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Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024
the Week of Proper 8 / Ordinary 13
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Matthew 15:6
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By this is it come to passe, that no man honoureth his father or his mother eny more. And thus haue ye made the comaundement of God of none effecte, for youre owne tradicios.
Matthew 15:19
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For out of ye hert come euell thoughtes murthur, breakynge of wedlocke, whordome theft, false witnesse, blasphemy.
Matthew 15:23
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And he answered her neuer a worde. The came his disciples vnto him, & besought him, sayege: Sede her awaye, for she crieth after us.
Matthew 15:32
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And Iesus called his disciples vnto him, & sayde: I haue copassion vpon the people, for they haue cotynued wt me now thre dayes, & haue nothinge to eate, & I wil not let the departe fastynge, lest they perishe in ye waye.
Matthew 16:2
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But he answered, & sayde: At eue ye saye: It wil be fayre wedder. for ye sskye is reed.
Matthew 16:3
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And in ye mornynge, ye saye: It wil be foule wedder to daye, for the sskye is reed, & gloometh. O ye ypocrytes, ye can discerne the fashion of ye sskye: can ye not the discerne the tokes of these tymes also?
Matthew 16:17
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And Iesus answered, & saide vnto hi: Blessed art thou Symo ye sonne of Ionas, for flesh & bloude hath not opened yt vnto the, but my father yt is in heaue.
Matthew 16:23
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Neuertheles he turned him aboute, & sayde vnto Peter: Auoyde fro me Satha, thou hindrest me, for thou sauourest not ye thinges that be of God, but of men.
Matthew 16:25
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For who so wil saue his life, shal lose it: but whoso loseth his life for my sake, shal fynde it.
Matthew 16:27
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For it wil come to passe, that the sonne of ma shal come in the glory of his father with his angels, and then shal he rewarde euery one acordinge to his dedes.
Matthew 17:4
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Then answered Peter, and sayde vnto Iesus: LORDE, here is good beynge for us. Yf thou wilt, let us make here thre tabernacles: one for the, one for Moses, and one for Elias.
Matthew 17:15
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LORDE, haue mercy vpon my sonne, for he is lunatike, & sore vexed. He falleth oft tymes in to ye fyre, and oft in to ye water:
Matthew 17:20
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Iesus sayde vnto them: Because of youre vnbeleue. For I saye verely vnto you? Yf ye haue faith as a grane of mustarde sede, ye maye saye vnto this mountayne: Remoue hence to yonder place, and he shal remoue, nether shal enythinge be vnpossible vnto you.
Matthew 17:27
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Neuertheles lest we offende them, go thy waye to the see, and cast thine angle, and take the fysh that first cometh vp, and whan thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt fynde a pece of twenty pens, take that, and geue it them for me and the.
Matthew 18:6
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But who so offendeth one of these litle ones which beleue in me, it were better for him, that a mylstone were hanged aboute his neck, and he drowned in the depth of the see.
Matthew 18:8
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But yf thy hande or thy fote offende the, cut him of, and cast him from the. It is better for ye to entre in vnto life lame or crepell, the yt thou shuldest haue two hodes or two fete, and be cast in to euerlastinge fyre.
Matthew 18:9
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And yf thyne eye offende the, plucke it out, & cast it from the. Better it is for the to entre in vnto life with one eye, the to haue two eyes, and to be cast in to hell fyre.
Matthew 18:10
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Take hede, yt ye despyse not one of these litle ones. For I saye vnto you: their angels do alwaye beholde the face of my father which is in heauen:
Matthew 18:11
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for the sonne of man is come to saue that which is lost.
Matthew 18:19
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Agayne, I saye vnto you: Yf two of you shal agree vpon earth (for what thinge soeuer it be yt they wolde desyre) they shal haue it of my father which is in heaue.
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