Lectionary Calendar
Friday, March 28th, 2025
the Third Week of Lent
There are 23 days til Easter!
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Bible Commentaries
Matthew 26

Bell's Commentary on the BibleBell's Commentary

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Verses 17-30

  1. Intro: Venomoid Communion
    1. Christianity celebrates 2 Sacraments: [sacramentum/something sacred. Orig used for a Roman soldiers oath of faithfulness on enlistment. Yearly, a soldier was supposed to return back to Rome to renew their allegiance]
      1. 1 Cor.11:27 as often as you eat this bread & drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes.
      2. By eating the bread & drinking the cup we are proclaiming, or giving your oath of faithfulness. Therefore, it is our confession of loyalty to Him.
    2. Baptism demonstrates our initial identification with Christ and His church. The Lord’s supper celebrates our continual identification with Christ and His church.
    3. This was to be the most important meal eaten in the history of the world.
    4. This is a family meal but it is not secretive. It is to be done in public.
      1. It is not a secretive, cultic ritual w/magical powers.
      2. It is a public act of worship by the gathered church.
      3. It is not about privacy but proclamation. So if you’re not a believer but seeking spiritual things this morning, we’re glad you’re hear, because we want to proclaim why we do this meal. [meal? - its just a lil piece of a cracker & the smallest of cups w/cheap grape juice? By meal we mean, not like a physical 7 course meal, but a simple spiritual meal]
    5. Here Jesus takes a major Jewish celebration, called the Passover, one that the Jews had observed each year for over 1500 years since the time of Moses, and converted it and elevated it into what we know now as communion.
      1. (Spurg) The Jewish Passover was made to melt into the Lord’s Supper as the stars of the morning dissolve into the light of the sun.
      2. ​​​​​​​The Lord's Supper is the fuller view, the completed view, of redemption.
  2. INSTRUCTIONS (17-19)
    1. ​​​​​​​Jesus was an obedient Jew, who kept the Law & celebrated Passover.
      1. Being aware of Judas’ plan to betray Him, Jesus kept the place of the meal secret. Peter/John didn’t even know where it was to be held, until they arrived.
        1. Don’t get upset at Jesus when He doesn’t let you in on things. He will, when the time is right.
    2. Note Jesus was very organized. This wasn’t happening to him.
      1. Instead of getting a last meal…He gave one.
    3. (Mk.14:15) Furnished & prepared – i.e. spread w/carpets & cushions.
      1. Furnished w/a low table (U-shaped) by which they would recline.
    4. The meal consisted of the roasted lamb (to remind them of the lambs blood that was applied to the doorposts in Egypt to keep the angel of death from killing their 1st born), unleavened bread (to remind them of their haste in leaving Egypt), & the dish of bitter herbs (to remind them of suffering as Pharaoh’s slaves), & 4 cups of diluted wine (to remind them of the 4 promises in Ex.6:6,7).
  3. INDICTMENT (20-25)
    1. ​​​​​​​(21) What a shattering announcement - one of you will betray Me.
      1. John says, Jesus was troubled in spirit. Jn.13:21
    2. (22) Is it I? the Gk indicates that a negative answer is expected...Surely, it is not I!
      1. ​​​​​​​The men that often debated on which one of them was the greatest, now discussed who was the vilest.
      2. They didn’t ask, Is it Judas? Instead Judas chimed in (last it seems) & mouthed the words surely not I, fooling everyone…but Jesus.
        1. Had Jesus pointed out Judas, Peter would have had him in a choke-hold before you could say the word traitor.
    3. In Jn.13:26-30, Jesus actually gave it to him, as the host would always do this.
      1. It was an honor to be given a morsel of bread from your host.
      2. Jesus, giving the bread was a gracious act of hospitality; for Judas, accepting the bread was an evil act of treachery.
    4. (23) Dips w/me in the dish – In the East, to break bread w/someone means to enter into a pact of friendship & mutual trust.
      1. As if to say, I know what you are going to do. Will you not stop even yet? Barclay
      2. To break bread, then betray your host, is the basest of treachery.
      3. Even this was the fulfillment of God’s Word, Even my close friend, whom I trusted, he who shared my bread, has lifted up his heel against me. Ps.41:9
      4. Judas may have had the honored position at our Lord’s left.
        1. Judas was close because Jesus was able to hand him the morsel of bread.
        2. We know: John was on Jesus’ right. Everyone would lean on their left hand, thus leaning partially on the person to their left & then they would eat w/their rt hand.
        3. *Thus we have John leaning on Jesus chest. And Jesus leaning on…Judas?
          1. Thus Judas had the opportunity to have whispered a repentance at any time during the meal.
          2. “Judas, here is my friendship & forgiveness...if you take it. Will you?”
            1. ​​​​​​​Jn.13:27 Now after the piece of bread, Satan entered him.
    5. (24) Had not been born – Some say Judas was just forcing Jesus hand to reveal his power & setting up the kingdom. Others say, he was just obeying what God’s Word had prophesied of him.
      1. Yet, Judas was no martyr nor robot. He was neither a hero nor the victim of some merciless predestination.
      2. He was a responsible human being who made his own decisions, but in so doing, fulfilled the Word of God. Warren Wiersbe, pg.136.
        1. Judas was lost for the same reason millions are lost today: he did not repent of his sins & believe on Jesus Christ, the true Passover Lamb.
  4. INSTITUTION (26-30) [Lord’s Supper. Communion. Lord’s Table. Breaking of Bread. Eucharist]
    1. Bread & wine were 2 common items that were used at practically every meal, but Jesus gave them a wonderful new meaning. Now as memorials of His death.
      1. Every detail of the Passover pointed to that great day of Israel’s deliverance from Egypt. Now, Jesus will redirect the details to Himself & to His deliverance of the world from sin.
        1. When you do this again, do it in memory of Me and not of the lamb slain in Egypt.
      2. This is the Original Value Meal...and what a value He placed on it :)
    2. Lets look at these 6 things about communion:
    3. It’s Historical: Mt, Mark, Lk, John. From the earliest church records the church started observing this. Jesus Himself is the origin of the Lord Supper. He commanded that if be continued. And He is the focus and content of it.
    4. It’s Familial: The Lord’s Supper is an act of the gathered family of those who believe in Jesus, the church. Though it’s not an act for unbelievers, they should be present and welcomed. As I said earlier it is not to be secretive. It’s about proclamation not privacy.
    5. It’s Physical: it is not the consumption of a 7 course meal. It is very simple. We should not use playful substitutes (i.e. Oreo cookie & Coca-Cola) we should celebrate it with a sense of weightiness.
    6. Bread: Note, He didn’t take the Passover Lamb, but bread & wine. Thus He was instituting a feast, not a sacrifice.
      1. 1 Cor.5:7,8 For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us. Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.
      2. Broke it, gave it to them – Bread broken/Christ for us. Bread eaten/ Christ in us. Bread partaken together/Christ among us.
    7. Cup: The Passover requires 4 cups of wine (2 before the meal, 2 after) [Ex.6:6,7]
      1. The cup of Sanctification (kiddush) [separation from all other common meals]
      2. The cup of Deliverance/salvation (makkot) [Del from Egypt. Explaining/ Proclaiming]
      3. The cup of Redemption (ha-geulah) [symbolized blood of passover lamb/now Jesus’]
        1. This cup is the cup of wine lifted at communion, commemorating God’s redemption of His people. This was Jesus establishing His New Cov [a sacred binding contract] in His own blood.
      4. The cup of Praise/hope/expectation (hallel) [took place during the hallel, hymn]
        1. This cup is the cup of wine that Jesus refused to drink from until the coming of His Father’s Kingdom.
      5. Going back to the The 3rd cup...Redemption…
        1. ​​​​​​​Old covenant (Sinai) ratified w/the blood of animals sacrifices. New covenant was ratified by His blood.
        2. Rattlesnake Communion: Old Cov covered our sin. New Cov puts it away
          1. ​​​​​​​Heb.9:26 now, once at the end of the ages, He has appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.
          2. The Old Law was like covering a rattlesnake w/a trash can lid. The New Cov is like taking his venom out…he can still bite, but it’s no longer deadly.
        3. A venomoid is a venomous snake that has undergone a surgical procedure to remove or inhibit the production of snake venom.
          1. It’s a Venomoid Communion :)
      6. Gave thanks (27) - Thanksgiving is the expression of Joy God-ward.
      7. This is My blood (28) - Biblical covenants were always ratified by shed blood.
    8. It’s Mental: Do this in remembrance of me...Remember what?
      1. Normally we celebrate someone’s Birthday not their Death-day.
        1. Death-days are often difficult days to remember.
      2. As we do the physical act of eating and drinking, we are to do the mental active remembering.
      3. How does the Lord’s Supper help us to remember Him?
        1. It makes us come to a restful halt in our pilgrimage. It gives us a graphic picture of salvation. It reminds us of the reassuring promise of His Grace. It remains clear prophecy of the future.
