Lectionary Calendar
Tuesday, October 1st, 2024
the Week of Proper 21 / Ordinary 26
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Job 14:1
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Man that is borne of a woman, hath but a shorte tyme to lyue, and is full of dyuerse miseries.
Job 14:10
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But as for man, when he is deed, perished and consumed awaye, what becommeth of him?
Job 14:12
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but when man slepeth, he ryseth not agayne, vntill the heauen perish: he shal not wake vp ner ryse out of his slepe.
Job 14:15
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Yf thou woldest but call me, I shulde obeie the: only despyse not the worke of thine owne hondes.
Job 14:17
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Thou hast sealed vp myne offences, as it were in a bagg: but be mercifull vnto my wickednesse.
Job 15:5
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but thy wickednesse teacheth thy mouth, and so thou hast chosen the a craftie tonge.
Job 15:9
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What knowest thou, yt we knowe not? What vnderstondest thou, but we can the same?
Job 15:11
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Dost thou nomore regarde the comforte of God? but thy wicked wordes wil not suffre the.
Job 15:28
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Therfore shall his dwellynge be in desolate cities, & in houses which no ma inhabiteth, but are become heapes of stones.
Job 16:4
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I coude speake, as ye do also. But wolde God, that youre soule were in my soules steade: then shulde I heape vp wordes agaynst you, and shake my heade at you.
Job 16:6
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But what shall I do? For all my wordes, my sorow wil not ceasse: and though I holde my toge, yet wil it not departe fro me.
Job 16:12
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I was somtyme in wealth, but sodenly hath he brought me to naught. He hath taken me by the neck, he hath rente me, and set me, as it were a marck for him to shute at.
Job 16:20
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My frendes laugh me to scorne, but myne eye poureth out teares vnto God.
Job 17:5
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He promiseth his fredes parte of his good, but his owne childre spende it.
Job 19:5
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But yf ye wil enhaunce yor selues agaynst me, & accuse me to be a wicked personne because of the shame that is come vpon me:
Job 19:27
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Yee I my self shal beholde him, not with other but with these same eyes. My reynes are consumed within me,
Job 19:29
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But bewarre of the swearde, for the swearde wylbe avenged of wickednesse, and be sure, that there is a iudgment.
Job 20:5
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the prayse of the vngodly hath bene shorte, and that the ioye of Ypocrytes continued but ye twincklinge of an eye?
Job 20:13
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That he fauoureth, that wyll he not forsake, but kepeth it close in his throte.
Job 20:18
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But laboure shal he, & yet haue nothinge to eate. Greate trauayle shal he make for riches, but he shal not enioye them.
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