the Third Week of Lent
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Bible Commentaries
The Church Pulpit Commentary Church Pulpit Commentary
Announcement of John's and Jesus' Births.Chapter 2
Birth of Jesus; Presentation at the Temple.Chapter 3
John the Baptist; Jesus' Baptism; Genealogy.Chapter 4
Temptation of Jesus; Beginning of Ministry.Chapter 5
Calling of the First Disciples; Miracles.Chapter 6
Sabbath Controversies; Choosing the Twelve Apostles.Chapter 7
Healing of Centurion's Servant; Raising of Widow's Son.Chapter 8
Parables; Calming the Storm; Healing of Demoniac.Chapter 9
Feeding 5,000; Transfiguration; Mission of Seventy-Two.Chapter 10
Parable of the Good Samaritan; Mary and Martha.Chapter 11
Teachings on Prayer; Rebuking Pharisees.Chapter 12
Teachings on Anxiety; Parables; Watchfulness.Chapter 13
Healing on Sabbath; Parables; Lament over Jerusalem.Chapter 14
Teachings on Humility; Parable of the Great Banquet.Chapter 15
Parables of the Lost Sheep, Coin, and Son.Chapter 16
Parable of the Shrewd Manager; Teaching on Money.Chapter 17
Teachings on Forgiveness; Ten Lepers Healed; Coming of the Kingdom.Chapter 18
Parables of the Persistent Widow; Rich Ruler; Blind Beggar.Chapter 19
Triumphal Entry; Cleansing of the Temple; Zacchaeus.Chapter 20
Questions from Authorities; Parable of the Tenants.Chapter 21
Olivet Discourse; Signs of the End Times.Chapter 22
Last Supper; Gethsemane; Arrest of Jesus.Chapter 23
Trial before Pilate; Crucifixion; Death.Chapter 24
Resurrection; Appearances; Great Commission.
- Luke
by Editor - James Nisbet
Luke 1:10 The Church’s Power
Luke 1:17 A Prepared People
Luke 1:20 Dumb, Because of Unbelief
Luke 1:26; Luke 1:28 Highly favoured of the Lord
Luke 1:30-31 The Promised Son
Luke 1:30-31 A New Power
Luke 1:32 In Confirmation of Faith
Luke 1:33 And Endless Kingdom
Luke 1:35, r.v. The Virgin Birth
Luke 1:35, r.v. The Incarnation and Brotherhood
Luke 1:38 Woman’s True Avocation
Luke 1:46-55 The Song of the Virgin
Luke 1:70 Modern Prophets
Luke 1:74-75 Deliverance and Service
Luke 1:76 The Prophet of the Highest
Luke 1:79 The Way of Peace
Luke 1:80 The Virtues of Asceticism
Luke 2:7 No Room!
Luke 2:7 Crowded Out
Luke 2:8-9, r.v. The Angelic Vision
Luke 2:11 The Birthday of Christ
Luke 2:10-11 The Unseen from Heaven
Luke 2:13 The Christmas Song
Luke 2:14 Pleas for Peace
Luke 2:14 A Religion of Peace
Luke 2:15 The Turning Point in the World’s History
Luke 2:16 The Holy Family
Luke 2:16 The Shepherds’ Visit
Luke 2:18-20 Christmas Thoughts and Feelings
Luke 2:21 The Name Above every Name
Luke 2:22 The Purification and the Presentation
Luke 2:22 Fulfilling the Law
Luke 2:25‘The Consolation of Israel’
Luke 2:32 Walking in the Light
Luke 2:34 Falling or Rising
Luke 2:42-51 The Temple and the Home
Luke 2:46 Christ Lost and Found
Luke 2:46 The Boyhood of Christ
Luke 2:49 A Divine Necessity
Luke 2:49 A Condition of Life
Luke 2:49 The Purpose of Life
Luke 2:51-52 At Nazareth
Luke 2:52 Increasing in Wisdom
Luke 3:1-2 The Word of God
Luke 3:3 The Baptist’s Message
Luke 3:4-6 Earnestness in Religion
Luke 3:10‘What shall we do?’
Luke 3:15-16 A Mightier than John
Luke 3:19-20 A Sharp Contrast
Luke 3:21-22 The First Calvary
Luke 4:1-2 Christ in the Wilderness
Luke 4:1-2 The Conflict
Luke 4:2-4 Tempted through the Body
Luke 4:7 Tempted through the World
Luke 4:9-12 Tempted through Presumption
Luke 4:21 Prophecy Fulfilled
Luke 4:21 Divine Enduement
Luke 4:24-27 Faith and Grace
Luke 4:32 The Power Behind
Luke 5:1 On Hearing Sermons
Luke 5:1 The Modern Sermon
Luke 5:1 Concentrative Christianity
Luke 5:3 Christ’s Work in the World
Luke 5:4 Launch Out!
