Lectionary Calendar
Tuesday, March 11th, 2025
the First Week of Lent
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Bible Commentaries

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1 Kings 2:36 — El objetivo, al parecer, era mantener a Shimei bajo la mirada inmediata del gobierno. La antigua casa de Shimei, Bahurim, se encontraba al este de Jerusalén, en el camino a Jericó, 2 Samuel 17:18, y solo se podía llegar cruzando el valle de Kedron. Solomon asume que, si abandona la ciudad, probablemente será en esta dirección 1 Reyes 2:37.
1 Kings 4:4 — Es curioso encontrar a Abiatar en esta lista de príncipes, después de lo que se ha dicho de su desgracia 1Ki 2:27 , 1 Reyes 2:35. Algunos han supuesto que después de un tiempo Solomon lo perdonó. Quizás la verdadera explicación es que el historiador aquí enumera a todos los que fueron considerados "príncipes" en cualquier parte del reinado de Salomón.
1 Kings 6:4 — Ventanas de luces estrechas - Cualquiera de las ventanas (como en el margen), externamente simples rendijas en la pared, pero que se abren por dentro, como las ventanas de viejos castillos: o , más probablemente, "ventanas con celosías fijas". Las ventanas parecen haber sido colocadas en lo alto de las paredes, por encima de las cámaras mencionadas en 1 Reyes 6:5.
Proverbs 2:1 — Now in the divine order comes the promise Proverbs 2:5. The conditions of its fulfillment are stated in Proverbs 2:1-4 in four sets of parallel clauses, each with some shade of distinct meaning. Thus, not “receiving” only, but “hiding” or treasuring up - not the “ear” only, but the “heart” - not the mere “cry,” but the eager “lifting up the voice.”
Proverbs 2:8 — saints - The devout and God-fearing. Compare Psalms 85:8 etc. The occurrence of the word here, in a book that became more and more prominent as prophetic utterances ceased, probably helped to determine its application in the period of the Maccabean struggles to those who especially claimed for themselves the title of “devout” (Chasidim, the ̓Ασιδαῖοι Asidaioi of 1 Macc. 7:13).
Proverbs 8:15 — Not only the common life of common men, but the exercise of the highest sovereignty, must have this Wisdom as its ground. Compare with this passage Proverbs 8:15-21 the teaching of 1 Kings 3:5-14. The word rendered “princes” Proverbs 8:15 is different from that in Proverbs 8:16; the first might, perhaps, be rendered “rulers.”
Ecclesiastes 8:16-17 — These verses supplement Ecclesiastes 8:15 with the reflection that the man who goes beyond that limited sphere within which he can labor and be contented, and investigates the whole work of God, will find that his finite intelligence cannot grasp it.Ecclesiastes 8:16Business - Or, “travail” Ecclesiastes 1:13; Ecclesiastes 3:10. The sleeplessness noted probably refers to the writer himself.
Jeremiah 14:12 — Their cry i. e - prayer offered aloud.Oblation - A meat-offering Leviticus 2:1.The sword, famine, and pestilence - The two latter ever follow upon the track of the first Ezekiel 5:12, and by these God will consume them, yet so as to leave a remnant. The chastisement, which crushes those who harden themselves against it, purifies the penitent.
Jeremiah 23:11 — For both prophet and priest are profane - While by their office they are consecrated to God, they have made themselves common and unholy by their sins. See Jeremiah 3:9 note.Yea, in my house - This may refer to sins such as those of the sons of Eli 1 Samuel 2:22, or that they had defiled the temple by idolatrous rites.
Jeremiah 46:15 — Translate it: “Why is thy mighty one cast down? He stood not, because Yahweh thrust him down.” The “mighty one” is explained by the Septuagint to be the bull Apis. Thus:(1) the chief deity of Egypt Jeremiah 46:15;(2) the army of mercenaries Jeremiah 46:16;(3) the king, Pharaoh Jeremiah 46:17, are the three upon whom the Egyptians trusted.
Jeremiah 49:39 — Elam - Elam was subject to Babylon Daniel 8:2, and its capital Shushan a favorite residence of the Persian kings Esther 1:2. Of its subsequent fate we know little; the Elamites continued to exist, and members of their nation were present at Pentecost among those chosen to represent the Gentile world at the first preaching of the Gospel Acts 2:9.
Jeremiah 5:10 — Her walls - It is Possible that not the city walls, but those of a vineyard are meant. Judaea is God’s vineyard Isaiah 5:1-7, and God permits the enemy to enter the vineyard to destroy her.Battlements - tendrils. The tendrils and branches of Judah’s vine are given up to ruin, but not the stock. See Isaiah 6:13 note.
Ezekiel 24 overview — In Ezekiel 24:0, Ezekiel is commissioned to announce to his fellow-exiles that the destruction of Jerusalem, so long foretold, was now in course of execution, that the siege had actually begun. This he is to declare: (1) by a parable - of the boiling pot, (2) by a symbolic act - the abstaining from the usual outward mourning for his wife’s death.
Ezekiel 24:1 — The prophecies in this chapter were delivered two years and five months after those of the previous section Ezekiel 20:1. The day mentioned here was the very day on which Nebuchadnezzar completed his arrangements for the siege, and closed in the city (marginal references). After the captivity this day was regularly observed as a fast day Zechariah 8:19.
Numbers 1:5-16 — Los príncipes de las tribus, seleccionados bajo la dirección divina, eran en su mayor parte las mismas personas que los elegidos unos meses antes por consejo de Jetro Éxodo 18:21 . Nahshon, príncipe de Judá, se menciona en , y Elisama, en 1 Crónicas 7:26 . Los compañeros de hombres como estos sin duda tenían derecho, entre sus compañeros, al epíteto de "nombrados", .
Deuteronomy 25:1-2 — Hazlo: (1) Si hay una controversia entre los hombres, y vienen a juicio, y los jueces los juzgan, y justifican a los justos y condenan a los malvados (comparar la referencia marginal y ; ); (2) entonces será, etc. La flagelación se menciona como un castigo en . Los golpes de los que se habla aquí serían en la espalda con una vara o palo (comparar ; ; ).
1 Corinthians 15:16 — For if the dead rise not ... - This is a repetition of what is said in 1 Corinthians 15:13. It is repeated here, evidently, because of its importance. It was a great and momentous truth which would “bear” repetition, that if there was no resurrection, as some held, then it would follow that the Lord Jesus was not raised up.
1 Samuel 27:5 — David, con la característica sutileza oriental (compárese 1 Samuel 21:2), sugiere como razón para dejar a Gath que su presencia era onerosa y costosa para el rey. Su motivo real era estar más alejado de la observación y el control, para actuar como un enemigo de Saúl, sin levantar realmente la mano contra él y sus propios paisanos de Israel.
1 Samuel 4:8 — Este es un testimonio notable por parte de los filisteos de la verdad de los eventos que se registran en el Pentateuco. Los filisteos, por supuesto, escucharían de ellos, tal como Balac y la gente de Jericó lo hicieron Números 22:5; Josué 2:1. Con todas las plagas ... - Más bien, "con todo tipo de plaga" equivalente a "con destrucción total.
2 Samuel 2:12 — Esta expedición a Gabaón pudo haber sido con el propósito de trasladar su metrópoli a su propia tribu de Benjamín, y al lugar de su familia, "Gabaa de Saúl", cerca de Gabaón, con el propósito adicional de atacar el reino de David. "Salir" 2 Samuel 2:12 es una frase técnica para salir a la guerra 1 Samuel 18:3.
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