Lectionary Calendar
Monday, July 8th, 2024
the Week of Proper 9 / Ordinary 14
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1 Kings 8:35
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Whan the heauen is shut vp, so yt it rayneth not (for so moch, as they haue synned agaynst the) and yf they make their prayer in this place, and knowlege thy name, and turne from their synnes wha thou troublest them,
1 Kings 8:39
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Heare thou then in heauen in the seate where thou dwellest, and be mercifull, & se that thou geue euery one acordinge as he hath walked, like as thou knowest his hert (for thou onely knowest the hert of all the children of men)
1 Kings 8:41
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And whan eny straunger, that is not of thy people of Israel, commeth out of a farre countre for thy names sake
1 Kings 8:42
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(for they shall heare of thy greate name, and of thy mightie hade, and of thy outstretched arme) and commeth to make his prayer in this house,
1 Kings 8:43
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heare thou him then in heauen, euen in the seate of thy dwellynge, and do all for the which that straunger calleth vpon the, that all the nacions vpon earth maye knowe thy name, and that they maye feare the, as thy people of Israel do: and that they maye knowe, how that this house which I haue buylded, is named after thy name.
1 Kings 8:45
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heare thou then their prayer and peticion in heauen, and execute iudgment for them.
1 Kings 8:46
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Whan they synne agaynst the (for there is no ma that synneth not) & thou be wroth, and delyuer the vnto their enemyes, so that they cary them awaye captyue in to the enemyes londe farre or nye,
1 Kings 8:49
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then heare thou their prayer and supplicacion in heauen, from the seate of thy dwellynge, and execute iudgment for them,
1 Kings 8:51
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for they are thy people, and thyne enheritaunce, whom thou broughtest out of Egipte, from the yron fornace:
1 Kings 8:52
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that thine eyes maye be open vnto the peticion of thy seruaunt, and of thy people of Israel, that thou maiest heare them in all thinges for the which they shall call vpon the
1 Kings 8:53
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(for thou O LORDELORDE) hast sundered them out to be an inheritaunce vnto thy selfe, from amoge all the nacions vpon earth, acordinge as thou saydest by Moses thy seruaunt, whan thou broughtest oure fathers out of Egipte.
1 Kings 8:59
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And these wordes wherwith I haue made my peticion before the LORDE, come nye vnto the LORDE oure God daye and nighte, that he maye execute iudgment for his seruaunt and for his people of Israel, euery one at his tyme:
1 Kings 8:64
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The same daye dyd the kynge dedicate the myddelmost courte, which was before the house of the LORDE: that he mighte there perfourme the burntofferynges, meatofferynges, and the fat of the deedofferynges: for the brasen altare that stode before ye LORDE, was to litle for the burntofferynges, meatofferynges, and for the fat of the deedofferynges.
1 Kings 9:3
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And the LORDE sayde vnto him: I haue herde thy prayer and peticion, that thou hast made before me, and haue sanctified this house which thou hast buylded, that I maye set my name there for euer: and myne eyes and my hert shalbe there allwaye.
1 Kings 9:5
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then wyll I stablish the seate of thy kyngdome ouer Israel for euer, acordinge as I promysed thy father Dauid, and sayde: Thou shalt not wante a man from the seate of Israel.
1 Kings 9:16
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For Pharao ye kynge of Egipte came vp, and wane Gaser, & brent it with fyre, & slewe the Cananites yt dwelt in the cite, & gaue it for a gifte vnto his doughter Salomos wife.
1 Kings 9:24
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And Pharaos doughter wente vp from the cite of Dauid, in to hir house which he had buylded for her. Then buylded he Millo likewyse.
1 Kings 10:12
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And of that costly tymber the kynge caused to make pilers in the house of the LORDE, and in ye kinges house, and harpes and Psalteries for the Musicians. There came nomore soch costly tymber, nether was it sene vnto this daye.
1 Kings 10:21
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All kynge Salomos drynkynge vessels were of golde, and all the vessels in the house of ye wod of Libanus were of pure golde also: for syluer was not regarded in Salomons tyme.
1 Kings 10:22
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For the kynges Seeshippe yt sayled vpon the See with ye shippe of Hiram, came once in thre yeare, and broughte golde, syluer, Yuery, Apes, and Pecockes.
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