      4. Remember what? that He truly was a Good Man, a Great Savior, a Loving Friend, a Living Hope, & a Coming Lord.
      5. Remember Him in sickness that you might have patience.
      6. Remember Him in persecution that you might have gentleness.
      7. Remember Him in your service that you remember His burning zeal in His.
      8. Remember Him in times of solitude as you remember His midnight prayers.
      9. Remember Him so He becomes our pattern that we might be the reproduction of Himself, & thus become the best memorial of Him.
        1. So it’s about Remembering. Not imagining. Not dreaming. Not channeling. Not listening. Not going into neutral. It’s a conscious directing of the mind back in history to Jesus and what He did, in the bible, in history. Bread and cup. Body and blood. Execution and death. (Piper)
    9. It’s Spiritual: unbelievers can do everything we’ve named so far. Eat, drink, remember. There must be something more. There is. 1 Cor.10:16-18 The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? 17 For we, though many, are one bread and one body; for we all partake of that one bread. 18 Observe Israel after the flesh: Are not those who eat of the sacrifices partakers of the altar? [communion = sharing/fellowship/participation/koinonia]
      1. These believers trust & treasure Jesus Christ. Paul says they’re participating in the body and blood of Christ. They are experiencing a sharing/koinonia in His body & blood. They are experiencing a partnership in His death, by faith.
      2. As the Jews (18) shared in or benefited from what happened on the altar. So we, enjoy forgiveness and restored fellowship with God in communion.
      3. When we celebrate the Lord supper, we feast spiritually by faith on all the promises of God bought by the blood of Jesus. No unbeliever can do that.
    10. It’s Sacred: believers are warned not to take communion in a cavalier, callous, or careless way.
      1. Not our goal to exclude anyone. Each person decides for himself.
      2. This is not the Episcopal Table, nor the Baptist Table, nor the Calvary Table, but the Lord’s Table.
      3. Examine yourself. Q:Can you be more-bad than God is good?don’t think so
      4. You can only sin as a man, but God can forgive as God.
      5. You sin as a finite creature but the Lord forgives as the infinite Creator.
      6. Confess your sin to Him - For I will forgive their iniquity, & their sin I will remember no more. Jer.31:34
    11. (29) The supper ends on a note of Hope...until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father’s Kingdom.
      1. Jesus was sure of 2 things: He was to die & His kingdom was to come.
        1. He was certain of His cross & certain of His glory.
        2. He was certain of the Love of His Father & certain of man’s sin.
        3. He was certain that in the end that love would conquer sin.
    12. Do Communion:
    13. In Lk.22:15 Jesus said to his disciples, With fervent desire I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.
      1. ​​​​​​​He desired to eat it with them. Even though His body was about to be broken, His blood shed, His heart grieved. And 1 was about to betray Him, 1 about to deny Him, & all about to forsake Him.
      2. He desires to eat it with you. Even though you’ve betrayed Him...& will again. Even though you’ve grieved Him...& will again. Even though you’ve broken his heart...& will again...He desires to eat with you...oh what a love!
    14. If you ever feel unworthy to come to His table, then just make sure you bring your sin w/ you to the table.
      1. Sin gives us a right to Christ. He is a Savior from sin. It is as sinners we can sit at the table to begin with. Sin is the handle by which I can take hold of Christ.
    15. *(30) Sung a hymn - Imagine the Lord singing when the cross was only a few hours away
      1. Jesus sings praise to His Father In the face of rejection & suffering & death.

Verses 17-30

  1. Intro: Venomoid Communion
    1. Christianity celebrates 2 Sacraments: [sacramentum/something sacred. Orig used for a Roman soldiers oath of faithfulness on enlistment. Yearly, a soldier was supposed to return back to Rome to renew their allegiance]
      1. 1 Cor.11:27 as often as you eat this bread & drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes.
      2. By eating the bread & drinking the cup we are proclaiming, or giving your oath of faithfulness. Therefore, it is our confession of loyalty to Him.
    2. Baptism demonstrates our initial identification with Christ and His church. The Lord’s supper celebrates our continual identification with Christ and His church.
    3. This was to be the most important meal eaten in the history of the world.
    4. This is a family meal but it is not secretive. It is to be done in public.
      1. It is not a secretive, cultic ritual w/magical powers.
      2. It is a public act of worship by the gathered church.
      3. It is not about privacy but proclamation. So if you’re not a believer but seeking spiritual things this morning, we’re glad you’re hear, because we want to proclaim why we do this meal. [meal? - its just a lil piece of a cracker & the smallest of cups w/cheap grape juice? By meal we mean, not like a physical 7 course meal, but a simple spiritual meal]
    5. Here Jesus takes a major Jewish celebration, called the Passover, one that the Jews had observed each year for over 1500 years since the time of Moses, and converted it and elevated it into what we know now as communion.
      1. (Spurg) The Jewish Passover was made to melt into the Lord’s Supper as the stars of the morning dissolve into the light of the sun.
      2. ​​​​​​​The Lord's Supper is the fuller view, the completed view, of redemption.
  2. INSTRUCTIONS (17-19)
    1. ​​​​​​​Jesus was an obedient Jew, who kept the Law & celebrated Passover.
      1. Being aware of Judas’ plan to betray Him, Jesus kept the place of the meal secret. Peter/John didn’t even know where it was to be held, until they arrived.
        1. Don’t get upset at Jesus when He doesn’t let you in on things. He will, when the time is right.
    2. Note Jesus was very organized. This wasn’t happening to him.
      1. Instead of getting a last meal…He gave one.
    3. (Mk.14:15) Furnished & prepared – i.e. spread w/carpets & cushions.
      1. Furnished w/a low table (U-shaped) by which they would recline.
    4. The meal consisted of the roasted lamb (to remind them of the lambs blood that was applied to the doorposts in Egypt to keep the angel of death from killing their 1st born), unleavened bread (to remind them of their haste in leaving Egypt), & the dish of bitter herbs (to remind them of suffering as Pharaoh’s slaves), & 4 cups of diluted wine (to remind them of the 4 promises in Ex.6:6,7).
  3. INDICTMENT (20-25)
    1. ​​​​​​​(21) What a shattering announcement - one of you will betray Me.
      1. John says, Jesus was troubled in spirit. Jn.13:21
    2. (22) Is it I? the Gk indicates that a negative answer is expected...Surely, it is not I!
      1. ​​​​​​​The men that often debated on which one of them was the greatest, now discussed who was the vilest.
      2. They didn’t ask, Is it Judas? Instead Judas chimed in (last it seems) & mouthed the words surely not I, fooling everyone…but Jesus.
        1. Had Jesus pointed out Judas, Peter would have had him in a choke-hold before you could say the word traitor.
    3. In Jn.13:26-30, Jesus actually gave it to him, as the host would always do this.
      1. It was an honor to be given a morsel of bread from your host.
      2. Jesus, giving the bread was a gracious act of hospitality; for Judas, accepting the bread was an evil act of treachery.
    4. (23) Dips w/me in the dish – In the East, to break bread w/someone means to enter into a pact of friendship & mutual trust.
      1. As if to say, I know what you are going to do. Will you not stop even yet? Barclay
      2. To break bread, then betray your host, is the basest of treachery.
      3. Even this was the fulfillment of God’s Word, Even my close friend, whom I trusted, he who shared my bread, has lifted up his heel against me. Ps.41:9
      4. Judas may have had the honored position at our Lord’s left.
        1. Judas was close because Jesus was able to hand him the morsel of bread.
        2. We know: John was on Jesus’ right. Everyone would lean on their left hand, thus leaning partially on the person to their left & then they would eat w/their rt hand.
        3. *Thus we have John leaning on Jesus chest. And Jesus leaning on…Judas?
          1. Thus Judas had the opportunity to have whispered a repentance at any time during the meal.
          2. “Judas, here is my friendship & forgiveness...if you take it. Will you?”
            1. ​​​​​​​Jn.13:27 Now after the piece of bread, Satan entered him.
    5. (24) Had not been born – Some say Judas was just forcing Jesus hand to reveal his power & setting up the kingdom. Others say, he was just obeying what God’s Word had prophesied of him.
      1. Yet, Judas was no martyr nor robot. He was neither a hero nor the victim of some merciless predestination.
      2. He was a responsible human being who made his own decisions, but in so doing, fulfilled the Word of God. Warren Wiersbe, pg.136.
        1. Judas was lost for the same reason millions are lost today: he did not repent of his sins & believe on Jesus Christ, the true Passover Lamb.
  4. INSTITUTION (26-30) [Lord’s Supper. Communion. Lord’s Table. Breaking of Bread. Eucharist]
    1. Bread & wine were 2 common items that were used at practically every meal, but Jesus gave them a wonderful new meaning. Now as memorials of His death.
      1. Every detail of the Passover pointed to that great day of Israel’s deliverance from Egypt. Now, Jesus will redirect the details to Himself & to His deliverance of the world from sin.
