Lectionary Calendar
Tuesday, October 1st, 2024
the Week of Proper 21 / Ordinary 26
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2 Samuel 20:21
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The matter is not so, but a certayne man of mount Ephraim named Seba the sonne of Bichri, hath lifte vp him selfe agaynst kynge Dauid, delyuer him onely, and I wyl departe from the cite. The woman sayde vnto Ioab: Beholde, his heade shal be cast vnto the ouer the wall.
2 Samuel 20:22
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And the woman came in to all the people with hir wyßdome. And they smote of the heade of Seba the sonne of Bichri, and cast it vnto Ioab. Then blewe he the trompe, and they departed from the cite, euery one vnto his tent. But Ioab came agayne to Ierusalem vnto the kynge.
2 Samuel 21:2
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Then the kynge caused for to call the Gibeonites, and spake vnto them. (As for the Gibeonites, they were not of ye children of Israel, but a remnaunt of the Amorites: howbeit the children of Israel had sworne vnto the, and Saul soughte for to smyte them in his gelousy, for the childre of Israel and Iuda.)
2 Samuel 21:8
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But the two sonnes of Rispa ye doughter of Aia, whom she had borne vnto Saul, Armoni & Mephiboseth, And the fyue sonnes of Michol the doughter of Saul, whom she bare vnto Adriel the sonne of Barsillai the Mahalothite,
2 Samuel 21:15
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But there arose warre agayne of ye Philistynes agaynst Israel. And Dauid wente downe & his seruauntes with him, & foughte agaynst the Philistynes. And Dauid was weery,
2 Samuel 22:19
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They ouertoke me in the tyme of my trouble, but the LORDE was my succoure.
2 Samuel 22:42
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They shal crye, but there shalbe no Sauioure: yee euen vnto the LORDE, but he answereth them not.
2 Samuel 22:44
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But me shalt thou delyuer from the stryuynges of the people, and shalt kepe me to be ye heade of the Heythen: A people whom I haue not knowne, shal serue me.
2 Samuel 23:6
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But the Belial shalbe vtterly & cleane roted out as the thornes, which me take not in their hades.
2 Samuel 23:14
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But Dauid was at the same tyme in the castell, and ye Philistynes people laye at Bethleem.
2 Samuel 23:16
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The brake the thre Worthies into the hoost of the Philistynes, and drue of the water out of the well at Bethleem vnder ye gate, & caried it & broughte it vnto Dauid: neuertheles he wolde not drynke it, but offred it vnto the LORDE,
2 Samuel 23:19
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& the noblest amonge thre, & was their ruler. But he came not vnto the thre.
2 Samuel 23:21
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He smote also a fayre goodly man of Egipte, which had a speare in his hande. But he wete downe to him with a staffe, and toke the speare out of the Egipcians hande by violence, and slewe him with his owne speare.
2 Samuel 23:23
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and more honorable then the thirtie, but he came not vnto the thre. And Dauid made him of his secrete coucell.
2 Samuel 24:3
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Ioab sayde vnto the kynge: The LORDE thy God adde vnto this people an hundreth tymes as moch as it is now, that my lorde the kynge maye se his eyes lust theron. But why hath my lorde the kynge a desyre to this thinge?
2 Samuel 24:17
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But whan Dauid sawe the angell that smote the people, he sayde vnto the LORDE: beholde, It is I that haue synned, I haue done the trespace: As for these shepe, what haue they done? Oh let thy hade be agaynst me and agaynst my fathers house.
2 Samuel 24:22
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But Arafna sayde vnto Dauid: Let my lorde the kynge take it, and offre what pleaseth him. Beholde, there is an oxe for a burntofferynge, and sleddes, and vessels of oxen to the wodd.
2 Samuel 24:24
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Neuertheles ye kynge sayde vnto Arafna: Not so, but I wyll bye it of the for as moch as it is worth. For I wyl not offre burntofferynges vnto ye LORDE, of yt which I haue for naughte. So Dauid boughte the barne and the oxe for fiftye Sicles of syluer,
1 Kings 1:8
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But Sadoc the prest, and Benaia the sonne of Ioiada, and Nathan the prest and Semei and Rei, and Dauids Worthies were not with Adonias.
1 Kings 1:10
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But the prophet Nathan and Benaia, and the Worthies, and his brother Salomon called he not.
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