Luke 5:4 Christ and Christ’s World
Luke 5:5‘At Thy Word’
Luke 5:5‘Nevertheless’
Luke 5:8 God and Ourselves
Luke 5:8 Conviction of Sin
Luke 5:10 The Function and Significance of Miracle
Luke 5:10 Fishers of Men
Luke 5:10 The Minister’s Calling
Luke 5:16 Spiritual Solitude
Luke 5:32 Christ’s Call
Luke 5:39 The Excellence of the Liturgy
Luke 6:12 The Praying Christ
Luke 6:26 The Dangers of Popularity
Luke 6:36-42 Divine Precepts
Luke 6:36 Mercy
Luke 6:36 Mercy—Its Scope and Quality
Luke 6:38 Judgment
Luke 6:38 Reciprocity
Luke 6:40 Like unto the Master
Luke 6:40 The Finished Christian
Luke 6:42 The Sin of Hypocrisy
Luke 7:4-9 Three Estimates of Character
Luke 7:11 The Prince of Life
Luke 7:12 Life from the Dead
Luke 7:12 The Weeping Widow
Luke 7:13‘Weep Not’
Luke 7:19 The Final Revelation
Luke 7:35 Children of Wisdom
Luke 7:35 Perverseness and Sympathy
Luke 7:37-38 Tears of Penitence
Luke 7:42 Nothing to Pay
Luke 7:47 The Result of Forgiveness
Luke 7:50 Christ and the Penitent
Luke 7:50 Go in Peace
Luke 8:5 The Sower and the Seed
Luke 8:5 Beneath the Surface
Luke 8:5 The Soil of the Heart
Luke 8:5-6 Sowers for the Kingdom
Luke 8:8 An Honest and Good Heart
Luke 8:10 Mysteries made Known
Luke 8:11 The Word as the Seed
Luke 8:12 Satan’s Evil Work
Luke 8:13 Roots of the Christian Life
Luke 8:14 Half-hearted Christians
Luke 8:15 Generous Soil
Luke 8:15 Be Patient
Luke 8:18 Take Heed!
Luke 8:24 Christ and the Elements
Luke 8:25 Faith and its Evidences
Luke 8:39 Testimony at Home
Luke 8:45 The Power of a Touch
Luke 8:45 Christ the Healer
Luke 9:2-6 The Commission of the Twelve
Luke 9:13 No Power in Ourselves
Luke 9:23 The Christian Life
Luke 9:26 Grounds of Judgment
Luke 9:29 The Vision on the Mount
Luke 9:32 The Mount and the Plain
Luke 9:33 A Mistaken View
Luke 9:34 The Overshadowing Cloud
Luke 9:41 The Care of the Child
Luke 9:48-50 The Pride of the Disciples
Luke 9:51 The Fascination of the Cross
Luke 9:54 Sons of Thunder or Sons of Christ?
Luke 9:55-56 Not Destruction but Salvation
Luke 9:62 Lessons from the Plough
Luke 9:62 Spiritual Ploughmen
Luke 10:1 The Mission of the Seventy
Luke 10:5 A Cordial Salutation
Luke 10:9 Characteristics of the Message
Luke 10:18 A True Sense of Proportion
Luke 10:20 Temptations of a Useful Life
Luke 10:21 The Joy of the Lord
Luke 10:21 The Joy of the Lord’s People
Luke 10:23-24 Privileges and Responsibility
Luke 10:27 The First and Great Commandment
Luke 10:27 The Law of Life
Luke 10:28 Knowledge and Practice
Luke 10:29 Self Justification
Luke 10:29 The Development of Character
Luke 10:29 A Moral Revelation
Luke 10:30 A Picture of Brotherly Love
Luke 10:30 The Wounded Traveller
Luke 10:30 The Samaritan’s Deed
Luke 10:35 Take Care of Him
Luke 10:35 God’s Repayments
Luke 10:36-37 The Worker and the Work
Luke 10:37 Practical Christianity
Luke 10:38-42 The Two Sisters
Luke 10:38-42 True Service
Luke 11:1 A Hearty Desire to Pray
Luke 11:2 The Lord’s Prayer
Luke 11:2 What is the Lord’s Prayer?