        1. When you do this again, do it in memory of Me and not of the lamb slain in Egypt.
      2. This is the Original Value Meal...and what a value He placed on it :)
    2. Lets look at these 6 things about communion:
    3. It’s Historical: Mt, Mark, Lk, John. From the earliest church records the church started observing this. Jesus Himself is the origin of the Lord Supper. He commanded that if be continued. And He is the focus and content of it.
    4. It’s Familial: The Lord’s Supper is an act of the gathered family of those who believe in Jesus, the church. Though it’s not an act for unbelievers, they should be present and welcomed. As I said earlier it is not to be secretive. It’s about proclamation not privacy.
    5. It’s Physical: it is not the consumption of a 7 course meal. It is very simple. We should not use playful substitutes (i.e. Oreo cookie & Coca-Cola) we should celebrate it with a sense of weightiness.
    6. Bread: Note, He didn’t take the Passover Lamb, but bread & wine. Thus He was instituting a feast, not a sacrifice.
      1. 1 Cor.5:7,8 For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us. Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.
      2. Broke it, gave it to them – Bread broken/Christ for us. Bread eaten/ Christ in us. Bread partaken together/Christ among us.
    7. Cup: The Passover requires 4 cups of wine (2 before the meal, 2 after) [Ex.6:6,7]
      1. The cup of Sanctification (kiddush) [separation from all other common meals]
      2. The cup of Deliverance/salvation (makkot) [Del from Egypt. Explaining/ Proclaiming]
      3. The cup of Redemption (ha-geulah) [symbolized blood of passover lamb/now Jesus’]
        1. This cup is the cup of wine lifted at communion, commemorating God’s redemption of His people. This was Jesus establishing His New Cov [a sacred binding contract] in His own blood.
      4. The cup of Praise/hope/expectation (hallel) [took place during the hallel, hymn]
        1. This cup is the cup of wine that Jesus refused to drink from until the coming of His Father’s Kingdom.
      5. Going back to the The 3rd cup...Redemption…
        1. ​​​​​​​Old covenant (Sinai) ratified w/the blood of animals sacrifices. New covenant was ratified by His blood.
        2. Rattlesnake Communion: Old Cov covered our sin. New Cov puts it away
          1. ​​​​​​​Heb.9:26 now, once at the end of the ages, He has appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.
          2. The Old Law was like covering a rattlesnake w/a trash can lid. The New Cov is like taking his venom out…he can still bite, but it’s no longer deadly.
        3. A venomoid is a venomous snake that has undergone a surgical procedure to remove or inhibit the production of snake venom.
          1. It’s a Venomoid Communion :)
      6. Gave thanks (27) - Thanksgiving is the expression of Joy God-ward.
      7. This is My blood (28) - Biblical covenants were always ratified by shed blood.
    8. It’s Mental: Do this in remembrance of me...Remember what?
      1. Normally we celebrate someone’s Birthday not their Death-day.
        1. Death-days are often difficult days to remember.
      2. As we do the physical act of eating and drinking, we are to do the mental active remembering.
      3. How does the Lord’s Supper help us to remember Him?
        1. It makes us come to a restful halt in our pilgrimage. It gives us a graphic picture of salvation. It reminds us of the reassuring promise of His Grace. It remains clear prophecy of the future.
      4. Remember what? that He truly was a Good Man, a Great Savior, a Loving Friend, a Living Hope, & a Coming Lord.
      5. Remember Him in sickness that you might have patience.
      6. Remember Him in persecution that you might have gentleness.
      7. Remember Him in your service that you remember His burning zeal in His.
      8. Remember Him in times of solitude as you remember His midnight prayers.
      9. Remember Him so He becomes our pattern that we might be the reproduction of Himself, & thus become the best memorial of Him.
        1. So it’s about Remembering. Not imagining. Not dreaming. Not channeling. Not listening. Not going into neutral. It’s a conscious directing of the mind back in history to Jesus and what He did, in the bible, in history. Bread and cup. Body and blood. Execution and death. (Piper)
    9. It’s Spiritual: unbelievers can do everything we’ve named so far. Eat, drink, remember. There must be something more. There is. 1 Cor.10:16-18 The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? 17 For we, though many, are one bread and one body; for we all partake of that one bread. 18 Observe Israel after the flesh: Are not those who eat of the sacrifices partakers of the altar? [communion = sharing/fellowship/participation/koinonia]
      1. These believers trust & treasure Jesus Christ. Paul says they’re participating in the body and blood of Christ. They are experiencing a sharing/koinonia in His body & blood. They are experiencing a partnership in His death, by faith.
      2. As the Jews (18) shared in or benefited from what happened on the altar. So we, enjoy forgiveness and restored fellowship with God in communion.
      3. When we celebrate the Lord supper, we feast spiritually by faith on all the promises of God bought by the blood of Jesus. No unbeliever can do that.
    10. It’s Sacred: believers are warned not to take communion in a cavalier, callous, or careless way.
      1. Not our goal to exclude anyone. Each person decides for himself.
      2. This is not the Episcopal Table, nor the Baptist Table, nor the Calvary Table, but the Lord’s Table.
      3. Examine yourself. Q:Can you be more-bad than God is good?don’t think so
      4. You can only sin as a man, but God can forgive as God.
      5. You sin as a finite creature but the Lord forgives as the infinite Creator.
      6. Confess your sin to Him - For I will forgive their iniquity, & their sin I will remember no more. Jer.31:34
    11. (29) The supper ends on a note of Hope...until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father’s Kingdom.
      1. Jesus was sure of 2 things: He was to die & His kingdom was to come.
        1. He was certain of His cross & certain of His glory.
        2. He was certain of the Love of His Father & certain of man’s sin.
        3. He was certain that in the end that love would conquer sin.
    12. Do Communion:
    13. In Lk.22:15 Jesus said to his disciples, With fervent desire I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.
      1. ​​​​​​​He desired to eat it with them. Even though His body was about to be broken, His blood shed, His heart grieved. And 1 was about to betray Him, 1 about to deny Him, & all about to forsake Him.
      2. He desires to eat it with you. Even though you’ve betrayed Him...& will again. Even though you’ve grieved Him...& will again. Even though you’ve broken his heart...& will again...He desires to eat with you...oh what a love!
    14. If you ever feel unworthy to come to His table, then just make sure you bring your sin w/ you to the table.
      1. Sin gives us a right to Christ. He is a Savior from sin. It is as sinners we can sit at the table to begin with. Sin is the handle by which I can take hold of Christ.
    15. *(30) Sung a hymn - Imagine the Lord singing when the cross was only a few hours away
      1. Jesus sings praise to His Father In the face of rejection & suffering & death.

Verses 31-56

  1. Intro: Your Sword or His Cup?
    1. God’s Best Gifts Are Not Things but Opportunities
      1. What we call adversity, God calls opportunity. Warren Wiersbe ~ Peter missed many important opportunities…
        1. ​​​​​​​Peter boasted when he should have listened (32-35)
        2. Peter slept when he should have prayed (36-46)
        3. Peter fought when he should have surrendered (47-56)
        4. Peter followed when he should have fled for safety (57-75)
      2. But, when the opportunity came to repent, he wept.
  2. PROPHECY OF JESUS (31-35) Prophecy ~ Prayer ~ Persecution
    1. ​​​​​​​I Will Never... Famous Last Words
    2. (33) I will not stumble/fall away – Peter, drunk with pride. Carnal self-confidence.
    3. Peter did not know how weak he was. (Pete leaning in, whispering to Jesus)“I wouldn’t be surprised at the rest of these guys, but I’d never do that.”
      1. ​​​​​​​Had he forgotten the traps that life can lay for even the best of men?
      2. Had he forgotten that the best can slip?
      3. Had he forgotten his own human weakness?
      4. Had he forgotten the traps that life can throw at us?
      5. Had he forgotten the strength of the devil’s temptations?
      6. Peter seemed to have a problem with applying Jesus’ commands to himself.
        1. Do you ever have a problem w/personal application?
          1. Ever run away from a situation because of your Christianity? Ever deny Jesus by not standing up for right & wrong...before friends, in conversations?
    4. *But don’t miss the integrity of Peter, having Mark write down his embarrassing words :)
    5. (35) I will not deny You – Instead of humbly praying, Lord, help me! Peter kept on asserting the more vehemently.
    6. Peter was not the only 1 with pride & boasting self-confidence…they all said likewise.
      1. They were all pathetically unaware of their inner weakness.
      2. Do you empathize or fail to empathize w/Peter’s declarations?
        1. Let’s remember, I’m not ok & you’re not ok, but Jesus can fix us both.
      3. Peter loved Jesus, & even if his loved failed, it rose again.
  3. PRAYER OF JESUS (36-46) Prophecy ~ Prayer ~ Persecution
    1. ​​​​​​​I Come To The Garden Alone...Kinda!
