the Seventh Week after Epiphany
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Audio Shows
From the MLJ Archive with Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Witness in The Power of The Spirit
November 5, 2024
Acts 4:1-12 — Christians should be encouraged that some of the trials and persecution they are facing in life might be as a result of being a follower of Jesus. Christians are not facing a new situation, and in this sermon on Acts 4:1–12 titled "Opponents: Objections and Judgment," Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones teaches on the gospel and people's rejection of it. Christians must not forget that hostility towards the gospel is not a novelty— from the beginning, Christianity was rejected, and opposition to it has not changed at all. While people reject the gospel because of prejudices they bring against it that blind them to the truth, one of the main barriers to belief is pride. Christianity does not fit into the way that people want to think about the world and themselves. What are unbelievers rejecting? Dr. Lloyd-Jones says that at the root, people reject Jesus Christ as Savior and as the only Savior. Yet, as he points out, these are two extremely vital doctrines that must be dealt with by all. Why is Jesus the only Savior? From Scripture, Dr. Lloyd-Jones shows that everyone is dead in their sins by their nature. Jesus is the only Savior because He is the only Savior sufficient enough to rescue humanity since He lived sinlessly and conquered death. Through Him, and Him alone, people can have the victory.
November 4, 2024
Acts 5:32 — How is one to face the problem of evangelism? Listen to Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones as he preached this sermon on Acts 5:32 titled "Witness in the Power of the Spirit," onboard the OM ship Doulos on September 18, 1978. The church is fighting for life amidst pagan countries. Be certain of the authority of God and not humanity, and replace the fear of humanity with the fear of God. Learn of the two elements that are absolutely necessary for witness. One can be perfectly orthodox and yet still dead. There is great danger in taking the Spirit without the Bible and apostolic witness. Hear of the baptism of the Spirit and the transformation of Peter. To what does the Spirit bear witness? Is it to Himself, humanity, gifts, or something else? He was sent for one great purpose. Learn of one test to know whether a person has been filled with Spirit: do they point to Christ? There is great danger in living off other people's experiences. Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones addresses the true understanding of a revival. This is not something that can be announced and planned for: it is the falling of the Holy Spirit upon people in great power.
November 3, 2024
Acts 4:11-12 — In this sermon on Acts 4:11–12 titled "No Second Name," Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones looks at the first persecution of Christianity and how the apostles both answered the charge brought against them and withstood the fight to continue preaching. The rejection of the gospel is as old as the belief of the gospel itself. Dr. Lloyd-Jones speaks about the differences that divided the Pharisees and Sadducees, and how in the face of Christ these two opposing groups united together. Unbelief is always due to pride. Christians should never apologize for their faith. Christians must address the world as they are filled with the Holy Ghost. They cannot fight an unbelieving world with the message of the world. The church must preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified to this unbelieving world. They must not be doubtful about Christ—this is a travesty to the Christian faith. The teachings of Christ alone will condemn everyone, but He did not leave it at that. All are sinners and have rejected the cornerstone, but there is hope. Humanity killed Christ, God raised Him, and His people most certainly will meet Him again.
November 2, 2024
Psalms 8:3-4 — Do Christians think? In this sermon on "What is Man?" from Psalms 8:3–4, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones asserts the wonder of creation and the fact that only the Christian can really perceive. Psalm 8:3-4 shows how the believer thinks differently from the unbeliever. The Christian mind is guided by the Bible, rather than by the media and news. The Christian should marvel and wonder at creation, not just live life from one news highlight to the next. Is Christianity really against the advance of science? Look at the persecution of Galileo and the Protestant Reformation that pushed science forward. There is a difference between accidental happening and intentional creation. Why are order and laws of creation in place? Learn the difference between a thinker and a superficial reactor. Dr. Lloyd-Jones addresses the problem, the contradiction, the uniqueness, and the tragedy of humanity. People are worshippers and the only hope for humanity and the world is that this is God's world. God visited and redeemed this world. The listener will discover the series of "launchings" of the Son of God. There is great urgency to be encapsulated in Christ before one is launched into the presence of a Holy God.
November 1, 2024
Timothy 1:12-13 — Why do some people reject Christ? The truth of the gospel seems so sure, and yet many still turn from it. Why? In this sermon on 1 Timothy 1:12–13 titled "Ignorance: Prejudice and Fog in the Mind," Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones takes to Scripture to explain why people reject the gospel. One of the greatest missionaries of all time was the apostle Paul. Yet in 1 Timothy 1:12–13, he makes a startling admission—he had at one point been a great blasphemer of God and persecutor of Christians. And yet, God eventually saved him. People today say that they are not Christians because of their high intellect— they say that Christianity is for the weak-minded, and that they do not need it since they have a high intellectual understanding. Yet, many great Christians throughout history have shown this to be false simply because they were of towering intellect themselves. Augustine and Paul himself are just two out of a vast number of those who were brilliant and yet followed Jesus. Paul writes that the real reason for rejection is unbelief and ignorance that bring prejudice against the gospel and blind people to its truths. What exactly is this unbelief and ignorance about? Listen as Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains the real reason for unbelief and how Christians can effectively engage it today.