Luke 11:2 The Hallowed Name and the Hallowed Life
Luke 11:2 God’s Empire
Luke 11:2 The Subjection of Man’s Will
Luke 11:3 Man Dependent
Luke 11:4 Sin and its Forgiveness
Luke 11:4 Temptation
Luke 11:8 The Friend at Midnight
Luke 11:8 Importunity in Prayer
Luke 11:9 Commanding Prayer
Luke 11:14 The Effect of Permitted Sin
Luke 11:21-22 The Strong Man Overcome
Luke 11:23 For or Against?
Luke 11:23 No Neutrality
Luke 11:24-25 The Human House
Luke 11:26 The Last State
Luke 11:26 The Return of the Devil
Luke 11:27-28 Hearing and Keeping God’s Word
Luke 11:27-28 The Power of the Book
Luke 11:29 Asking for a Sign
Luke 11:36 Spiritual Light
Luke 11:54 The New Liberty
Luke 12:4-5 The Fear of Hell
Luke 12:8 Confessing Christ
Luke 12:10 The Unpardonable Sin
Luke 12:15 A Man’s Life
Luke 12:15 What will you do with your Life?
Luke 12:18-20 The Rich Fool
Luke 12:18-20 The Rich Man’s Folly
Luke 12:18-20 What the Rich Man Forgot
Luke 12:32 The Ministry and the Kingdom
Luke 12:35-36 Ideals Lost and Recovered
Luke 12:35-36 Burning Lights
Luke 12:43 The Responsibility of Opportunity
Luke 12:50 Christ’s Baptism of Suffering
Luke 13:3; Luke 13:5 The Judgments of God
Luke 13:3; Luke 13:5 The Galilæans’ Warnings
Luke 13:6-9 The Spiritual Growth of Life
Luke 13:6-9 The Barren Fig Tree
Luke 13:8 One more Chance
Luke 13:11-14 The Uplifting Power of the Gospel
Luke 13:18-19 The Gospel in the World
Luke 13:20-21 The Gospel in the Heart
Luke 13:23 A Puzzling Question
Luke 13:23-24 The Puzzling Question Answered
Luke 13:23-24 The Answer of the Life
Luke 13:35 The Desolate House
Luke 14:1 Sabbath Works and Words
Luke 14:3 The Spirit of Sunday Observance
Luke 14:10 In the Lowest Room
Luke 14:10-11 Humility and its Reward
Luke 14:10-11 The Doom of Pride
Luke 14:10-11 Man’s Abasement
Luke 14:14 The General Resurrection
Luke 14:15 Eating Bread in the Kingdom
Luke 14:16 The Great Supper
Luke 14:17 The Great Invitation
Luke 14:17 The Satisfaction of the Gospel
Luke 14:17 Why Men Hesitate
Luke 14:18 Innocent Occupations
Luke 14:18 Excuses
Luke 14:22 Where and For Whom there is Room
Luke 14:22 The Largeness of God’s Love
Luke 14:23 Compelled Guests
Luke 14:28; Luke 14:30 Tower Building
Luke 14:28; Luke 14:30 The True Aim of Discipleship
Luke 14:28; Luke 14:30 Examples of Counting the Cost
Luke 14:33 The Genius of the Christian Religion
Luke 14:33 The Final Condition of Discipleship
Luke 15:2 Exclusiveness and Formality
Luke 15:2 Penitence and Communion
Luke 15:2 Christ receiveth Sinful Men
Luke 15:4 The Sheep that was Lost
Luke 15:6 The Sheep Found
Luke 15:8 The Lost Coin
Luke 15:8 The Preciousness of Each Soul
Luke 15:6-9 Lost and Found
Luke 15:10 The Doctrine of Sin
Luke 15:11 The Two Sons
Luke 15:17 The Prodigal Son
Luke 16:1-8 The Man who Acted Wisely
Luke 16:2 Called to Account
Luke 16:4 A Good Resolution
Luke 16:8 The World and the Church
Luke 16:9 Make Friends
Luke 16:14-15 God’s Ways and Men’s Ways
Luke 16:19-20 Living and Dying
Luke 16:19-20 Dives and Lazarus
Luke 16:30-31 Vain Hopes
Luke 16:30-31 The Testimony of Scripture
Luke 17:1-2 Offenders of Others
Luke 17:5 The Growth of Faith
Luke 17:10 Self-Righteousness Checked
Luke 17:12-14 The Cleansed Men
Luke 17:15-16 At the Feet of Jesus
Luke 17:17 Ingratitude
Luke 17:17 A Defect in Christian Character
Luke 17:20-21 The Coming of the Kingdom
Luke 17:20-21 Truths of the Kingdom
