:15. Orando siempre por usted - Vea la nota Romanos 1:9; Efesios 1:16, nota; compare 1 Tesalonicenses 1:2.
1 Thessalonians 1 overview — Analysis Of The ChapterThe first chapter of this Epistle embraces the following subjects:The inscription by Paul, Silas, and Timothy, to the Thessalonians, and the usual salutations;1 Thessalonians 1:1; 1 Thessalonians 1:1. An expression of thanks for their fidelity in the gospel; 1 Thessalonians 1:2-4. The apostle says that he made mention of them continually in his prayers; that he remembered their faith, and love, and patience,
1 Thessalonians 4 overview — Analysis Of The ChapterThis chapter, properly, comprises two parts: First, various practical exhortations, 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12; and secondly, suggestions designed to console those who have been bereaved; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18The first part embraces the following topics:(1) An exhortation to increase and abound in the Christian virtues which they had already
2 Thessalonians 1 overview — Análisis del capítulo. 2 Tesalonicenses 1:1 comprende los siguientes puntos:El saludo; 2 Tesalonicenses 1:1. (2) una expresión de agradecimiento por el progreso que los tesaloníes habían hecho de piedad, y especialmente por la manera en que habían habilitado para llevar sus pruebas; 2 Tesalonicenses
1 Timothy 1:2 — Unto Timothy - For an account of Timothy, see Intro. Section 1.My own son in the faith - Converted to the Christian faith by my instrumentality, and regarded by me with the affection of a father; see notes, 1 Corinthians 4:15. Paul had no children of his own, and he adopted Timothy as a son, and uniformly regarded
Titus 2:2 — - for there is no reason to suppose that the apostle refers particularly to those who were in office, or who were technically elders, or Presbyters. If he had, he would have used the common word - πρεσβύτερος presbuteros - “presbyter” (see Matthew 15:2; Matthew 16:21; Matthew 21:23; Matthew 26:3, Matthew 26:47, Matthew 26:57, Matthew 26:59; 1 Timothy 5:1, 1 Timothy 5:17, 1 Timothy 5:19; Titus 1:5; James 5:14; 1 Peter 5:1), instead of the unusual word - πρεσβύτης presbutēs - an old or aged man
1 Peter 1 overview — This Epistle was evidently addressed to those who were passing through severe trials, and probably to those who were, at that time, enduring persecution, 1 Peter 1:6-7; 1Pe 3:14; 1 Peter 4:1, 1 Peter 4:12-19. The main object of this chapter is to comfort them in their trials; to suggest such considerations as would enable them to bear them with the right spirit, and to show the sustaining, elevating, and
Revelation 3:14 — Y escriba al ángel de la iglesia de los laodicenos - Vea las notas en Apocalipsis 1:2. Estas cosas dicen el Amén - Refiriéndose, como es el caso en cada epístola, a algún atributo del hablante adaptado para impresionar sus mentes, o para dar una fuerza especial a lo que estaba a punto de decirle a esa iglesia en particular. Laodicea
1 Samuel 17:20 — The trench - Rather, “the wagons,” which were all put together in the camp so as to form a kind of bulwark or fortification (see 1 Samuel 26:5, 1 Samuel 26:7). Here David left his “carriage” 1 Samuel 17:22, i. e., the things which he had carried, “his things” as we should say, or baggage (translated stuff in 1 Samuel 10:22; 1 Samuel 25:13; 1 Samuel 30:24). There seems to have been an officer (“the keeper,” 1 Samuel 17:22) in the Hebrew army whose charge it was to guard the baggage.
1 Samuel 31:10 — In the house of Ashtaroth - This was doubtless the famous temple of Venus in Askelon mentioned by Herodotus as the most ancient of all her temples. Hence, the special mention of Askelon 2 Samuel 1:20. The placing Saul’s armour as a trophy in the temple of Ashtaroth was a counterpart to the placing Goliath’s sword in the tabernacle 1 Samuel 21:9. In 1 Chronicles 10:10 it is added that they “fastened Saul’s head in the temple of Dagon,” probably
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