Lectionary Calendar
Thursday, July 4th, 2024
the Week of Proper 8 / Ordinary 13
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Revelation 8:11
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And the name of the sterre is seid Wormod. And the thridde part of watris was maad in to wormod; and many men weren deed of the watris, for tho weren maad bittere.
Revelation 9:19
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For the power of the horsis is in the mouth of hem, and in the tailis of hem; for the tailis of hem ben lyk to serpentis, hauynge heedis, and in hem thei noyen.
Revelation 11:2
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But caste thou out the foryerd, that is with out the temple, and mete not it; for it is youun to hethene men, and thei schulen defoule the hooli citee bi fourti monethis and tweyne.
Revelation 11:10
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And men enhabitynge the erthe schulen haue ioye on hem; and thei schulen make myrie, and schulen sende yiftis togidere, for these twei prophetis turmentiden hem that dwellen on the erthe.
Revelation 12:10
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And Y herde a greet vois in heuene, seiynge, Now is maad helthe, and vertu, and kyngdom of oure God, and the power of his Crist; for the accuser of oure britheren is cast doun, which accuside hem bifor the siyte of oure God dai and nyyt.
Revelation 12:11
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And thei ouercamen hym for the blood of the lomb, and for the word of his witnessing; and thei louyden not her lyues til to deth.
Revelation 12:12
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Therfor, ye heuenes, be ye glad, and ye that dwellen in hem. Wo to the erthe, and to the see; for the fend is come doun to you, and hath greet wraththe, witynge that he hath litil tyme.
Revelation 13:14
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And it disseyueth men, that dwellen in erthe, for signes whiche ben youun `to it to do in the siyt of the beeste; seiynge to men dwellinge in erthe, that thei make an ymage of the beeste, that hath the wounde of swerd, and lyuede.
Revelation 13:18
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Here is wisdom; he that hath vndurstonding, acounte the noumbre of the beeste; for it is the noumbre of man, and his noumbre is sixe hundrid sixti and sixe.
Revelation 14:4
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These it ben, that ben not defoulid with wymmen; for thei ben virgyns. These suen the lomb, whidir euer he schal go; these ben bouyt of alle men, the firste fruytis to God, and to the lomb;
Revelation 14:5
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and in the mouth of hem lesyng is not foundun; for thei ben with out wem bifor the trone of God.
Revelation 14:7
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and seide with a greet vois, Drede ye the Lord, and yyue ye to hym onour, for the our of his dom cometh; and worschipe ye hym, that made heuene and erthe, the see, and alle thingis that ben in hem, and the wellis of watris.
Revelation 14:13
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And Y herde a vois fro heuene, seiynge to me, Write thou, Blessid ben deed men, that dien in the Lord; fro hennus forth now the spirit seith, that thei reste of her traueilis; for the werkis of hem suen hem.
Revelation 14:15
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And another aungel wente out of the temple, and criede with greet vois to hym that sat on the cloude, Sende thi sikil, and repe, for the our cometh, that it be ropun; for the corn of the erthe is ripe.
Revelation 14:18
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And another aungel wente out fro the auter, that hadde power on fier and water; and he criede with a greet vois to hym that hadde the scharp sikil, and seide, Sende thi scharp sikil, and kitte awei the clustris of the vynyerd of the erthe, for the grapis of it ben ripe.
Revelation 15:1
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And Y say another signe in heuene, greet and wondurful; seuene aungels hauynge `seuene the laste veniauncis, for the wraththe of God is endid in hem.
Revelation 15:4
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Lord, who schal not drede thee, and magnyfie thi name? for thou aloone art merciful; for alle folkis schulen come, and worschipe in thi siyt, for thi domes ben open.
Revelation 16:6
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for thei schedden out the blood of halewis and prophetis, and thou hast youun to hem blood to drinke; for thei ben worthi.
Revelation 16:10
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And the fifte aungel schedde out his viol on the seete of the beeste, and his kyngdom was maad derk; and thei eten togidere her tungis for sorewe,
Revelation 16:11
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and thei blasfemyden God of heuene, for sorewis of her woundis; and thei diden not penaunce of her werkis.
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