Lectionary Calendar
Friday, September 20th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Ezekiel 39:25
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Therefore thus sayth the Lord God, Nowe will I bring againe the captiuitie of Iaakob, and haue compassion vpon the whole house of Israel, and wil be ielous for mine holy Name,
Ezekiel 39:29
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Neither wil I hide my face any more from them: for I haue powred out my Spirit vpon the house of Israel, sayth the Lord God.
Ezekiel 40:4
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And the man said vnto me, Sonne of man, beholde with thine eyes, and heare with thine eares, and set thine heart vpon all that I shal shew thee: for to the intent, that they might be shewed thee, art thou brought hither: declare al that thou seest, vnto the house of Israel.
Ezekiel 40:17
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Then brought he me into the outwarde court, and lo, there were chambers, & a pauement made for the court round about, & thirtie chambers were vpon the pauement.
Ezekiel 40:42
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And the foure tables were of hewen stone for the burnt offering, of a cubite and an halfe long, and a cubite and an halfe broade, and one cubite hie: whereupon also they layde the instruments wherewith they slew the burnt offring and the sacrifice.
Ezekiel 40:45
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And he said vnto me, This chamber whose prospect is towarde the South, is for the Priestes that haue the charge to keepe the house.
Ezekiel 40:46
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And the chamber whose prospect is toward the North, is for the Priestes that haue the charge to keepe the altar: these are the sonnes of Zadok among ye sonnes of Leui which may come neere to the Lord to minister vnto him.
Ezekiel 41:6
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And the chambers were chamber vpon chaber, three and thirtie foote high, and they entred into the wall made for the chambers which was round about the house, that the postes might bee fastened therein, and not be fastened in the wall of the house.
Ezekiel 41:7
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And it was large and went rounde mounting vpwarde to the chambers: for the staire of the house was mounting vpwarde, rounde about the house: therefore the house was larger vpward: so they went vp from the lowest chamber to the hiest by the middes.
Ezekiel 41:9
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The thickenesse of the wall which was for the chamber without, was fiue cubites, and that which remained, was the place of the chambers that were within.
Ezekiel 41:24
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And the doores had two wickets, euen two turning wickets, two wickets for one doore, and two wickets for another doore.
Ezekiel 42:3
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Ouer against the twentie cubites which were for the inner court, and ouer against the pauement, which was for the vtter court, was chamber against chamber in three rowes.
Ezekiel 42:5
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Nowe the chambers aboue were narower: for those chambers seemed to eate vp these, to wit, the lower, and those that were in the middes of the building.
Ezekiel 42:6
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For they were in three rowes, but had not pillars as the pillars of the court: therefore there was a difference from them beneath and from the middlemost, euen from the ground.
Ezekiel 42:8
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For the length of the chambers that were in the vtter court, was fiftie cubites: and loe, before the Temple were an hundreth cubites.
Ezekiel 42:13
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The said he vnto me, The North chambers and ye South chambers which are before ye separate place, they be holy chambers, wherein the Priests that approch vnto ye Lord, shal eat the most holy things: there shall they lay the most holy things, and the meate offering, and the sinne offering, and the trespasse offring: for the place is holy.
Ezekiel 42:14
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When the Priestes enter therein, they shall not go out of the holy place into the vtter court, but there they shall lay their garmentes wherein they minister: for they are holy, and shall put on other garmentes, and so shall approch to those things, which are for the people.
Ezekiel 43:7
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Which saide vnto me, Sonne of man, this place is my throne, & the place of the soles of my feete, whereas I will dwell among the children of Israel for euer, & the house of Israel shal no more defile mine holy Name, neither they, nor their Kings by their fornication, nor by the carkeises of their Kings in their high places.
Ezekiel 43:8
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Albeit they set their thresholdes by my thresholdes, and their postes by my postes (for there was but a wall betweene me and them) yet haue they defiled mine holy Name with their abominations, that they haue committed: wherfore I haue consumed them in my wrath.
Ezekiel 43:9
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Now therefore let them put away their fornication, and the carkeises of their Kings farre from me, and I will dwell among them for euer.
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