Lectionary Calendar
Saturday, September 28th, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Quotations regarding 'Policy'

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I think it's a lovely idea, but it will not pass the Congress. I live in a world of realities. The policy of our country is that we can drill our way to independence. I think that's a march to folly.
Anna Eshoo, American Politician (1942-  )
At the same time the Constitution sets in stone the Stability Pact and risks preventing member States from implementing a policy of growth. So we are not able to do things at the European or the national level.
Laurent Fabius, French Statesman (1946-  )
Domestic inflation reflects domestic monetary policy.
Martin Feldstein, American Economist (1939-  )
So just as I want pilots on the planes that I fly, when it comes to monetary policy, I want to think that there is someone with sound judgement at the controls.
Martin Feldstein, American Economist (1939-  )
I didn't serve on a committee that dealt with foreign policy.
Geraldine Ferraro, American Politician (1935-2011)
I readily admit I was not an expert on foreign policy but I was knowledgeable and I didn't need a man who was the Vice President of the United States and my opponent turning around and putting me down.
Geraldine Ferraro, American Politician (1935-2011)
There's more than a few remnants left in German welfare policy today. Many Germans eagerly condemn Hitler's fascism but won't examine the other reasons why the Third Reich succeeded for a season.
Suzanne Fields, -
Our policy for the last many years has been to deter the Chinese government in Beijing from ever coming into the position where they thought they had enough leverage over the U.S. to cross the Straits of Taiwan.
Bob Filner, American Politician (1942-  )
Mbeki began to write a study of the workings of apartheid policy in the reserves - the areas set aside in law for African occupation - as early as 1959 and 1960.
Ruth First, South African Activist (1925-1982)
U.S. journalists I don't think are very courageous. They tend to go along with the government's policy domestically and internationally. To question is seen as being unpatriotic, or potentially subversive.
Robert Fisk, British Journalist (1946-  )
This strategy represents our policy for all time. Until it's changed.
Marlin Fitzwater, American Public Servant (1942-  )
In all my public and private acts as your president, I expect to follow my instincts of openness and candor with full confidence that honesty is always the best policy in the end.
Gerald R. Ford, American President (1913-2006)
We are not in Afghanistan for the sake of the education policy in a broken 13th-century country. We are there so the people of Britain and our global interests are not threatened.
Liam Fox, British Politician (1961-  )
But it is also clear that left entirely untouched by public policy, the capitalist system will produce more inequality than is socially healthy or than is necessary for maximum efficiency.
Barney Frank, American Politician (1940-  )
Increasing inequality in income distribution in this country has broader policy implications, and there is also the growing problem of perverse incentives that result from executives receiving grossly disproportionate compensation based on decisions they themselves take.
Barney Frank, American Politician (1940-  )
As a member of this court I am not justified in writing my private notions of policy into the Constitution, no matter how deeply I may cherish them or how mischievous I may deem their disregard.
Felix Frankfurter, American Judge (1882-1965)
Honesty is the best policy.
Benjamin Franklin, American Politician (1706-1790)
Graham Greene, as I understand it, was quite outspoken in his criticism of American foreign policy.
Brendan Fraser, American Actor (1968-  )
The minimum wage was enacted in 1937 during the Great Depression and it has been increased 16 times. It's a well-established economic policy to help families.
John Freeman, Politician
I'm tired of high policy talks. I want to focus on nuts and bolts.
Dave Freudenthal, American Politician (1950-  )
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