Bible Dictionaries

Bible Dictionary of Animals, Plants and other Objects

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Comments: Diptera or 'True flies' from different families: Housefly (Musca domestica), Common horse-fly (Haematopota pluvialis), Ctenophora pectinicornis, Ochlerotatus notoscriptus, Milesia crabroniformis, and Gnat ogre (Holcocephala fusca).


Fly — Two Hebrew words are thus translated:

  1. 'ãrõbh - Strongs: H6157 is the name of the Egyptian fly of the fourth plague; this name, a collective one, though translated as dog-fly in the Septuagint, seems to signify all kinds of flies. Flies are at all times an almost insufferable nuisance; the common house-fly, with the gnat, vexes men, while gad-flies of every description tsetse, œstru, hippoboscida, tabanus marocanus, etc., infest animals.
  2. Zebhûbh - Strongs: H2070 is likewise the collective name of the Israeli fly, but more specifically of the gad-fly.

Though a trifle less annoying than in Egypt, flies were, however, deemed a plague severe enough in Israel to induce the natives to have recourse to the power of a special god, Bá'ál-zebhûbh, the master of the flies, that they and their cattle be protected against that scourge.


Bibliography Information
Bible Diciontary of Animals, Plants, and other Objects.​dictionaries/​eng/​apo/​f/fly.html. 2024.