Lectionary Calendar
Saturday, September 28th, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Quotations regarding 'Skill'

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Education can give you a skill, but a liberal education can give you dignity.
Ellen Key, Swedish Writer (1849-  )
I really believe that everyone has a talent, ability, or skill that he can mine to support himself and to succeed in life.
Dean Koontz, American Author (1945-  )
Journalist: a person without any ideas but with an ability to express them; a writer whose skill is improved by a deadline: the more time he has, the worse he writes.
Karl Kraus, Austrian Writer (1874-1936)
I'm not a fast, stream-of-consciousness lyricist at all - I know some guys who are, and if there is one skill I wish I had, it's that.
Jonny Lang, American Musician (1981-  )
If you're lucky as you get older, you respect the craft and it becomes a skill.
Frank Langella, American Actor (1940-  )
A weed is a plant that has mastered every survival skill except for learning how to grow in rows.
Doug Larson, American Cartoonist
So it's probably eighty percent luck and twenty percent skill.
Chris LeDoux, American Musician (1948-2005)
I took the name Green Destiny from - well there is such a sword called Green Destiny. It is green because you keep twisting it, it's an ancient skill, you keep twisting it and knocking it and twisting it until it is very elastic and light.
Ang Lee, Chinese Director (1954-  )
We're all given some sort of skill in life. Mine just happens to be beating up on people.
Sugar Ray Leonard, American Athlete (1956-  )
To the soldier, luck is merely another word for skill.
Patrick MacGill, Irish Journalist
So I find the fascination, the love, the incredible skill and everything to do with acting, writing plays, and doing them, just darling. Lovely. I love actors.
Patrick Macnee, British Actor (1922-  )
You can go home with a lot of money with absolutely no skill.
Howie Mandel, Comedian (1955-  )
There's no skill. You can be a rock and move into another cash bracket.
Howie Mandel, Comedian (1955-  )
Excellence is not a skill. It is an attitude.
Ralph Marston, American Writer (1955-  )
The simplest of women are wonderful liars who can extricate themselves from the most difficult dilemmas with a skill bordering on genius.
Guy de Maupassant, French Writer (1850-1893)
Kids should practice autographing baseballs. This is a skill that's often overlooked in Little League.
Tug McGraw, American Athlete (1944-2004)
Actors get pigeonholed very quickly, particularly movie actors. In the theater, one is more used to casting people against type and trusting that their talent and skill will get them through.
Sam Mendes, British Director (1965-  )
There is no question that knowing someone in the business will get you in the door. But it is your skill that will keep you in the room.
Vic Mignogna, American Actor
Writing requires a great deal of skill, just like painting does. People don't want to learn those skills.
John Milius, American Director (1944-  )
Also, they don't understand - writing is language. The use of language. The language to create image, the language to create drama. It requires a skill of learning how to use language.
John Milius, American Director (1944-  )
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