the Third Week of Lent
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Bible Commentaries
Concordant Commentary of the New Testament Concordant NT Commentary
Paul's Encouragement; Suffering for Faith.Chapter 2
The Man of Lawlessness; End Times.Chapter 3
Exhortations on Work and Conduct; Final Greetings.
- 2 Thessalonians
by A.E. Knoch
This second letter to the Thessalonians is a sequel to the first. The Thessalonians are still unable to distinguish between the rage of man and the wrath of God. Their continued trial and persecution leads them to conclude that God is against them instead of for them. The kingdom of God, which was proclaimed among them, is to be introduced with divine judgments. The day of the Lord, in which it will be set up, opens with an unparalleled display of divine indignation. They still persist in imagining that this day had begun, especially as, in some way, this was represented to be the apostle's teaching ( 2Th_2:2 ). In reply Paul and his fellow workers define these dreaded judgments as those which fall only on those being unacquainted with God and who do not obey the evangel, especially on such as their persecutors. Their main argument is founded on the teaching of the first epistle in reference to the Lord's presence and our assembling with Him in the air. There they had been definitely taught that this must occur before the day of His indignation. The secret phase of lawlessness has been in operation throughout this economy, but its full development has been held in check by the presence of the saints. When we are taken out of the midst, then, and not till then, will the apostasy bear its bitter fruit. Its presence will be indicated by the presence of the man of lawlessness, corresponding to the head of the wild beast of the Unveiling of Jesus Christ ( Rev_13:1 ) who will be seconded by the false prophet who does signs and miracles to prove his claims ( Rev_13:11 ). By these mankind is deluded to its destruction. But the Thessalonians are not deceived by God but preferred for salvation and belief of the truth and the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. The latter part of the epistle is devoted to some practical disorders, especially busybodies who do not work for their living.
The literary framework is a simple alternation within the salutations. A thanksgiving, a prayer, and an admonition are found in this order in both the former and latter half of the letter. If the epistle is read with its leading thought in mind-that we are delivered from the coming divine indignation-it will be seen to give it color and warmth everywhere, and especially in the assurances of God's mind toward them in their trials.
Reversion and Alternation
SALUTATION, Grace and peace 2Th_1:1-2
Reason 2Th_1:3-5 Ease 2Th_1:6-10
PRAYER, Paul for the Thessalonians 2Th_1:11-12
The Name of the Lord 2Th_1:12 Glory 2Th_1:12
ADMONITION: The Apostasy 2Th_2:1-12
Reason 2Th_2:13 Glory 2Th_2:14
PRAYER, the Thessalonians for Paul 2Th_3:1-5
The Lord's Word 2Th_3:1-4 Endurance 2Th_3:5
ADMONITION: Disorder 2Th_3:6-15
SALUTATION, Peace and grace 2Th_3:1-18