Lectionary Calendar
Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024
the Week of Proper 8 / Ordinary 13
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Acts 25:27
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For me thynke it an vnreasonable thinge to sende a presoner, and not to shewe the causes which are layed agaynst him.
Acts 26:1
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Agrippa sayde vnto Paul: Thou hast leue to speake for thy selfe.The Paul stretched forth the hande, and answered for himselfe:
Acts 26:3
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specially for so moch as thou art experte in all customes and questions, which are amonge the Iewes. Wherfore I beseche the, to heare me paciently.
Acts 26:5
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which knewe me afore at the first, yf they wolde testifye, for after the most strayte secte of oure Iewysh lawe, I lyued a Pharise.
Acts 26:7
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vnto the which (promes) oure twolue trybes hope to come, seruynge God instatly daye and nighte. For the which hopes sake (O kynge Agrippa) I am accused of the Iewes.
Acts 26:14
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But whan we were all fallen downe to the earth, I herde a voyce speakynge vnto me, and sayege in Hebrue: Saul Saul, why persecutest thou me? It shalbe harde for the to kycke agaynst the prycke.
Acts 26:16
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But ryse vp, and stonde vpon thy fete, for therfore haue I appeared vnto the, that I mighte ordeyne the to be a mynister and witnesse of it that thou hast sene, and that I wyll yet cause to appeare vnto the.
Acts 26:21
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For this cause the Iewes toke me in the temple, and wente aboute to kyll me.
Acts 26:24
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Whan he thus answered for himselfe, Festus sayde with a loude voyce: Paul, thou art besydes thy selfe, moch lernynge maketh ye madd.
Acts 26:26
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for ye kynge knoweth this well, vnto whom I speake frely. For I thinke that none off these thinges is hyd from him: for this was not done in a corner.
Acts 27:7
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And whan we had sayled slowly, and in many dayes were scarcely come ouer agaynst Gnydon (for the wynde with stode vs) we sayled by Candy nye vnto the cite off Salmo,
Acts 27:12
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And for somoch as the haue was not comodious to wynter in, the more parte off them toke councell to departe thece, yf by eny meanes they might come to Phenices to wynter there, which is an hauen of Candy, towarde the Southwest and Northwest wynde.
Acts 27:22
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And now I exhorte you to be of good cheare, for there shal none of oure lyues perishe, but the shippe onely.
Acts 27:23
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For this night stode by me the angell off God (whose I am, & who I serue)
Acts 27:25
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Wherfore syrs be of good cheare: for I beleue God, yt it shal come so to passe, as it was tolde me.
Acts 27:29
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Then fearinge lest they shulde fall on some rocke, they cast foure anckers out of the sterne, and wysshed for the daye.
Acts 27:34
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Wherfore I praye you to take meate, for youre health: for there shal not one heer fall from the heade of eny of you.
Acts 28:2
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As for the people, they shewed vs no litle kyndnesse: for they kyndled a fyre, and receaued vs all because of the rayne that was come vpo vs, and because of the colde.
Acts 28:16
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But wha we came to Rome, the vndercaptayne delyuered the presoners to ye chefe captayne. As for Paul, he had leue to byde alone with one soudyer that kepte him.
Acts 28:18
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which wha they had examyned me, wolde haue let me go, for so moch as there was no cause of death i me.
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