    2. (36) History started in a Garden (Eden). History will end 1 day in a Garden (Heaven's Main St).
      1. In between we find Jesus in this Garden, the Garden of Gethsemane.
        1. In the 1st Garden, we have the 1st Adam & it became a Garden of disobedience & sin
        2. In Gethsemane we have the last Adam & it became a Garden of obedience/submission
    3. *Here is a passage we almost fear to read, for it seems to intrude into the private agony of Jesus.
      1. Weird, the 10 are asked to stay back, but you & I, WE are invited in.
    4. Gethsemane – oil press. [A press for squeezing the oil out of olive pits]
      1. Used for cooking, as hairdressing, as a salve, & for fuel in their lamps.
    5. (38) Even to death - this burden is killing me, is crushing the life out of me.
      1. He wasn’t cringing in the face of physical death, instead He was dreading the moment when His Father’s face would be turned away from him.
        1. The One who had lived every moment of His life in fellowship w/God the Father, was about to experience total separation.
      2. I don’t know what being disfellowshipped by God feels like...but be assured...every soul in hell does!
      3. Jesus’ prayers reveal the conflict in His holy soul as He faced bearing the sins of the world on the cross.
    6. God On His Face
    7. (39) This comes against the traditional picture of Jesus on 1 knee, hands reverently folded, leaning against a rock, & gazing off into the distance w/a warm glow about Him.
      1. ​​​​​​​God was on His Face…what a sight.
      2. As much as His Human nature shrank from the cup, still more did He shrink from any thought of acting contrary to His Fathers will. [but as You will]
    8. Nevertheless - The most wonderful nevertheless in the bible.
    9. Cup Of S.W.C.
    10. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​(39) This cup – a metaphor for His death. Staring into the cup He must drink, seeing/ swirling all sins. His own Caster oil. What was in this cup?
      1. ​​​​​​​A cup of Sin – a cup brimming full of jealousy, hatred, & covetousness…which He must drink.
      2. A cup of Wrath – as sin-bearer, He became the object of the Father’s holy wrath against sin.
        1. Salvation isn’t addition or subtraction, its substitution.
      3. A cup of Curse - Gal.3:13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law.
        1. ​​​​​​​Jesus would drink the entire chalice of: Man’s sin & God’s wrath & the Law’s curse. He drank it all. [Cup of S.W.C. ~ Sin, Wrath, Curse]
    11. Super Pete
    12. (40) It was bad enough James & John were sleeping…but Super Pete? Note He singles out Peter. [Mark says he used his old name Simon]
      1. Simon, you’ll go to your death w/me, but you won’t stay awake & pray w/me?
      2. The same Simon who fell asleep 3 times, will also deny Him the same #. [Know Simon’s sleep #, on his sleep # bed? #3]
    13. Denial, If only 3 were the limit. Michael Belk, Fashion Photogr, JourneyswiththeMessiah.org
    14. (41) Watch & pray – Or, be alert as you pray. [Keep your spiritual eyes open, for the enemy is near]
    15. Lest YOU Enter Into Temptation
    16. Lest you enter into temptation – Jesus sought prayer, not for himself, but for them.
      1. Jesus wasn’t pouting, “hey, you guys weren’t there for Me.” But instead was pleading, “you don’t realize the results if you’re not prayed up.”
      2. What temptations were they about to face? The temptation to doubt, scatter, deny Him. The temptation to lose faith, lose trust, lose hope.
      3. Wouldn’t their outcome have been different if the would have prayed for the hour? ~ Wouldn’t ours?
        1. ​​​​​​​Ask your will, will, are you ready to pray for an hour?” ~ When it replies, yes...Then link arms with your will. And know, that traitorous emotions will begin kicking & screaming; biting, fighting. It will be a weary wrestle with contrary emotions, truant imaginations, even your smart phone calendar...screaming for attention. Some emotions will come with clenched jaw, others with a velvety voice;both seeking the same, one thing...your distraction.
    17. At least he recognizes their spirit was willing. Is my spirit even willing? Or, is it also weak?
    18. Enduro (endurance)
    19. (42) Wow, Jesus praying the same prayer?…I guess he does want us to pray sometimes more than once for the same petition.
    20. Was Jesus Prayers heard? – Luke tells us that in Gethsemane, before the 3rd prayer, an angel was sent to strengthen Him.
      1. Thus the Father answered, not by taking away the cup; but by helping Him to endure the cup.
        1. Brothers & sisters will He respond to your prayers any different?
    21. (45) The hour – the hour for His betrayal, the hour for trial, & the hour for crucifixion.
    22. (46) How do we deal with our own Gethsemane’s? A: Exactly how Jesus dealt with His. Q: How was that?
      1. ​​​​​​​With Dependent prayer – All things are possible for You (Mk14:36)
        1. 100% Dependence upon God/Him alone.
      2. With Intense prayer – sorrowful & deeply distressed (37,38)
      3. With Honest prayer – let this cup pass from Me (39)
      4. With a Submissive prayer/heart – Nevertheless… (39)
      5. With Intimate prayer – Oh My Father (39)
      6. With a Surrendered prayer/heart – Not as I will, but as You will (39)
        1. Often times, dependent prayer won’t deliver us from our Gethsemane’s, more often it delivers us through them.
  4. PERSECUTION OF JESUS (47-56) Prophecy ~ Prayer ~ Persecution
    1. ​​​​​​​The Bottom Of The Top (12)
    2. (47) Judas, one of the twelve (43) – Which made the crime more heinous.
      1. Judas, Seller of the Savior. Turning in Jesus.
      2. The one who would commit suicide, 1st commits homicide & attempts deicide (an attempt on the life of God...if that were possible).
    3. (48) A signal – Why?
      1. Very dark. Moonlight & torches were the only light. All would be dressed very similar. Most likely all would have long hair, facial hair, & speak a similar dialect. So, a signal was needed.
    4. Seal It With A Kiss ~ Kiss of death. The most infamous kiss of all time.
    5. Prov.27:6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend, But the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.
    6. Imagine the personal hurt to Jesus to have Judas betray Him.
      1. Judas had been hand picked. He was one of Jesus’ closest friends. He had been given the special responsibility of being treasurer for the entire band of disciples.
      2. Maybe you have been betrayed by…
        1. A spouse? A friend who gossiped away your reputation? A family member? A coworker who took credit for your work? A company who fired you just before retirement? A business partner who persistently shoved you aside?Then you understand something of the emotional suffering Jesus went through.
    7. (49) Kissed Him – (καταφιλέω) In the NT we have phileo, to kiss, to be friendly, BUT HERE kataphileo, to kiss thoroughly, to be very friendly.
      1. The kata makes it intensive, indicating a prolonged kissing.
      2. Same word is used of the woman who kissed the feet of Christ;
        Same word used of the father’s greeting of the returning prodigal;
        Same word used of the the Ephesian Christians farewell to Paul.
      3. The betraying Judas kiss, the grimmest/most awful thing in the entire gospel story.
        1. ​​​​​​​Judas’ kiss showed how low a human heart could go;
          Jesus’ response showed how high a heart could soar.
          Kent Hughes ~ Friend, why have you come?
    8. The EAR Of Grace
    9. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​(51) This was probably just too much for Peter to stand there & take. So, he severs the right ear of Malchus, the High priests servant.
      1. But, Jesus offers no resistance to His arrest, & doesn’t want any well-meaning interventions on His behalf.
        1. We must learn to never fight spiritual battles w/physical weapons.
          1. 2 Cor.10:3,4NIV For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.
      2. Had Jesus not healed Malchus, Peter would have been arrested as well; & there might have been 4 crosses on Calvary.
        1. And if 4 crosses on Calvary...then no sermon after Pentecost by Peter where 3000 get saved; nor 5000 following that. Nor all the stories in the 1st 5 chapters of Acts.
        2. And what if Peter succeeded? He would have kept Jesus from going to the cross???
          1. How easy it is to be out of step w/Jesus when we think we are serving Him, even defending Him.
    10. We don’t fight for His kingdom. We sacrifice. We suffer. We surrender for His kingdom
    11. Jesus’ last miracle. The most beautiful & touching of all.
      1. He kept the best wine, the best miracle, until the last.
      2. Jesus great text was in Mt.5:43-45. Now, His great illustration of that text.
        1. You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you. He practiced what He preached
    12. Jesus’ Grace shined through, not only with the ear that night, but…
      1. When He walked toward Gethsemane, knowing Judas was betraying Him.
      2. When He went into Gethsemane, surrendered to the Father’s will.
      3. When He protected His disciples. (He told them to let them go in John’s gospel)
      4. When He yielded Himself into the hands of sinners, that He might suffer/die for us
    13. Your Sword or His Cup?
    14. Peter made every mistake possible (51)
      1. He fought the wrong enemy. He used the wrong weapon. He had the wrong motive. And...He accomplished the wrong result.
      2. He simply imitated the officers who came to arrest Jesus. And in so doing He was openly resisting the will of God and hindering the work that Jesus came to accomplish.
