Bible Dictionaries

Bible Dictionary of Animals, Plants and other Objects

Credit: Philip De Vere

License: CC BY-SA 3.0

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Comments: The Israelites bitten by fiery serpents (Book of Numbers chapter 21). A print from the Phillip Medhurst Collection of Bible illustrations


Basilisk occurs in the D.V. as an equivalent for several Hebrew names of snakes:

  1. Péthén - Strongs: H6620 (Ps. 91:13), the cobra; had the Latin and English translators been more consistent they would have rendered this Hebrew word here, as in the other places, by Asp;
  2. Céphá' and Cíphe 'ônî - Strongs: H6848 (Prov. 23:32; Is. 11:8; 14:29; Jer. 8:17;
  3. 'éphe'éh - Strongs: H660 (Isaiah 59:5), a kind of viper impossible to determine, or perhaps the echis arenicola;
  4. flying sãrãph - Strongs: H8314 (Isaiah 14:29; 30:6), a winged serpent (?), possibly also a reptile like the draco fimbriatus, which, having long ribs covered with a fringe-like skin, is able to glide through the air for short distances.


Bibliography Information
Bible Diciontary of Animals, Plants, and other Objects.​dictionaries/​eng/​apo/​b/basilisk.html. 2024.