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Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024
the Week of Proper 8 / Ordinary 13
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2 Chronicles 35:22
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Josie nolde turne ayen, but made redi batel ayens hym; and he assentide not to the wordis of Nechao, bi Goddis mouth, but he yede for to fiyte in the feeld of Magedo.
2 Chronicles 35:23
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And there he was woundide of archeris, and seide to hise children, `Lede ye me out of the batel, for Y am woundid greetli.
2 Chronicles 36:1
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Therfor the puple of the lond took Joachaz, the sone of Josie, and ordeynede hym kyng for his fadir in Jerusalem.
2 Chronicles 36:4
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And he ordeynede for hym Eliachim, his brother, kyng on Juda and Jerusalem; and turnede his name Joakym. Sotheli he took thilk Joachaz with hym silf, and brouyte in to Egipt.
2 Chronicles 36:8
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Sotheli the residue of wordis of Joakym, and of hise abhomynaciouns whiche he wrouyte, and that weren foundun in hym, ben conteyned in the book of kyngis of Israel and of Juda. Therfor Joachym, his sone, regnede for hym.
2 Chronicles 36:15
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Forsothe the Lord God of her fadris sente to hem bi the hond of hise messangeris, and roos bi nyyt, and amonestide ech day; for he sparide his puple and dwellyng place.
2 Chronicles 36:17
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And he brouyte on hem the kyng of Caldeis; and killide the yonge men of hem `bi swerd in the hows of seyntuarie; `he hadde not merci of a yong `man, and of a vergyn, and of an eld man, and sotheli nether of a man niy the deth for eldnesse, but he bitook alle in the hond of that king of Caldeis.
2 Chronicles 36:21
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and the word of the Lord bi the mouth of Jeremye was fillid, and til the lond halewide hise sabatis. For in alle the daies of desolacioun it made sabat, til that seuenti yeer weren fillid.
Ezra 1:5
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And the princis of fadris of Juda and of Beniamyn risiden, and the preestis, and dekenes, and ech man whos spirit God reiside, for to stie to bilde the temple of the Lord, that was in Jerusalem.
Ezra 3:2
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Therfor the puple was gaderid as o man in to Jerusalem. And Josue, the sone of Josedech, roos, and hise britheren, prestis, and Zorobabel, the sone of Salatiel, and hise britheren, and thei bildiden the auter of God of Israel for to offre therynne brent sacrifices, as it is writun in the lawe of Moises, the man of God.
Ezra 3:9
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the sone of Josedech, and othere of her britheren, preestis and dekenes, and alle that camen fro the caitifte in to Jerusalem, bigunnen; and thei ordeyneden dekenes, fro twenti yeer and aboue, for to haste the werk of the Lord; and Josue stood, and hise sones, and hise britheren, Cedynyel and hise sones, and the sones of Juda, as o man, to be bisi ouer hem that maden the werk in the temple of God; the sones of Benadab, her sones and her britheren, dekenes, `weren bisy.
Ezra 3:10
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Therfor whanne the temple `of the Lord was foundid of stoon leggeris, prestis stoden in her ournement with trumpis, and dekenes, the sones of Asaph, in cymbalis, for to herie God bi the hond of Dauid, kyng of Israel.
Ezra 3:11
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And thei sungen togidere in ympnes and knoulechyng to the Lord, For he is good, for his merci is with outen ende on Israel. And al the puple criede with greet cry, in preisynge the Lord, for the temple of the Lord was foundid.
Ezra 3:13
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and no man myyte knowe the vois of cry of men beynge glad, and the vois of wepyng of the puple; for the puple criede togidere with greet cry, and the vois was herd afer.
Ezra 4:2
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and thei neiyeden to Zorobabel, and to the princes of fadris, and seiden to hem, Bilde we with you, for so as ye, we seken youre God; lo! we han offrid sacrificis fro the daies of Assoraddon, kyng of Assur, that brouyte vs hidur.
Ezra 4:7
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and in the daies of Artaxarses, Besellam wroot, Mytridates, and Thabel, and othere, that weren in the counsel of hem, to Artaxarses, kyng of Persis. For the pistle of accusyng was writun in langage of Sirie, and was red in word of Sirie.
Ezra 4:14
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Therfor we ben myndeful of the salt, which we eeten in the paleis, and for we holden it vnleueful to se the harmes of the kyng, therfor we han sent and teld to the kyng;
Ezra 4:20
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for whi `and ful stronge kyngis weren in Jerusalem, which also weren lordis of al the cuntrei which is biyende the flood; also thei token tribut, and tol, and rentis.
Ezra 5:14
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For whi kyng Cirus brouyte forth `fro the temple of Babiloyne also the goldun and siluerne vessels of Goddis temple, whiche Nabugodonosor hadde take fro the temple, that was in Jerusalem, and hadde bore tho awei in to the temple of Babiloyne; and tho vessels weren youun to Sasabazar bi name, whom `he made also prince. And Cirus seide to hym, Take these vessels,
Ezra 6:10
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And offre thei offryngis to God of heuene; and preye thei for the lijf of the kyng and of hise sones.
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