Lectionary Calendar
Tuesday, October 1st, 2024
the Week of Proper 21 / Ordinary 26
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Job 31:38
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But yf case be that my londe crie agaynst me, or yt the forowes therof make eny complaynte:
Job 32:2
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But Eliu the sonne of Barachel the Bussite of the kynred of Ram, was very sore displeased at Iob, that he called himself iust before God.
Job 32:8
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Euery ma (no doute) hath a mynde, but it is the inspyracion of the Allmightie that geueth vnderstondinge.
Job 32:16
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but in so moch as ye wil not speake, stondinge still like dom men & makinge no answere:
Job 33:10
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But lo, he hath pyked a quarell agaynst me, & taketh me for his enemy:
Job 33:27
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Soch a respecte hath he vnto me. Therfore let a man cofesse, (& saye:) I offended, but he hath chastened & refourmed me: I dyd vnrightuously, neuerthelesse he hath not recopensed me therafter.
Job 33:32
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But yf thou hast eny thinge to saye, then answere me and speake, for thy answere pleaseth me.
Job 34:5
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And why? Iob hath sayde: I am rightuous, but God doth me wronge.
Job 34:11
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but he rewardeth the workes of man, and causeth euery man to fynde acordinge to his wayes.
Job 34:29
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Yf he delyuer & graunte pardo, who will iudge or condemne? But yf he hyde awaye his countenaunce, who wil turne it aboute agayne, whether it be to the people or to eny man?
Job 35:13
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But yf a man call vpon God, doth not he heare him? Doth not the Almightie accepte his crie?
Job 35:16
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Therfore hath Iob opened his mouth but in vayne, ad folishly hath he made so many wordes.
Job 36:6
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As for the vngodly, he preserueth the not but helpeth the poore to their right.
Job 36:8
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But yf they be layed in preson and cheynes, or bounde with the bondes of pouerte:
Job 36:12
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But yff they will not obeye, they shall go thorow the swearde, & perish or euer they be awarre.
Job 36:21
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But bewarre that thou turne not asyde to wickednesse and synne, which hyther to thou hast chosen more then mekenesse.
Job 36:25
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yee wondre at him, and yet they se him but afarre of.
Job 37:22
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Golde is brought out of the north, but the prayse and honoure off Gods feare commeth fro God himself.
Job 38:11
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sayenge: Hither to shalt thou come, but no further, and here shalt thou laye downe thy proude and hye wawes.
Job 39:8
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but to seke their pasture aboute the moutaynes, & to folowe vpon the grene grasse.
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