Lectionary Calendar
Saturday, July 6th, 2024
the Week of Proper 8 / Ordinary 13
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Ezekiel 33:31
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These come vnto the, after ye maner of a greate people: yee my people syt downe before the, and heare thy wordes, but they do not therafter: For in their mouthes they shewe themselues, as though they were feruent, but their herte goeth after their owne couetous lucre.
Ezekiel 33:33
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Whe this commeth to passe (for lo, it cometh in dede) then shal they knowe, that there hath bene a prophet amonge them.
Ezekiel 34:6
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My shepe go wandringe vpon all moutaynes and vpon euery hye hill, yee they be scatred abrode in all feldes, and there is no man, that careth for them, or seketh after them.
Ezekiel 34:8
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Thus sayeth the LORDE God: As truly as I lyue, for so moch as my shepe are robbed, and deuoured off all the wylde beestes off the felde, hauynge no shepherde: and seynge that my shepherdes take no regarde off my shepe, but fede them selues only, and not my shepe:
Ezekiel 34:10
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Thus sayeth the LORDE God: Beholde, I myselff will vpon the shepherdes, and requyre my shepe from their hondes, and make the ceasse from fedynge of my shepe: yee the shepherdes shall fede them selues nomore: For I will delyuer my shepe out off their mouthes so that they shall not deuoure them after this.
Ezekiel 34:11
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For thus saieth the LORDE God: Beholde, I will loke to my shepe myselff, and seke them.
Ezekiel 34:17
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And as for you (o my shepe) sayeth the LORDE God: I will put a difference amonge the shepe, amonge the wethers ad the goates.
Ezekiel 34:18
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Was it not ynough for you, to eat vp the good pasture, but ye must treade downe the residue of youre pasture wt youre fete also? Was it not ynough for you to drynke cleare water, but ye must trouble the residue also with youre fete?
Ezekiel 34:21
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for so moch as ye haue shot the weake shepe a po ye sydes & shulders, and runne vpon them with youre hornes, so longe till ye haue vtterly scatred them abrode.
Ezekiel 34:29
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I wil set vp an excellet plate for them, so yt they shal suffre no more hunger in the londe, nether beare the reprofe of ye Heithen eny more.
Ezekiel 35:5
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For so moch as thou bearest an olde enemyte agaynst the children of Israel, & with a cruel honde hast made them afrayed, what tyme as they were troubled & punyshed for their synne:
Ezekiel 35:6
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Therfore, as truly as I lyue (saieth ye LORDE God) I wil prepare the vnto bloude, yee bloude shal folowe vpon the: seinge thou layest waite for bloude, therfore shall bloude persecute the.
Ezekiel 36:5
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Yee eue thus saieth the LORDE God: In the fyre of my gelousy haue I taken a deuyce, agaynst the resydue of the Getiles, and agaynst all Edom: which haue take in my lode vnto theselues for a possession: which also reioysed fro their whole herte wt a despiteful stomacke, to waist it, and to spoyle it.
Ezekiel 36:6
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Prophecy therfore vpon the londe of Israel, speake vnto ye mountaynes and hilles, to valleys and dales, thus saieth the LORDE God: Beholde, this haue I deuysed in my gelousy and terrible wrath: For so moch as ye haue suffred reprofe of the Heithen,
Ezekiel 36:8
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And as for you (o mountaynes of Israel) ye shall shute out youre braunches, and bringe forth youre frute to my people of Israel, for it is harde by, that it wil come.
Ezekiel 36:13
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Agayne, thus saieth the LORDE God: For so moch as they saye vnto you: thou art an eater vp of men, and a waister of thy people:
Ezekiel 36:15
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And I wil not suffre the, for to heare thine owne confucion amonge the Gentiles from hensforth. Thou shalt not beare the reprofe of the nacions, ner cast out thine owne people enymore, saieth the LORDE God.
Ezekiel 36:22
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Therfore tell ye house of Israel: Thus saieth the LORDE God: I do not this for yor sakes (O house of Israel) but for my holy names sake, which ye dishonoured amoge the Heithen, when ye came to them.
Ezekiel 36:23
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Therfore, I wil halowe my greate name agayne, which amonge the Getiles is euel spoken of: for ye youre selues haue dishououred it amoge them. And the Gentiles shal knowe, that I am the LORDE, when I am honoured in you before their eyes, saieth ye LORDE God.
Ezekiel 36:24
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As for you, I wil take you from amonge the Heithen, and gather you together out of all countrees, and bringe you agayne in to youre owne londe.
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