Luke 17:20-21‘Your Reasonable Service’
Luke 17:22 A Day of the Son of Man
Luke 17:26; Luke 17:28; Luke 17:30 Three Critical Days
Luke 18:1‘Pray, Always Pray’
Luke 18:8 Religious Unsettlement
Luke 18:8 The Decay of Faith
Luke 18:10 Like Purpose, Different Method
Luke 18:13 The Plea for Mercy
Luke 18:14 Misconceptions Removed
Luke 18:14 A Churchman’s Failure
Luke 18:16 Lessons from Children
Luke 18:19 The Young Ruler
Luke 18:31-34 The Christian Attitude towards Suffering
Luke 18:31-34 The Future
Luke 18:35 Spiritual Blindness
Luke 18:41 Seeking Sight
Luke 19:2 Zacchæus
Luke 19:6 Zacchæus and Christ
Luke 19:10 Christ’s Mission of Mercy
Luke 19:13 A Motto for Life
Luke 19:17 Faithfulness in Little Things
Luke 19:38 The Coming King
Luke 19:41 Why Jesus Wept
Luke 19:41 Christian Responsibility
Luke 19:41 The Tears of Jesus
Luke 19:41 Indifference
Luke 19:41 Woes of a Great City
Luke 19:42 The Commandingness of Christ
Luke 19:44 Times of Visitation
Luke 19:44 Is God Visiting Us?
Luke 19:45-46 Cleansing the Temple
Luke 19:46 A House of Prayer
Luke 20:8 The Sufficiency of Revelation
Luke 20:15 The Wicked Husbandmen
Luke 20:25 No Division of Allegiance
Luke 20:36 The Life of the World to Come
Luke 20:37 Burning and not Consumed
Luke 20:38 Alive unto God
Luke 21:4 Christ’s Standard of Giving
Luke 21:5-6 The Presence of Christ
Luke 21:19 Patience
Luke 21:27 The Coming of the Son of Man
Luke 21:27 Neglect not Prophecy
Luke 21:28 Redemption
Luke 21:33-34 Eternal Words
Luke 21:38 Examples of Early Services
Luke 22:2-5 Planning the Betrayal
Luke 22:15 Christ and the Passover
Luke 22:19 In Remembrance of Me
Luke 22:19 The Communion Feast
Luke 22:24 The True Way to Greatness
Luke 22:31-32 Strengthen thy Brethren
Luke 22:36 Buy a Sword
Luke 22:44 The Agony of Christ
Luke 22:61 The Saviour’s Look
Luke 23:11 Setting Jesus at Nought
Luke 23:21 Spiritual Impulses
Luke 23:21 True and False Enthusiasm
Luke 23:26 Bearing the Cross after Jesus
Luke 23:28 True Patriotism
Luke 23:33 The Green Hill far Away
Luke 23:34 The First of the Seven Words
Luke 23:34 Ignorance and Cruelty
Luke 23:34 The Unknown Sins of our Social System
Luke 23:34 Trustful, Persevering, Selfless
Luke 23:34 The Scope of the Saviour’s Prayer
Luke 23:34 Typical Words of Christ
Luke 23:42 Recognised at Last
Luke 23:43 The Second Word from the Cross
Luke 23:43 First-fruits of the Passion
Luke 23:43 The Royalty of Goodness
Luke 23:43 Divided by the Cross
Luke 23:43 The Word of Grace
Luke 23:43 The Sinner Restored
Luke 23:46 The Last Word from the Cross
Luke 23:46 The Upward Look
Luke 23:46 The Death of Christ
Luke 23:46 The Look Forward
Luke 23:46 Peace and Security
Luke 23:46 Obedient unto Death
Luke 23:46 Father!
Luke 23:48 Lessons from the Cross
Luke 23:56 Sabbath Rest
Luke 24:5-6 The Appeal of Easter
Luke 24:11 The Apostles at Home
Luke 24:15-16 The Walk to Emmaus
Luke 24:29 Abide with Us
Luke 24:32 Burning Hearts
Luke 24:32 Unrecognised Blessings
Luke 24:34 Risen Indeed
Luke 24:39 The Hands of the Risen Christ
Luke 24:46-47 The Gospel of the Cross
Luke 24:47 At Jerusalem
Luke 24:49 Spiritual Power
Luke 24:49 The Greatness of Power
Luke 24:49 Spiritual Investiture
Luke 24:49 The Mission of the Holy Ghost
Luke 24:50-51 The Ascension
Luke 24:50-51 Gifts and Graces of the Ascended Lord
Luke 24:52 To Jerusalem with Great Joy