Lectionary Calendar
Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024
the Week of Proper 8 / Ordinary 13
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Bible Commentaries

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Genesis 1:20 — Genesis 1:20-23. Fifth Day. The signs of animal life appeared in the waters and in the air. moving creature — all oviparous animals, both among the finny and the feathery tribes - remarkable for their rapid and prodigious increase. fowl —
Genesis 1:3 — Genesis 1:3-5. The First Day. God said — This phrase, which occurs so repeatedly in the account means: willed, decreed, appointed; and the determining will of God was followed in every instance by an immediate result. Whether the sun was created
Genesis 42:6 — because that was the most exposed part of the country and because he must have anticipated the arrival of some messengers from his father‘s house. Joseph‘s brethren came, and bowed down themselves before him — His prophetic dreams [Genesis 37:5-11 ] were in the course of being fulfilled, and the atrocious barbarity of his brethren had been the means of bringing about the very issue they had planned to prevent (Isaiah 60:14; Revelation 3:9, last clause).
2 Chronicles 28:7 — in a battle, this individual must have been a younger son of the late King Jotham; Azrikam the governor of the house — that is, “the palace”; and Elkanah that was next to the king — that is, the vizier or prime minister (Genesis 41:40; Esther 10:3). These were all cut down on the field by Zichri, an Israelitish warrior, or as some think, ordered to be put to death after the battle. A vast number of captives also fell into the power of the conquerors; and an equal division
Job 3:5 — death — (“deepest darkness,” Isaiah 9:2). stain it — This is a later sense of the verb [Gesenius]; better the old and more poetic idea, “Let darkness (the ancient night of chaotic gloom) resume its rights over light (Genesis 1:2), and claim that day as its own.” a cloud — collectively, a gathered mass of dark clouds. the blackness of the day terrify it — literally, “the obscurations”; whatever darkens the day [Gesenius]. The verb
Ecclesiastes 3:17 — darkness will make the light at last the more glorious. there — (Job 3:17-19) in eternity, in the presence of the Divine Judge, opposed to the “there,” in the human place of judgment (Ecclesiastes 3:16): so “from thence” (Genesis 49:24).
Isaiah 7:16 — Samaria) of (the former of) which thou art the plague (literally, ‹thorn‘) shall be forsaken,” etc.; a prediction thus, that Judah and Israel (appropriately regarded as one “land”) should cease to be kingdoms (Luke 2:1; Genesis 49:10) before Immanuel came.
Jeremiah 42:2 — 41:16). Hence the expression is, “came near” (Jeremiah 42:1), not “sent.” Let  …  supplication be accepted — literally, “fall” (see on Jeremiah 36:7; Jeremiah 37:20). pray for us — (Genesis 20:7; Isaiah 37:4; James 5:16). thy God — (Jeremiah 42:5). The Jews use this form to express their belief in the peculiar relation in which Jeremiah stood to God as His accredited prophet. Jeremiah in his reply reminds them that God is
Ezekiel 20:41 — (literally, “savor of rest,” see on Ezekiel 16:19). Or, I will accept you (your worship) “as a sweet savor” [Maurer], (Ephesians 5:2; Philippians 4:18). God first accepts the person in Messiah, then the offering (Ezekiel 20:40; Genesis 4:4). bring  …  out from  …  people, etc. — the same words as in Ezekiel 20:34; but there applied to the bringing forth of the hypocrites, as well as the elect; here restricted to the saved remnant, who alone
Daniel 11:41 — Antiochus (1 Maccabees 5:1-68). Antitypically, the Turks under Selim entered Jerusalem on their way to Egypt, and retain “the glorious land” of Palestine to this day. But they never could conquer the Arabs, who are akin to Edom, Moab, and Ammon (Genesis 16:12). So in the case of the final Antichrist.