        1. How did he get to this place?...from his prayerlessness.
    15. Peter’s Result of Prayerlessness (51)
      1. We see why it was specifically important for Peter to be praying.
        1. Because when his crisis came, he reached for the wrong sword.
        2. Simon Peter did damage to another human being, which is characteristic of people who are not prayed up.
          1. We become hateful or hurtful, bitter or ugly in our relationship with others in our dealings with them.
    16. Jesus’ Result of Prayer (52)
      1. This passage begins with Jesus on His face; ends with Him on His feet.
      2. This passage begins with Jesus humanity wanting to give up; ends w/Him ready to get started.
      3. This passage begins with Jesus wanting to walk away; ends with Him ready for the confrontation. - He is reenergized.
        1. He is reenergized ~ Is.40:31 But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength.
    17. (54) Peter took up a sword, but Jesus took a cup.
      1. Never fear the cup that the Father has prepared for you.
      2. Jesus, how did you do it? ~ He could submit to the abuse of men because He had already submitted to the will of God.
    18. What is in your hand today...your sword, or His cup?

Verses 31-56

  1. Intro: Your Sword or His Cup?
    1. God’s Best Gifts Are Not Things but Opportunities
      1. What we call adversity, God calls opportunity. Warren Wiersbe ~ Peter missed many important opportunities…
        1. ​​​​​​​Peter boasted when he should have listened (32-35)
        2. Peter slept when he should have prayed (36-46)
        3. Peter fought when he should have surrendered (47-56)
        4. Peter followed when he should have fled for safety (57-75)
      2. But, when the opportunity came to repent, he wept.
  2. PROPHECY OF JESUS (31-35) Prophecy ~ Prayer ~ Persecution
    1. ​​​​​​​I Will Never... Famous Last Words
    2. (33) I will not stumble/fall away – Peter, drunk with pride. Carnal self-confidence.
    3. Peter did not know how weak he was. (Pete leaning in, whispering to Jesus)“I wouldn’t be surprised at the rest of these guys, but I’d never do that.”
      1. ​​​​​​​Had he forgotten the traps that life can lay for even the best of men?
      2. Had he forgotten that the best can slip?
      3. Had he forgotten his own human weakness?
      4. Had he forgotten the traps that life can throw at us?
      5. Had he forgotten the strength of the devil’s temptations?
      6. Peter seemed to have a problem with applying Jesus’ commands to himself.
        1. Do you ever have a problem w/personal application?
          1. Ever run away from a situation because of your Christianity? Ever deny Jesus by not standing up for right & wrong...before friends, in conversations?
    4. *But don’t miss the integrity of Peter, having Mark write down his embarrassing words :)
    5. (35) I will not deny You – Instead of humbly praying, Lord, help me! Peter kept on asserting the more vehemently.
    6. Peter was not the only 1 with pride & boasting self-confidence…they all said likewise.
      1. They were all pathetically unaware of their inner weakness.
      2. Do you empathize or fail to empathize w/Peter’s declarations?
        1. Let’s remember, I’m not ok & you’re not ok, but Jesus can fix us both.
      3. Peter loved Jesus, & even if his loved failed, it rose again.
  3. PRAYER OF JESUS (36-46) Prophecy ~ Prayer ~ Persecution
    1. ​​​​​​​I Come To The Garden Alone...Kinda!
    2. (36) History started in a Garden (Eden). History will end 1 day in a Garden (Heaven's Main St).
      1. In between we find Jesus in this Garden, the Garden of Gethsemane.
        1. In the 1st Garden, we have the 1st Adam & it became a Garden of disobedience & sin
        2. In Gethsemane we have the last Adam & it became a Garden of obedience/submission
    3. *Here is a passage we almost fear to read, for it seems to intrude into the private agony of Jesus.
      1. Weird, the 10 are asked to stay back, but you & I, WE are invited in.
    4. Gethsemane – oil press. [A press for squeezing the oil out of olive pits]
      1. Used for cooking, as hairdressing, as a salve, & for fuel in their lamps.
    5. (38) Even to death - this burden is killing me, is crushing the life out of me.
      1. He wasn’t cringing in the face of physical death, instead He was dreading the moment when His Father’s face would be turned away from him.
        1. The One who had lived every moment of His life in fellowship w/God the Father, was about to experience total separation.
      2. I don’t know what being disfellowshipped by God feels like...but be assured...every soul in hell does!
      3. Jesus’ prayers reveal the conflict in His holy soul as He faced bearing the sins of the world on the cross.
    6. God On His Face
    7. (39) This comes against the traditional picture of Jesus on 1 knee, hands reverently folded, leaning against a rock, & gazing off into the distance w/a warm glow about Him.
      1. ​​​​​​​God was on His Face…what a sight.
      2. As much as His Human nature shrank from the cup, still more did He shrink from any thought of acting contrary to His Fathers will. [but as You will]
    8. Nevertheless - The most wonderful nevertheless in the bible.
    9. Cup Of S.W.C.
    10. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​(39) This cup – a metaphor for His death. Staring into the cup He must drink, seeing/ swirling all sins. His own Caster oil. What was in this cup?
      1. ​​​​​​​A cup of Sin – a cup brimming full of jealousy, hatred, & covetousness…which He must drink.
      2. A cup of Wrath – as sin-bearer, He became the object of the Father’s holy wrath against sin.
        1. Salvation isn’t addition or subtraction, its substitution.
      3. A cup of Curse - Gal.3:13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law.
        1. ​​​​​​​Jesus would drink the entire chalice of: Man’s sin & God’s wrath & the Law’s curse. He drank it all. [Cup of S.W.C. ~ Sin, Wrath, Curse]
    11. Super Pete
    12. (40) It was bad enough James & John were sleeping…but Super Pete? Note He singles out Peter. [Mark says he used his old name Simon]
      1. Simon, you’ll go to your death w/me, but you won’t stay awake & pray w/me?
      2. The same Simon who fell asleep 3 times, will also deny Him the same #. [Know Simon’s sleep #, on his sleep # bed? #3]
    13. Denial, If only 3 were the limit. Michael Belk, Fashion Photogr, JourneyswiththeMessiah.org
    14. (41) Watch & pray – Or, be alert as you pray. [Keep your spiritual eyes open, for the enemy is near]
    15. Lest YOU Enter Into Temptation
    16. Lest you enter into temptation – Jesus sought prayer, not for himself, but for them.
      1. Jesus wasn’t pouting, “hey, you guys weren’t there for Me.” But instead was pleading, “you don’t realize the results if you’re not prayed up.”
      2. What temptations were they about to face? The temptation to doubt, scatter, deny Him. The temptation to lose faith, lose trust, lose hope.
      3. Wouldn’t their outcome have been different if the would have prayed for the hour? ~ Wouldn’t ours?
        1. ​​​​​​​Ask your will, will, are you ready to pray for an hour?” ~ When it replies, yes...Then link arms with your will. And know, that traitorous emotions will begin kicking & screaming; biting, fighting. It will be a weary wrestle with contrary emotions, truant imaginations, even your smart phone calendar...screaming for attention. Some emotions will come with clenched jaw, others with a velvety voice;both seeking the same, one thing...your distraction.
    17. At least he recognizes their spirit was willing. Is my spirit even willing? Or, is it also weak?
    18. Enduro (endurance)
    19. (42) Wow, Jesus praying the same prayer?…I guess he does want us to pray sometimes more than once for the same petition.
    20. Was Jesus Prayers heard? – Luke tells us that in Gethsemane, before the 3rd prayer, an angel was sent to strengthen Him.
      1. Thus the Father answered, not by taking away the cup; but by helping Him to endure the cup.
        1. Brothers & sisters will He respond to your prayers any different?
    21. (45) The hour – the hour for His betrayal, the hour for trial, & the hour for crucifixion.
    22. (46) How do we deal with our own Gethsemane’s? A: Exactly how Jesus dealt with His. Q: How was that?
      1. ​​​​​​​With Dependent prayer – All things are possible for You (Mk14:36)
        1. 100% Dependence upon God/Him alone.
      2. With Intense prayer – sorrowful & deeply distressed (37,38)
      3. With Honest prayer – let this cup pass from Me (39)
      4. With a Submissive prayer/heart – Nevertheless… (39)
      5. With Intimate prayer – Oh My Father (39)
      6. With a Surrendered prayer/heart – Not as I will, but as You will (39)
        1. Often times, dependent prayer won’t deliver us from our Gethsemane’s, more often it delivers us through them.
  4. PERSECUTION OF JESUS (47-56) Prophecy ~ Prayer ~ Persecution
    1. ​​​​​​​The Bottom Of The Top (12)
    2. (47) Judas, one of the twelve (43) – Which made the crime more heinous.
      1. Judas, Seller of the Savior. Turning in Jesus.
      2. The one who would commit suicide, 1st commits homicide & attempts deicide (an attempt on the life of God...if that were possible).
