Lectionary Calendar
Monday, July 1st, 2024
the Week of Proper 8 / Ordinary 13
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Nehemiah 9:17
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and refused to heare, and were not myndefull of the wonders yt thou dyddest for them: but became obstynate and heady, in so moch that they turned back to their bondage in their dishobedience. But thou my God forgauest, and wast gracious, mercifull, pacient, and of greate goodnesse, and forsokest them not.
Nehemiah 9:28
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But whan they came to rest, they turned back agayne to do euell before the: therfore leftest thou them in the hande of their enemies, so yt they had ye dominion ouer them. So they couerted, and cryed vnto the, and thou herdest them from heauen, and many a tyme hast thou delyuered them acordinge to yi greate mercy,
Nehemiah 9:29
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and testified vnto them, that they shulde turne agayne vnto thy lawe. Notwithstodinge they were proude, and herkened not vnto thy comaundementes, but synned in thy lawes (which a man shulde do, & lyue in them) & turned their shulder awaye, & were styffnecked, & wolde not heare.
Nehemiah 9:31
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But for thy greate mercies sake thou hast not vtterly cosumed them, nether forsaken them: for thou art a gracious and mercifull God.
Nehemiah 11:1
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And the rulers of the people dwelt at Ierusalem. But the other people cast lottes therfore, so that amoge ten one parte wente to Ierusalem in to the holy cite to dwell, and nyne partes in the cities.
Nehemiah 13:6
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But in all this was not I at Ierusalem: for in ye two and thirtieth yeare of Artaxerses kynge of Babilon, came I vnto the kynge, and after certayne dayes optayned I lycence of the kynge
Nehemiah 13:11
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Then reproued I the rulers, and sayde: Why forsake we the house of God? But I gathered them together, and set them in their place.
Nehemiah 13:24
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and their children spake halfe in the speache of Asdod, and coulde not speake in ye Iewish language, but by ye tonge mighte a ma perceaue euery people.
Nehemiah 13:28
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And one of the children of Ioiada the sonne of Eliasib ye hye prest, had made a cotracte wyth Saneballath the Horonite: but I chaced him fro me.
Esther 1:12
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But the quene Vasthi wolde not come at the kynges worde by his chamberlaynes. Then was the kynge very wroth, and his indignacio kyndled in him.
Esther 1:16
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The saide Memucha before the kynge & the prynces: The quene Vasthi hath not onely done euell agaynst the kinge but also agaynst all the prynces and all the people in all the londes of kynge Ahasuerus
Esther 1:17
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for this dede of the quene shall come abrode vnto all wemen, so that they shall despyse their hu?bandes before their eyes, and shall saye: The kynge Ahasuers comaunded Vasthi ye quene to come before him, but she wolde not.
Esther 2:15
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Now whan the tyme came of Hester the daughter of Abihail Mardocheus vncle (whom he had receaued as his awne daughter) yt she shulde come to the kynge, she desyred nothinge but what Hegai the kynges chamberlayne the keper of the wemen sayde. And Hester founde fauoure in the sighte of all them that loked vpon her.
Esther 3:2
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And all the kynges seruauntes that were in the gate, bowed their knees, and dyd reuerence vnto Aman: for the kinge had so comaunded. But Mardocheus bowed not the knee, and worshipped him not.
Esther 3:6
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that he shulde laye hondes onely on Mardocheus: for they had shewed him ye people of Mardocheus, but he sought to destroye the people of Mardocheus, and all the people that were in the whole empyre of Ahasuerus.
Esther 3:15
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And the postes wente in all the haist acordynge to the kynges commaundement. And in the castell of Susan was the comaundement deuysed. And the kynge & Aman sat & dranke. But ye cite of Susan was disquieted.
Esther 4:4
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So Hesters dasels, and hir chamberlaines, came and tolde it her. Then was the quene exceadingly astonnyed. And she sent rayment, that Mardocheus shulde put them on, and laye the sacklothe from him. But Mardocheus wolde not take them.
Esther 5:13
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But in all this am I not satisfied as longe as I se Mardocheus the Iewe syttinge in ye kynges gate.
Esther 6:6
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And wha Ama came in, ye kinge saide vnto him: What shal be done vnto ye ma, whom the kynge wolde fayne brynge vnto worshippe? But Hama thought in his hert: Whom shulde the kynge els be glad to brynge vnto worshippe, but me?
Esther 6:12
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And Mardocheus came agayne to the kynges gate, but Aman gat him home in all the haist, mournynge with bare heade,
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