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Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024
the Week of Proper 8 / Ordinary 13
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Deuteronomy 32:47
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for not in veyn tho ben comaundid to you, but that alle men schulden lyue in tho; whiche wordis ye schulen do, and schulen contynue in long tyme in the lond, to which ye schulen entre to welde, whanne Jordan is passid.
Joshua 1:8
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The book of this lawe departe not fro thi mouth, but thou schalt thenke therynne in daies and nyytis, that thou kepe and do alle thingis that ben writun therynne; thanne thou schalt dresse thi weie, and schalt vndirstonde it.
Joshua 1:14
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youre wyues and youre sones and beestis schulen dwelle in the lond which Moises yaf to you biyende Jordan; but passe ye armed, `alle strong in hond, bifor youre britheren; and fiyte ye for hem,
Joshua 2:4
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And the womman took the men, and hidde hem, and seide, Y knowleche, thei camen to me, but Y wiste not of whenus thei weren;
Joshua 5:11
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And manna failide aftir that thei eten of the fruytis of the lond; and the sones of Israel vsiden no more that mete, but thei eten of the fruytis of present yeer of the lond of Canaan.
Joshua 5:13
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To whom he answeride, Nay, but Y am prince of the `hoost of the Lord, and now Y come.
Joshua 7:3
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and thei turneden ayen, and seiden to hym, `Not al the puple stie, but twey ether thre thousynde of men go, and do awei the citee; whi schal al the puple be trauelid in veyn ayens feweste enemyes?
Joshua 8:35
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He lefte no thing vntouchid of these thingis that Moises comaundide; but he declaride alle thingis bifor al the multitude of Israel, to wymmen, and litle children, and to comelyngis that dwelliden among hem.
Joshua 9:20
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but we schulen do this thing to hem, sotheli be thei reserued that thei lyue, lest the ire of the Lord be stirid ayens vs, if we forsweren to hem;
Joshua 9:21
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but so lyue thei, that thei hewe trees, and bere watris, in to the vsis of al the multitude. And while thei spaken these thingis,
Joshua 10:19
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but pursue ye the enemyes, and slee ye alle the laste of fleeris; and suffre ye not hem entre in to the strengthis of her citees, whiche enemyes youre Lord God bitook in to youre hondis.
Joshua 10:40
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And so Josue smoot al the `lond of the hillis, and of the south, and `of the feeld, and Asedoch with her kyngis; he lefte not therynne ony relikis, but he killide al thing that myyte brethe, as the Lord God of Israel comaundide to hym;
Joshua 11:11
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And `he smoot alle persoones that dwelliden there, he lefte not ony relikys therynne, but he wastide alle thingis `til to deeth; also he distriede thilke citee bi brennyng.
Joshua 13:14
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Sotheli he yaf not possessioun to the lynage of Leuy, but sacrifices, and slayn sacrifices of the Lord God of Israel; that is `his eritage, as God spak to hym.
Joshua 14:4
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but the sones of Joseph weren departid in to twei lynagis, of Manasses and of Effraym, and `weren eiris in to the place of hem. And `the Leuytis token noon other part in the lond, no but citees to dwelle, and the subarbis of tho to werke beestis and her scheep to be fed.
Joshua 17:3
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Sotheli to Salphaat, the sone of Epher, sone of Galaad, sone of Machir, sone of Manasses, weren not sones, but douytris aloone; of whiche these ben the names, Maala, and Noa, and Eegla, and Melcha, and Thersa.
Joshua 17:12
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And the sones of Manasses miyten not distrie these citees, but Cananei bigan to dwelle in this lond.
Joshua 17:18
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but thou schalt passe to the hil, and thou schalt kitte doun to thee; and thou schalt clense spaces to dwelle. And thou schalt mow go forth ferthere, whanne thou hast distried Cananei, whom thou seist to haue irone charis, and to be moost strong.
Joshua 18:7
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for the part of Leuytis is not among you, but the preesthod of the Lord, this is the eritage `of hem. Forsothe Gad, and Ruben, and the half lynage of Manasses hadden take now her possessiouns ouer Jordan, at the eest coost, whiche possessiouns Moises, the `seruaunt of the Lord, yaf to hem.
Joshua 21:44
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And pees was youun of hym in to alle naciouns `by cumpas; and noon of enemyes was hardi to withstonde hem, but alle weren dryuen in to the lordschip `of hem.
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