Lectionary Calendar
Thursday, September 19th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Bible Commentaries

Smith's Bible CommentarySmith's Commentary

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Psalms 103:1-22 — Psalms 103:1-22 , a favorite psalm of thanksgiving time. I trust that it wasn't so long ago that you have already forgotten how thankful you were. Bless the LORD, O my soul ( Psalms 103:1 ): Now this is a command of David, or a command of David, the
Psalms 118:1-29 — Psalms 118:1-29 As we get into Psalms 118:1-29 , the last of the Hallel psalms. O give thanks unto the LORD ( Psalms 118:1 ); Again, the exhortation, praise and thanks, "O give thanks unto the Lord." for he is good: because his mercy endureth for
Psalms 18:1-50 — Psalms 18:1-50 The eighteenth psalm has a long title to it. It is to chief musician. It is a psalm of David, the servant of Jehovah, who spake unto Jehovah the words of this song in the day that Jehovah delivered him from the hand of all of his enemies
Isaiah 31:1-9 — Shall we turn in our Bibles to Isaiah 31:1-9 . Now as a backdrop to these scriptures in Isaiah 31:1-9 is the impending invasion of Assyria. Assyria is the world-conquering power at the moment. Assyria has destroyed the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Assyria
Isaiah 56:1-12 — Shall we turn now in our Bibles to Isaiah 56:1-12 . In Isaiah 55:1-13 the Lord speaks of this glorious everlasting salvation and the glories of His greatness, His power. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than yours, My
Jeremiah 25:1-38 — Chapter 25 The word that came to Jeremiah concerning all the people of Judah in the fourth year of Jehoiakim ( Jeremiah 25:1 ). So now we're going back in time. This was before Zedekiah was king. This was when Jehoiakim was king. Jehoiakim reigned for
Ezekiel 44:1-31 — Chapter 44Now as we get to chapter 44, we come to a prophecy that is so often misinterpreted. And I must confess to you that I have often misinterpreted this prophecy. And as I read it more carefully and have read it more carefully this time, and this
Zechariah 7:1-14 — Chapter 7Now some men came to Zechariah with a question. While they were in Babylon they had been observing a couple of days of fasting. The day... they commemorated the day that the temple was destroyed by the Babylonian army. So they came to Zechariah
Matthew 13:1-58 — Now as we enter into the thirteenth chapter, we come into the area of the parables that deal with the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. And in these we have more or less a key to all parables.And years ago when I was in seminary I had a very smart
Matthew 28:1-20 — Chapter 28 In the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn towards the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to the sepulchre. And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came
Luke 10:1-42 — Chapter 10Now in chapter 10, we read of this commissioning in the sending forth of the seventy, in the contrast to the twelve of chapter 9. After these things ( Luke 10:1 ) Now He is on His way towards Jerusalem. and the Lord appointed another seventy
Luke 14:1-35 — Shall we turn in our Bibles now to the gospel according to Luke, chapter 14.The fourteenth chapter involves an invitation for Jesus to come to a supper on the Sabbath day and of the things that transpired at that supper, and the subsequent exchange
Romans 2:1-29 — Chapter 2 Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judges ( Romans 2:1 ): You see, I read this list and I say, "Oh, yes, it is horrible. My, I just don't know what we are going to do, the world is going so terrible, bad. Terrible
Romans 6:1-23 — Chapter 6 What shall we say then? ( Romans 6:1 ) If where sin abounds, grace does much more abound, Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? ( Romans 6:1 ) No. Let's let God reveal how much grace there is by continuing in sin. Paul's answer
1 Timothy 1:1-20 — First Timothy. Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment of God our Saviour ( 1 Timothy 1:1 ), And the Greek word is "the royal commandment" of God; it's a word that is used when a king had made a decree. It is interesting that Paul so often
1 Timothy 6:1-21 — Chapter 6Now Paul turns to the subject of servants in chapter six. Let as many servants as are under the yoke ( 1 Timothy 6:1 ) That is, to a master. count their own masters worthy of all honour ( 1 Timothy 6:1 ), Now this is actually the word "slave."
Titus 3:1-15 — Chapter 3 But put them in mind to be subject to the principalities and powers, and to obey the magistrates, and to be ready to every good work ( Titus 3:1 ), So here as in many other places, the Christian is exhorted to obedience to the governmental
James 4:1-17 — Chapter 4This chapter could be entitled how to win friends and influence people. Guard your tongue, bring your tongue under control, use it for good, use it to encourage to build up, don't use it to tear down, to destroy, to cut, to hurt. Your wisdom,
1 John 3:1-24 — Chapter 3 Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed on us, that we should be called the sons of God ( 1 John 3:1 ): I love that verse. Behold, what manner of love God has bestowed upon you, that you should be called the son of God. What glorious
1 Samuel 16:1-23 — Chapter 16 So God said to Samuel, How long are you gonna mourn for Saul, seeing I have rejected him from being the king, or reigning over Israel? [This change of attitude, "I've rejected him, now how long are you gonna mourn?"] fill your horn with oil,
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