October 31, 2024
Peter 1:1 — It is not uncommon for the Christian to struggle in their walk with Christ, to be overcome with anxiety, or frustrated with continued temptations. While they are promised that God will gradually grow them into the image of His sinless Son, many become frustrated to find that they still struggle with many of the things they wrestled with before becoming followers of Jesus. In this sermon from 2 Peter 1:1, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones says that many of the problems in the Christian life can be traced to forgetfulness about the truths of the faith. For those who are constantly anxious or discouraged because they still wrestle with many temptations, Dr Lloyd-Jones encourages actively calling to mind the core tenets and promises of Christianity, such as that God has equipped His people with everything they need to live in a way that pleases Him. The character of faith is precious because God Himself has given it, it cost Him His Son, and it is rare. While many people do not have the blessing of knowing Jesus as their Savior, Christians are in the same company as the heroes of the faith who have gone before them. Dr. Lloyd-Jones encourages the listener to rest in the unsearchable riches of Christ.
October 30, 2024
Timothy 1:12-13 — Why do some people reject Christ? The truth of the gospel seems so sure, and yet many still turn from it. Why? In this sermon on 1 Timothy 1:12–13 titled "Ignorance: Prejudice and Fog in the Mind," Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones takes to Scripture to explain why people reject the gospel. One of the greatest missionaries of all time was the apostle Paul. Yet in 1 Timothy 1:12–13, he makes a startling admission—he had at one point been a great blasphemer of God and persecutor of Christians. And yet, God eventually saved him. People today say that they are not Christians because of their high intellect— they say that Christianity is for the weak-minded, and that they do not need it since they have a high intellectual understanding. Yet, many great Christians throughout history have shown this to be false simply because they were of towering intellect themselves. Augustine and Paul himself are just two out of a vast number of those who were brilliant and yet followed Jesus. Paul writes that the real reason for rejection is unbelief and ignorance that bring prejudice against the gospel and blind people to its truths. What exactly is this unbelief and ignorance about? Listen as Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains the real reason for unbelief and how Christians can effectively engage it today.
October 29, 2024
Peter 1:1 — It is not uncommon for the Christian to struggle in their walk with Christ, to be overcome with anxiety, or frustrated with continued temptations. While they are promised that God will gradually grow them into the image of His sinless Son, many become frustrated to find that they still struggle with many of the things they wrestled with before becoming followers of Jesus. In this sermon from 2 Peter 1:1, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones says that many of the problems in the Christian life can be traced to forgetfulness about the truths of the faith. For those who are constantly anxious or discouraged because they still wrestle with many temptations, Dr Lloyd-Jones encourages actively calling to mind the core tenets and promises of Christianity, such as that God has equipped His people with everything they need to live in a way that pleases Him. The character of faith is precious because God Himself has given it, it cost Him His Son, and it is rare. While many people do not have the blessing of knowing Jesus as their Savior, Christians are in the same company as the heroes of the faith who have gone before them. Dr. Lloyd-Jones encourages the listener to rest in the unsearchable riches of Christ.
October 28, 2024
Thessalonians 1:5 — There is a great problem of communication and this sermon focuses on how the state of both the church and the world demands that all pay attention to the presentation of the gospel. This gospel is the only hope for the world and the answer for every need. In this sermon on 1 Thessalonians 1:5 titled "Not in Word Only," Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones addresses this same problem that people have faced for centuries. He preaches of the proposals for new translations, how the gospel spread, and what the true Christian message is. There is no need for something new. People need the same old gospel and old apostolic way of preaching that is found in the New Testament. What is Christianity? Can it be defined? The gospel is the proclamation of the greatest good news humanity has ever heard. Is Christianity something that is caught or taught? Apostolic preaching never started with people, but with God. There is great need for people to see their need for Jesus in order to come to Him. Jesus did not merely come to tell how people could be delivered, but He came to be the one to deliver them. Christians cannot entertain people in flippancy. God will judge both message and method. Preach and receive this gospel with assurance.
October 27, 2024
Luke 24:25-26 — In this sermon on Luke 24:25–26 titled "A Burning Heart," Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches from the New Testament passage regarding the two men walking to Emmaus. The gospel author uses four words to initially describe these men: "their hearts were sad." Later, however, they undergo a massive emotional change as they end up with their "hearts burning within them." Dr. Lloyd-Jones says there is nothing more important than this change because when people claim to be Christians and yet have a heavy heart, they are a poor witness: "Masses of people are outside the church today because they look at us and see what we are." Are Christians making the gospel attractive to people? Are they, as Paul instructs them to be in 2 Corinthians 2:16, a sweet-smelling aroma? For many believers, it is still a struggle to live in the joy that is theirs in Christ. Dr. Lloyd-Jones says that the remedy for this is to pray and ask the Spirit to open one's eyes to the truth and to enlighten them so that their heart rejoices. Sincere joy in the Lord will aid the Christian's testimony.
October 26, 2024
Acts 4:23-24 — Christians all around the world face varying levels of persecution—some believers are murdered or physically harmed for their faith, while others are merely scoffed at by those who think Christianity is foolish. What can the Christian do to combat this? In this sermon on Acts 4:23–24 titled "Power in Persecution," Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains how the church can stand strong in the midst of trying times by pointing back to the early church and the examples of Peter and John. First, believers must not compromise their message. After being released from prison, Peter and John continued to preach the gospel even though they had been forbidden to on penalty of death. Second, they must go to God in prayer. It is so easy for Christians to become anxious about what they need to do, yet Dr. Lloyd-Jones points out that Peter and John acknowledged that it was God's problem to handle, not theirs. This brought immense peace because they were choosing to rest in God's sovereignty by trusting His plan rather than becoming worried about the circumstances. Listen as Dr. Lloyd-Jones unpacks how Christians today can stand strong for the Lord Jesus Christ in the midst of persecution.