    3. (48) A signal – Why?
      1. Very dark. Moonlight & torches were the only light. All would be dressed very similar. Most likely all would have long hair, facial hair, & speak a similar dialect. So, a signal was needed.
    4. Seal It With A Kiss ~ Kiss of death. The most infamous kiss of all time.
    5. Prov.27:6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend, But the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.
    6. Imagine the personal hurt to Jesus to have Judas betray Him.
      1. Judas had been hand picked. He was one of Jesus’ closest friends. He had been given the special responsibility of being treasurer for the entire band of disciples.
      2. Maybe you have been betrayed by…
        1. A spouse? A friend who gossiped away your reputation? A family member? A coworker who took credit for your work? A company who fired you just before retirement? A business partner who persistently shoved you aside?Then you understand something of the emotional suffering Jesus went through.
    7. (49) Kissed Him – (καταφιλέω) In the NT we have phileo, to kiss, to be friendly, BUT HERE kataphileo, to kiss thoroughly, to be very friendly.
      1. The kata makes it intensive, indicating a prolonged kissing.
      2. Same word is used of the woman who kissed the feet of Christ;
        Same word used of the father’s greeting of the returning prodigal;
        Same word used of the the Ephesian Christians farewell to Paul.
      3. The betraying Judas kiss, the grimmest/most awful thing in the entire gospel story.
        1. ​​​​​​​Judas’ kiss showed how low a human heart could go;
          Jesus’ response showed how high a heart could soar.
          Kent Hughes ~ Friend, why have you come?
    8. The EAR Of Grace
    9. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​(51) This was probably just too much for Peter to stand there & take. So, he severs the right ear of Malchus, the High priests servant.
      1. But, Jesus offers no resistance to His arrest, & doesn’t want any well-meaning interventions on His behalf.
        1. We must learn to never fight spiritual battles w/physical weapons.
          1. 2 Cor.10:3,4NIV For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.
      2. Had Jesus not healed Malchus, Peter would have been arrested as well; & there might have been 4 crosses on Calvary.
        1. And if 4 crosses on Calvary...then no sermon after Pentecost by Peter where 3000 get saved; nor 5000 following that. Nor all the stories in the 1st 5 chapters of Acts.
        2. And what if Peter succeeded? He would have kept Jesus from going to the cross???
          1. How easy it is to be out of step w/Jesus when we think we are serving Him, even defending Him.
    10. We don’t fight for His kingdom. We sacrifice. We suffer. We surrender for His kingdom
    11. Jesus’ last miracle. The most beautiful & touching of all.
      1. He kept the best wine, the best miracle, until the last.
      2. Jesus great text was in Mt.5:43-45. Now, His great illustration of that text.
        1. You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you. He practiced what He preached
    12. Jesus’ Grace shined through, not only with the ear that night, but…
      1. When He walked toward Gethsemane, knowing Judas was betraying Him.
      2. When He went into Gethsemane, surrendered to the Father’s will.
      3. When He protected His disciples. (He told them to let them go in John’s gospel)
      4. When He yielded Himself into the hands of sinners, that He might suffer/die for us
    13. Your Sword or His Cup?
    14. Peter made every mistake possible (51)
      1. He fought the wrong enemy. He used the wrong weapon. He had the wrong motive. And...He accomplished the wrong result.
      2. He simply imitated the officers who came to arrest Jesus. And in so doing He was openly resisting the will of God and hindering the work that Jesus came to accomplish.
        1. How did he get to this place?...from his prayerlessness.
    15. Peter’s Result of Prayerlessness (51)
      1. We see why it was specifically important for Peter to be praying.
        1. Because when his crisis came, he reached for the wrong sword.
        2. Simon Peter did damage to another human being, which is characteristic of people who are not prayed up.
          1. We become hateful or hurtful, bitter or ugly in our relationship with others in our dealings with them.
    16. Jesus’ Result of Prayer (52)
      1. This passage begins with Jesus on His face; ends with Him on His feet.
      2. This passage begins with Jesus humanity wanting to give up; ends w/Him ready to get started.
      3. This passage begins with Jesus wanting to walk away; ends with Him ready for the confrontation. - He is reenergized.
        1. He is reenergized ~ Is.40:31 But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength.
    17. (54) Peter took up a sword, but Jesus took a cup.
      1. Never fear the cup that the Father has prepared for you.
      2. Jesus, how did you do it? ~ He could submit to the abuse of men because He had already submitted to the will of God.
    18. What is in your hand today...your sword, or His cup?

Verses 57-75

  1. Intro: Rooster Warnings
    1. Back in 1975, an angry man rushed through the Rijks (RIkes) Museum in Amsterdam until he reached Rembrandt’s famous painting Nightwatch. Then he took out a knife and slashed it repeatedly before he could be stopped. 3 years before that, a distraught, hostile man slipped into St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome with a hammer and began to smash Michelangelo’s beautiful sculpture The Pieta (PeeA-ta). Two cherished works of art were severely damaged. But what did officials do? Throw them out and forget about them? Absolutely not! Using the best experts, who worked with the utmost care and precision, they made every effort to restore the treasures.
      1. You & I, and Peter, are of much more value than these works of art. And God, using His best experts...grace, love, & forgiveness, work with the utmost care and precision, to make every effort to restore us again.
    2. Prayer: TY Lord, broken lives are why You died on Calvary. You love restoring, repairing, reconditioning, rehabilitating, & rebuilding splintered lives.
  2. JESUS, THE ROCK THAT NEVER CRACKED(57-68)Peter the Rock that Crumbled
    1. Here we the most famous trial in human history.
      1. He was tried before the world & the world was tried before Him.
    2. Here we have a scene that would be likened unto: A Sheep…being led away by a pack of hungry hyenas, to stand trial & conviction before a jury of starving coyotes & a blood thirsty wolf/judge.
    3. This trial was in 2 sets of 3 stages (Jewish trial & Roman trial).
      1. Jewish Trial. 1st tried by Annas (former high priest); then moved to the full council (depicted here); then to an early morning session for the final vote of condemnation. 27:1
      2. Roman Trial. 1st to Pilate; then moved to Herod; then back to Pilate.
    4. We visit Caiaphas House in Israel. it’s known as Church of St. Gallicantu,
      1. The Cock Crows. [2 pics: Proximity to Gethsemane. The hole/prison where Christ was kept]
    5. (60) 2 witnesses - fulfilled the letter of the law, but in lying they broke both the letter & the spirit of the law.
    6. (61) It was a serious matter to speak against the Temple.
      1. This same charge is what led to the death of Steven (Acts 6:13) They also set up false witnesses who said, This man does not cease to speak blasphemous words against this holy place and the law.
      2. So, did Jesus say this? Yep. They were citing Jn.2:19 (early in Jesus ministry).
        1. But of course context is important. Jn.2:19-22 Jesus answered and said to them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” 20 Then the Jews said, “It has taken 46 years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?” 21 But He was speaking of the temple of His body. 22 Therefore, when He had risen from the dead, His disciples remembered that He had said this to them.
    7. (63) I put You under oath by the living God: Tell us if You are the Christ, the Son of God.
      1. Now he had to answer according to law. So He does before His Kangaroo Court
        1. As Prisoner, He said nothing. As Judge, He will say much.
    8. (64) And now was the right time for him to reveal Himself plainly…I AM! (Mrk 14:62)
      1. Jesus couldn’t deny being the Messiah, the Son of God...yet couldn’t really explain it to these worldly men.
      2. Jesus applied Himself to 2 OT Messianic Prophecies:
        1. Ps.110:1 The LORD said to my Lord, Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.
        2. Dan.7:13 I was watching in the night visions, And behold, One like the Son of Man, Coming with the clouds of heaven! He came to the Ancient of Days, And they brought Him near before Him.
          1. ​​​​​​​In these 2 quotes He predicts: His Res, Ascension, & His return in Glory.
          2. This means salvation to those who Trust Him, Yet condemnation to those like Caiaphas.
    9. The Rock of our Salvation…did not crack.
    10. Jesus stood Rock-Solid.
      1. Guilty of only 1 thing, Guilty of love in the 1st degree.
      2. For us to stand the same we must live in profound moment-by-moment dependence upon the Father.
        1. Paul summed it up best, for my power is made perfect in weakness...For when I am weak, then I am strong. 1 Cor.12:9,10
        2. Vance Havner said, The Lord had the strength & I had the weakness, so we teamed up. It was an unbeatable combination.
        3. Hudson Taylor said, God choose me because I was weak enough. He trains somebody to be quiet enough, & then uses him.
  3. PETER, THE ROCK THAT CRUMBLED (69-75) 3 strikes but not out
    1. ​​​​​​​Tonight, Peter aka Rock would crumble.
