Please note that all Biblical quotes are presented from the Literal Translation.
This week we are studying the word ἐμπὸριον (Strong's #1712), which is translated "market" and the "merchandise" in the marketplace. We might also use the word "emporium" for its translation. This neuter noun, ἐμπὸριον, is derived from the masculine noun ἔμπὸρος (Strong's #1713), which means "one who travels for business," or "a merchant." The root of both ἐμπὸριον and ἔμπὸρος is made up of two Greek words, the preposition ἐν (Strong's #1722) meaning "in" and πορεὺομαι (Strong's #4198), which is a word denoting "to travel for business or for a certain purpose."
It is important to note that πορεὺομαι is distinguished from ἔρχομαι (Strong's #2064), which means to come or go in a general sense; and ἐμπὸριον is used for the indoor marketplace, as opposed to ἀγορὰ (Strong's #58), which is used in the gospels for the open, outdoor marketplace.
John 2:16 is the only place in the New Testament where ἐμπὸριον is used. The context is found in John 2:12-17 where John presents the cleansing of the temple at the beginning of Jesus' public ministry.
The scene John describes as taking place in the temple area is a common one. Merchants are actually conducting business in the Court of the Gentiles (since that is the only place where they would be allowed to set up shop). Some are selling animals for sacrifice (as a convenience for those traveling long distances and needing an animal for sacrifice upon their arrival). Others are moneychangers, there to exchange Roman denarii and Attic drachmas for the legal Tyrian coinage so that the half-shekel temple tax can be paid. (Roman and Attic coinage have portraits on them believed by the Jews to be idolatrous and therefore are not allowed in the temple). All of the goods and services being provided are for the temple rites; but, not surprisingly, each merchant is charging a fee for his service.
John 2:17 records the reaction of the disciples to the Lord's cleansing of the temple:
Of course, the sin nature of man has not changed; nor have his practices. There are places of worship today that have been transformed into makeshift marketplaces with merchants selling their wares, and this is justified in the minds of the leaders and merchants because all is done in the name of the Lord and for His work. However, since Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever, one must conclude that the Lord is just as zealous for His Father's house today as He was two thousand years ago. In like manner, we need to be zealous about the places of worship and fellowship that we have today. We need to keep them free from merchandising, even when those things pertain to the Lord. We need to reserve our houses of worship for those who desire to pray and seek the Lord. Then His Spirit will be poured out on all participants, and His Spirit will not be grieved by a merchants' emporium.
* EMPORION is the English font spelling of the Greek word ἐμπὸριον.
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'Greek Thoughts' Copyright 2024© Bill Klein. 'Greek Thoughts' articles may be reproduced in whole under the following provisions: 1) A proper credit must be given to the author at the end of each article, along with a link to 2) 'Greek Thoughts' content may not be arranged or "mirrored" as a competitive online service.
Bill Klein has been a pastor, counselor, and educator for the past 41 years. He has had extensive training and education in biblical languages, and has authored a Biblical Greek course.
He is currently serving as Professor of Biblical Greek at Master's Graduate School of Divinity, and president of BTE Ministries - The Bible Translation and Exegesis Institute of America, a non-profit organization located in California that provides Bible study tapes and Greek study materials through their website