Daniel 4:29 — twelve months — This respite was granted to him to leave him without excuse. So the hundred twenty years granted before the flood (Genesis 6:3). At the first announcement of the coming judgment he was alarmed, as Ahab (1 Kings 21:27), but did not thoroughly repent; so when judgment was not executed at once, he thought it would never come, and so returned to his former pride
Amos 8:5 — seahs, or above three pecks. making  …  small — making it below the just weight to purchasers. shekel great — taking from purchasers a greater weight of money than was due. Shekels used to be weighed out in payments (Genesis 23:16). Thus they committed a double fraud against the law (Deuteronomy 25:13, Deuteronomy 25:14).
Numbers 5:17-18 — the priest shall take holy water — Water from the laver, which was to be mixed with dust - an emblem of vileness and misery (Genesis 3:14; Psalm 22:15). in an earthen vessel — This fragile ware was chosen because, after being used, it was broken in pieces (Leviticus 6:28; Leviticus 11:33). All the circumstances of this awful ceremony - her being placed with her face
Micah 4:5 — For — rather, Though it be that all people walk after their several gods, yet we (the Jews in the dispersion) will walk in the name of the Lord. So the Hebrew particle means in the Margin, Genesis 8:21; Exodus 13:17; Joshua 17:18. The resolution of the exile Jews is: As Jehovah gives us hope of so glorious a restoration, notwithstanding the overthrow of our temple and nation, we must in confident reliance on His promise persevere in the
Habakkuk 2:15 — at last exposed them to loss and shame (compare Isaiah 51:17; Obadiah 1:16). An appropriate image of Babylon, which at last fell during a drunken revel (Daniel 5:1-31). that thou mayest look on their nakedness! — with light, like Ham of old (Genesis 9:22).
Zechariah 1:8 — meant ( :-). a man—Jehovah, the second person of the Trinity, manifested in man's form, an earnest of the incarnation; called the "angel of Jehovah" (Zechariah 1:11; Zechariah 1:12), "Jehovah the angel of the covenant" (Zechariah 1:12- :; compare Genesis 16:7; Zechariah 1:13; Genesis 22:11; Zechariah 1:12; Exodus 3:2; Zechariah 1:4). Being at once divine and human, He must be God and man in one person. riding—implying swiftness in executing God's will in His providence; hastening to help His
Malachi 2:6 — the law; the prophets were so only on special occasions. iniquity  …  not found — no injustice in his judicial functions (Deuteronomy 17:8, Deuteronomy 17:9; Deuteronomy 19:17). walked with me — by faith and obedience (Genesis 5:22). in peace — namely, the “peace” which was the fruit of obeying the covenant (Malachi 2:5). Peace with God, man, and one‘s own conscience, is the result of “walking with God” (compare Job 22:21; Isaiah
Luke 15:22 — robe — Compare Zechariah 3:4, Zechariah 3:5, “Take away the filthy garments from him; behold I have clothed thee with change of raiment; and they clothed him with garments” (Isaiah 61:10; Revelation 3:18). a ring — (Compare Genesis 41:42; James 2:2). shoes — Slaves went barefoot. Thus, we have here a threefold symbol of freedom and honor, restored, as the fruit of perfect reconciliation.
Philippians 4:18 — sweet-smelling incense which was burnt along with the sacrifices; their gift being in faith was not so much to Paul, as to God (Matthew 25:40), before whom it “came up for a memorial” (Acts 10:4), sweet-smelling in God‘s presence (Genesis 8:21; Revelation 8:3, Revelation 8:4). sacrifice acceptable — (Hebrews 13:16).
Philemon 1:15 — Providence probably (for we cannot dogmatically define the hidden purposes of God in providence) overruled the past evil to ultimately greater good to him. This thought would soften Philemon‘s indignation at Onesimus‘ past offense. So Joseph in Genesis 45:5. departed — literally, “was parted from thee”; a softening term for “ran away,” to mitigate Philemon‘s wrath. receive him — Greek, “have him for thyself in full possession” (see
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