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Saturday, July 6th, 2024
the Week of Proper 8 / Ordinary 13
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2 Chronicles 24:6
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Then the kynge called Ioiada the pryncipall, and sayde vnto him: Why lokest thou not vnto the Leuites, yt they bringe in from Iuda and Ierusalem, the colleccion which Moses the seruaunt of the LORDE appoynted to be gathered amoge Israel for the Tabernacle of witnes?
2 Chronicles 24:7
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For yt vngodly Athalia & hir sonnes haue waisted the house of God: and all that was halowed for the house of the LORDE, haue they bestowed on Baalim.
2 Chronicles 24:14
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And whan they had perfourmed this, they brought the resydue of the money before the kynge and Ioiada, wherof there were made vessels for the house of the LORDE, vessels for the ministracion and burntofferinge, spones and ornamentes of golde and siluer. And they offred burntofferynges allwaye in the house of the LORDE, as longe as Ioiada lyued.
2 Chronicles 24:20
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And the sprete of God came vpon Zachary the sonne of Ioiada the prest, which stode ouer ye people, & sayde vnto the: Thus sayeth God: Wherfore do ye transgresse the comaundementes of the LORDE, which shall not be to yor prosperite: for ye haue forsaken ye LORDE, therfore shal he forsake you.
2 Chronicles 24:22
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And Ioas ye kinge thought not on the mercy yt Ioiada his father had done for him, but slewe his sonne. Notwithstondinge wha he dyed, he sayde: The LORDE shal loke vpon it, and requyre it.
2 Chronicles 24:24
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For the power of the Syrians came but with a fewe men, yet gaue ye LORDE a very greate power in to their hande: because they had forsaken ye LORDE God of their fathers. They executed iudgment also vpon Ioas.
2 Chronicles 24:27
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As for his sonnes, and the summe that was gathered vnder him, and the buyldinge of the house of God beholde, they are wrytten in the storye in the boke of the kynges. And Amasias his sonne was kynge in his steade.
2 Chronicles 25:4
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But their childre slewe he not, for so is it wrytten in the boke of the lawe of Moses, where the LORDE comaundeth, and sayeth: The fathers shal not dye for the children, nether shal the children dye for the fathers: but euery one shal die for his awne synne.
2 Chronicles 25:6
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And out of Israel appoynted he an hundreth thousande stronge men of warre for an hundreth talentes of siluer.
2 Chronicles 25:7
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But there came a man of God vnto him, and sayde: O kynge, Let not the hoost of Israel come wt the: for the LORDE is not with Israel, nether with all the childre of Ephraim.
2 Chronicles 25:8
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For yf thou commest to shewe yi boldnes in the battaill, God shal make the fall before thine enemies. For God hath power to helpe, and to cause for to fall.
2 Chronicles 25:20
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Neuertheles Amasias consented not: for so was it broughte to passe of God, yt they mighte be geuen in to the handes of the enemies, because they soughte the goddes of ye Edomites.
2 Chronicles 26:6
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For he wente forth, and foughte agaynst the Philistynes, and brake downe ye walles of Gath, and the walles of Iabne, and the walles of A?dod, and buylded cities aboute A?dod, & amonge the Philistynes.
2 Chronicles 26:7
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For God helped him agaynst the Philistines, against the Arabians, agaynst them of GurBaal, & agaynst the Meunites.
2 Chronicles 26:8
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And ye Ammonites gaue Osias presentes, & his name came in to Egipte: for he was exceadinge stronge.
2 Chronicles 26:10
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He buylded castels also in the wyldernesse, and dygged many welles: for he had many catell, both in the medewes and in the playnes, hu?bandmen also and wynegardeners on the mountaynes and on Carmel: for he delyted in hu?bandrye.
2 Chronicles 26:13
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And vnder the hande of the hoost thre hundreth thousande, and seuen thousande and fyue hundreth mete for the battayll, in the strength of an armye to helpe the kinge agaynst the enemies.
2 Chronicles 26:14
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And Osias prepared for all the hoost, shyldes, speares, helmettes, brestplates, bowes and slyngstones.
2 Chronicles 26:16
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And whan his power was greate, his hert arose to his awne destruccion: for he trespaced agaynst the LORDE his God, and wente in to the temple of the LORDE, to burne incense vpon the altare of incense.
2 Chronicles 26:18
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and withstode kynge Osias, and saide vnto him: It belongeth not vnto thy offyce (Osias) to burne incense vnto the LORDE, but vnto the prestes belongeth it, euen vnto the children of Aaron, which are halowed to burne incense. Go forth out of the Sanctuary: for thou offendest, and it shall be no worshippe vnto the before God the LORDE.
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