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Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024
the Week of Proper 8 / Ordinary 13
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Joel 1:17
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The sede shal perish in the grounde, the garners shall lye waist, the floores shalbe broken downe, for the corne shalbe destroied.
Joel 1:19
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O LORDE, to the will I crie: for the fyre hath consumed the goodly pastures of the wyldernesse, and the flame hath brent vp all the trees of the felde.
Joel 1:20
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Yee the wylde beestes crie also vnto the: for the water ryuers are dryed vp, and the fyre hath consumed the pastures of the wyldernesse.
Joel 2:1
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Blowe out ye trompet in Sion, & crie vpo my holy hill, yt all soch as dwel in the londe, maye treble at it: for ye daie of the LORDE commeth, & is harde at honde:
Joel 2:2
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a darcke daye, a gloomynge daye, a cloudy daye, yee & a stormy daye, like as the mornynge spredeth out vpo the hilles: Namely, a great & mightie people: soch as haue not bene sens ye begynnynge, nether shal be after them for euermore.
Joel 2:11
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The LORDE shal shewe his voyce before his hoost, for his hoost is greate, stronge & mightie to fulfill his commaundement. This is yt greate and maruelous fearfull daye of the LORDE: And who is able to abyde it?
Joel 2:13
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rente youre hertes, & not youre clothes. Turne you vnto the LORDE youre God, for he is gracious & mercifull, longe sufferynge & of greate compassion: & redy to pardone wickednes.
Joel 2:14
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Then (no doute) he also shal turne, & forgeue: & after his chastenynge, he shal let youre increase remayne, for meat & drynck offerynges vnto the LORDE youre God?
Joel 2:20
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Agayne, as for him of the north, I shal dryue him farre from you: & shute him out in to a drye and waist londe, his face towarde the east see, and his hynder partes towarde the vttemost see. The stynke of him shall go vp, and his fylthy corrupcion shal fall vpon himself, because he hath dealte so proudly.
Joel 2:21
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Feare not (o londe) but be glad and reioyse, for the LORDE wil do greate thinges.
Joel 2:22
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Be not ye afrayed nether (o ye beastes of the felde) for the pastures shal be grene, and the trees shal beare their frute: the fygetrees & vinyardes shal geue their increase.
Joel 2:23
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Be glad then (o ye children of Sion) and reioyse in the LORDE youre God, for he hath geuen you the teacher of rightuousnes: & he it is yt shal sende you downe shuwers of rayne, early and late in the first moneth:
Joel 2:25
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And as for the yeares that ye gre?shopper, locuste, blasstinge & caterpiller (my greate hoost, which I sent amonge you) haue eaten vp, I shal restore them to you agayne:
Joel 2:32
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And the tyme shal come: yt who so euer calleth on the name of the LORDE, shalbe saued. For vpon the mount Sion & at Ierusalem, there shalbe a saluacion, like as the LORDE hath promised: yee & amonge the other remnaunt, whom the LORDE shall call.
Joel 3:1
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For take hede: In those dayes & at ye same tyme, when I turne agayne the captyuite of Iuda & Ierusale:
Joel 3:3
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yee they haue cast lottes for my people, the yonge me haue they set in the brodel house, & solde the Damsels for wyne, yt they might haue to drike.
Joel 3:5
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for ye haue take awaye my syluer & golde, my fayre & goodly Iewels, & brought them in to youre gods houses.
Joel 3:8
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Youre sonnes & youre doughters will I sell thorow the hondes of the childre of Iuda, & so they shal geue them forth to sell, vnto the of Saba, a people of a farre coutre: for the LORDE himself hath sayde it.
Joel 3:12
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Let the people aryse, and get them to the valley of Iosaphat: for there wil I syt, and iudge all Heithe roude aboute.
Joel 3:13
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Laye to youre sythes, for the haruest is rype: come, get you downe: the wynepresse is full, yee the wynepresses runne ouer, for their wickednesse is waxen greate.
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