      1. Peter was known as the rock. The Gibraltar of the disciples. Yet, the rock was not w/o its cracks.
        1. Hairline fissures lead to crumbling under pressure & Christ had detected the crack in Peter’s character.
    2. Peter ready to fight outside, inside trembled before this saucy servant girl.
    3. How could such a dedicated disciple fall so hard, fail so miserable, & disown allegiance to the one he loved?
      1. That answer is important to us because if the Apex of Apostles can fall…then so can you & I.
      2. The answer is simply laid out in Luke 22:31,32 Simon, Simon! Indeed,​​​​​​​ Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. 32 But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren.
      3. Ken Gire says, Tonight into those hands Peter would fall. Satan wants to thresh his faith & beat it into the ground until the husk breaks open. Then he’ll show the world what’s really inside Peter’s heart. And once the other disciples see this, the backbone of the revolution will be as good as crushed.
      4. It’s healthy for me to remind myself of who/what I’d effect if I fell!
        1. My wife, my children’s respect, my character, my reputation, my example, my credibility. My church friends, my church I get to serve at, other ministry opportunities, serving on other boards, chaplaincy, community embarrassment, & especially…the shame I would give to the name of my Lord.
      5. What would you lose?…Count the cost...please. I’ve had to add up the tally too late with too many friends over the years.
      6. Note the 3 players: Satan sifts. Christ prays. You return…after you blow it.
    4. (70) Denied again- Ask not, Lord, have I’ve denied You? But ask, in how many areas of my life have I denied you? In how many ways? In how many different times? Ken Gire prayer; pg103
      1. When I’m too busy to pray, I deny that You are the center of my life
      2. When I neglect Your Word, I deny that you are competent to guide me.
      3. When I worry, I deny that you are Lord of my circumstances.
      4. When I turn my head from the hungry & the homeless, I deny that you are a God of mercy who has put me here to be your hands & your feet.
      5. When I steal something from another person to enrich or enhance my life – whether that be something material or some credit that is rightly due another, which I have claimed for myself - I deny you are the source of all blessings.
        1. Yes, we deny him daily.
    5. (74) Curse - He was saying, “Let me be under a curse if I am not telling the truth.”
      1. ​​​​​​​Swear - Means to swear an oath, as one does in court. [a formal, legal, denial]
    6. Read about The Look – Lk.22:61,62 And the Lord turned and looked at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how He had said to him, Before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times. 62 So Peter went out and wept bitterly.
      1. ​​​​​​​It doesn’t say, Jesus uttered any words like Peter, Peter, Peter. It doesn’t say, He shook His head in disgust. It doesn’t say, He lowered His head in disappointment. It doesn’t say, He said, I told you so!
        1. ​​​​​​​*Instead it’s a look of sympathetic understanding from the 1 who understood better than all, what it was to fall into Satan’s sifting hands for 40 days in a barren desert.
        2. *It is with that look that all Peter’s emotions suddenly caved in. Like a small dirt clod being crushed to powder in a man’s hand.
    7. And he wept bitterly – Strengths: He thought about what he did
      1. ​​​​​​​Mrk 14:72 A second time the rooster crowed. Then Peter called to mind the word that Jesus had said to him, “Before the rooster crows twice, you will deny Me three times.” And when he thought about it, he wept.
        1. ​​​​​​​Though Peter’s fall was terrible, his repentance & subsequent service to Christ as recorded in Acts provides hope for all Christians.
    8. And he wept bitterly – But though it’s Friday…Sunday’s a comin!
      1. ​​​​​​​The night was about to turn to dawn. The winnowing was over.
        1. We learn to eat our words w/the bitter herbs of Repentance.
        2. And may we never take a dry-eyed look at sin again.
        3. And wasn’t it that 1st tear down his cheek that cleansed his dirty soul? :)
      2. All that was left was a naked kernel of faith. - A small grain but grain nonetheless. A grain Satan couldn’t touch. Oh he can touch the chaff that he asks for...but not the Grain. The grain belongs to the Lord & He will bring it into His granaries
    9. Think about it…How can we criticize Peter…when Jesus didn’t?
      1. Jesus never gave him up! I have prayed for you that your faith should not fail.
    10. Peter got far. How far would we have gotten? He failed in the court yard where the others dared to set foot. He failed, not under normal pressure, but in Satan’s own heavy winnowing pressure.
      1. Ps: Let’s remember it was Satan doing the sifting, not Jesus. Jesus was doing the praying.
      2. Matter of fact Jesus warned, looked, forgave, & would restore him, times 3 soon...at the end of John’s gospel.
      3. Jesus simply asked Peter: Do you love me? (3 x’s...not to rub it in, but once for each denial)
        1. He give Peter an opportunity to openly confess his love.
        2. Jesus is not there to inflict pain, He is there to relieve it.
        3. He had seen Peter’s bitter tears of repentance.
      4. News Flash: Jesus doesn’t sit in heaven sharpening His red pencil to jot down every time we fall on our face.
        1. ​​​​​​​Peter tells us years later, Love covers a multitude of sin. 1 Pet.4:8
        2. Where did he learn that? Right here on the Galilee’s beach, where Jesus picked him up & dusted him off (or ringed him out/wet).
        3. You’ve been there too, haven’t you? You’ve failed Him. You’ve fallen & eatin some sand.
    11. *Jesus wants neither Regret (involves just the mind); nor Remorse (involves the mind & emotions…we feel terrible); but Repentance (involves the changing of the mind; the changing of the emotions; AND the changing of the will i.e. turning away from sin)
      1. One failure doesn’t make a flop. He is the God of a second chance.
      2. At Pentecost, Peter wielded a different sword, a spiritual sword (the Word of the Spirit) and won a victory.
        1. And so thankful for being given this 2nd chance, Peter would carry the gospel all the way to Rome, where they crucified him upside down.
        2. What an encouragement for those who this morning have felt like the lone coal sitting away from the heat off by itself. Where Jesus comes along & bumps it closer to the others & immediately it begins to glow again.
      3. Statue of Peter w/Keys/Rooster. Mixture of courage/cowardice; success/failure
    12. 4 quick Lessons from Peter:
      1. No one, not even a spiritual rock, is immune to failure.
      2. God knows our precise breaking point.
      3. When surrounded by wrongdoers, doing wrong comes easy.
      4. The 1st step toward correction is not act like we’re strong but to admit we are weak.
    13. I wonder how many Rooster Warnings God has put in our own barns?
      1. If you’ve denied the Lord that bought you, look up to Him who now looks down from heaven, ready to pardon the backslider who cries w/the returning prodigal, Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight, and am no longer worthy to be called your son. And then thank Him…
        1. Lord, thank you for Your divine arrests. Your Reminding Roosters. Your looks of love. Your sorrow, pity, love, & forgiveness. Your 2nd chances.

Verses 57-75

  1. Intro: Rooster Warnings
    1. Back in 1975, an angry man rushed through the Rijks (RIkes) Museum in Amsterdam until he reached Rembrandt’s famous painting Nightwatch. Then he took out a knife and slashed it repeatedly before he could be stopped. 3 years before that, a distraught, hostile man slipped into St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome with a hammer and began to smash Michelangelo’s beautiful sculpture The Pieta (PeeA-ta). Two cherished works of art were severely damaged. But what did officials do? Throw them out and forget about them? Absolutely not! Using the best experts, who worked with the utmost care and precision, they made every effort to restore the treasures.
      1. You & I, and Peter, are of much more value than these works of art. And God, using His best experts...grace, love, & forgiveness, work with the utmost care and precision, to make every effort to restore us again.
    2. Prayer: TY Lord, broken lives are why You died on Calvary. You love restoring, repairing, reconditioning, rehabilitating, & rebuilding splintered lives.
  2. JESUS, THE ROCK THAT NEVER CRACKED(57-68)Peter the Rock that Crumbled
    1. Here we the most famous trial in human history.
      1. He was tried before the world & the world was tried before Him.
    2. Here we have a scene that would be likened unto: A Sheep…being led away by a pack of hungry hyenas, to stand trial & conviction before a jury of starving coyotes & a blood thirsty wolf/judge.
    3. This trial was in 2 sets of 3 stages (Jewish trial & Roman trial).
      1. Jewish Trial. 1st tried by Annas (former high priest); then moved to the full council (depicted here); then to an early morning session for the final vote of condemnation. 27:1
      2. Roman Trial. 1st to Pilate; then moved to Herod; then back to Pilate.
    4. We visit Caiaphas House in Israel. it’s known as Church of St. Gallicantu,
      1. The Cock Crows. [2 pics: Proximity to Gethsemane. The hole/prison where Christ was kept]
    5. (60) 2 witnesses - fulfilled the letter of the law, but in lying they broke both the letter & the spirit of the law.
    6. (61) It was a serious matter to speak against the Temple.
      1. This same charge is what led to the death of Steven (Acts 6:13) They also set up false witnesses who said, This man does not cease to speak blasphemous words against this holy place and the law.
      2. So, did Jesus say this? Yep. They were citing Jn.2:19 (early in Jesus ministry).
        1. But of course context is important. Jn.2:19-22 Jesus answered and said to them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” 20 Then the Jews said, “It has taken 46 years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?” 21 But He was speaking of the temple of His body. 22 Therefore, when He had risen from the dead, His disciples remembered that He had said this to them.
    7. (63) I put You under oath by the living God: Tell us if You are the Christ, the Son of God.
      1. Now he had to answer according to law. So He does before His Kangaroo Court
        1. As Prisoner, He said nothing. As Judge, He will say much.
    8. (64) And now was the right time for him to reveal Himself plainly…I AM! (Mrk 14:62)
      1. Jesus couldn’t deny being the Messiah, the Son of God...yet couldn’t really explain it to these worldly men.
      2. Jesus applied Himself to 2 OT Messianic Prophecies:
        1. Ps.110:1 The LORD said to my Lord, Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.
        2. Dan.7:13 I was watching in the night visions, And behold, One like the Son of Man, Coming with the clouds of heaven! He came to the Ancient of Days, And they brought Him near before Him.
          1. ​​​​​​​In these 2 quotes He predicts: His Res, Ascension, & His return in Glory.
          2. This means salvation to those who Trust Him, Yet condemnation to those like Caiaphas.
    9. The Rock of our Salvation…did not crack.
    10. Jesus stood Rock-Solid.
      1. Guilty of only 1 thing, Guilty of love in the 1st degree.
      2. For us to stand the same we must live in profound moment-by-moment dependence upon the Father.
        1. Paul summed it up best, for my power is made perfect in weakness...For when I am weak, then I am strong. 1 Cor.12:9,10
        2. Vance Havner said, The Lord had the strength & I had the weakness, so we teamed up. It was an unbeatable combination.
        3. Hudson Taylor said, God choose me because I was weak enough. He trains somebody to be quiet enough, & then uses him.
  3. PETER, THE ROCK THAT CRUMBLED (69-75) 3 strikes but not out
    1. ​​​​​​​Tonight, Peter aka Rock would crumble.
      1. Peter was known as the rock. The Gibraltar of the disciples. Yet, the rock was not w/o its cracks.
        1. Hairline fissures lead to crumbling under pressure & Christ had detected the crack in Peter’s character.
    2. Peter ready to fight outside, inside trembled before this saucy servant girl.
    3. How could such a dedicated disciple fall so hard, fail so miserable, & disown allegiance to the one he loved?
      1. That answer is important to us because if the Apex of Apostles can fall…then so can you & I.
      2. The answer is simply laid out in Luke 22:31,32 Simon, Simon! Indeed,​​​​​​​ Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. 32 But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren.
      3. Ken Gire says, Tonight into those hands Peter would fall. Satan wants to thresh his faith & beat it into the ground until the husk breaks open. Then he’ll show the world what’s really inside Peter’s heart. And once the other disciples see this, the backbone of the revolution will be as good as crushed.
      4. It’s healthy for me to remind myself of who/what I’d effect if I fell!
        1. My wife, my children’s respect, my character, my reputation, my example, my credibility. My church friends, my church I get to serve at, other ministry opportunities, serving on other boards, chaplaincy, community embarrassment, & especially…the shame I would give to the name of my Lord.
      5. What would you lose?…Count the cost...please. I’ve had to add up the tally too late with too many friends over the years.
      6. Note the 3 players: Satan sifts. Christ prays. You return…after you blow it.
    4. (70) Denied again- Ask not, Lord, have I’ve denied You? But ask, in how many areas of my life have I denied you? In how many ways? In how many different times? Ken Gire prayer; pg103
      1. When I’m too busy to pray, I deny that You are the center of my life
      2. When I neglect Your Word, I deny that you are competent to guide me.
      3. When I worry, I deny that you are Lord of my circumstances.
      4. When I turn my head from the hungry & the homeless, I deny that you are a God of mercy who has put me here to be your hands & your feet.
      5. When I steal something from another person to enrich or enhance my life – whether that be something material or some credit that is rightly due another, which I have claimed for myself - I deny you are the source of all blessings.
        1. Yes, we deny him daily.
    5. (74) Curse - He was saying, “Let me be under a curse if I am not telling the truth.”
      1. ​​​​​​​Swear - Means to swear an oath, as one does in court. [a formal, legal, denial]
    6. Read about The Look – Lk.22:61,62 And the Lord turned and looked at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how He had said to him, Before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times. 62 So Peter went out and wept bitterly.
      1. ​​​​​​​It doesn’t say, Jesus uttered any words like Peter, Peter, Peter. It doesn’t say, He shook His head in disgust. It doesn’t say, He lowered His head in disappointment. It doesn’t say, He said, I told you so!
        1. ​​​​​​​*Instead it’s a look of sympathetic understanding from the 1 who understood better than all, what it was to fall into Satan’s sifting hands for 40 days in a barren desert.
        2. *It is with that look that all Peter’s emotions suddenly caved in. Like a small dirt clod being crushed to powder in a man’s hand.
    7. And he wept bitterly – Strengths: He thought about what he did
      1. ​​​​​​​Mrk 14:72 A second time the rooster crowed. Then Peter called to mind the word that Jesus had said to him, “Before the rooster crows twice, you will deny Me three times.” And when he thought about it, he wept.
        1. ​​​​​​​Though Peter’s fall was terrible, his repentance & subsequent service to Christ as recorded in Acts provides hope for all Christians.
    8. And he wept bitterly – But though it’s Friday…Sunday’s a comin!
      1. ​​​​​​​The night was about to turn to dawn. The winnowing was over.
        1. We learn to eat our words w/the bitter herbs of Repentance.
        2. And may we never take a dry-eyed look at sin again.
        3. And wasn’t it that 1st tear down his cheek that cleansed his dirty soul? :)
      2. All that was left was a naked kernel of faith. - A small grain but grain nonetheless. A grain Satan couldn’t touch. Oh he can touch the chaff that he asks for...but not the Grain. The grain belongs to the Lord & He will bring it into His granaries
    9. Think about it…How can we criticize Peter…when Jesus didn’t?
      1. Jesus never gave him up! I have prayed for you that your faith should not fail.
    10. Peter got far. How far would we have gotten? He failed in the court yard where the others dared to set foot. He failed, not under normal pressure, but in Satan’s own heavy winnowing pressure.
      1. Ps: Let’s remember it was Satan doing the sifting, not Jesus. Jesus was doing the praying.
      2. Matter of fact Jesus warned, looked, forgave, & would restore him, times 3 soon...at the end of John’s gospel.
      3. Jesus simply asked Peter: Do you love me? (3 x’s...not to rub it in, but once for each denial)
        1. He give Peter an opportunity to openly confess his love.
        2. Jesus is not there to inflict pain, He is there to relieve it.
        3. He had seen Peter’s bitter tears of repentance.
      4. News Flash: Jesus doesn’t sit in heaven sharpening His red pencil to jot down every time we fall on our face.
        1. ​​​​​​​Peter tells us years later, Love covers a multitude of sin. 1 Pet.4:8
        2. Where did he learn that? Right here on the Galilee’s beach, where Jesus picked him up & dusted him off (or ringed him out/wet).
        3. You’ve been there too, haven’t you? You’ve failed Him. You’ve fallen & eatin some sand.
    11. *Jesus wants neither Regret (involves just the mind); nor Remorse (involves the mind & emotions…we feel terrible); but Repentance (involves the changing of the mind; the changing of the emotions; AND the changing of the will i.e. turning away from sin)
      1. One failure doesn’t make a flop. He is the God of a second chance.
      2. At Pentecost, Peter wielded a different sword, a spiritual sword (the Word of the Spirit) and won a victory.
        1. And so thankful for being given this 2nd chance, Peter would carry the gospel all the way to Rome, where they crucified him upside down.
        2. What an encouragement for those who this morning have felt like the lone coal sitting away from the heat off by itself. Where Jesus comes along & bumps it closer to the others & immediately it begins to glow again.
      3. Statue of Peter w/Keys/Rooster. Mixture of courage/cowardice; success/failure
    12. 4 quick Lessons from Peter:
      1. No one, not even a spiritual rock, is immune to failure.
      2. God knows our precise breaking point.
      3. When surrounded by wrongdoers, doing wrong comes easy.
      4. The 1st step toward correction is not act like we’re strong but to admit we are weak.
    13. I wonder how many Rooster Warnings God has put in our own barns?
      1. If you’ve denied the Lord that bought you, look up to Him who now looks down from heaven, ready to pardon the backslider who cries w/the returning prodigal, Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight, and am no longer worthy to be called your son. And then thank Him…
        1. Lord, thank you for Your divine arrests. Your Reminding Roosters. Your looks of love. Your sorrow, pity, love, & forgiveness. Your 2nd chances.
Bibliographical Information
Bell, Brian. "Commentary on Matthew 26". "Bell's Commentary". https://studylight.org/commentaries/eng/cbb/matthew-26.html. 2017.
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