Lectionary Calendar
Friday, September 27th, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Acts 26:25
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But Paul sayde: I am not madd (most deare Festus) but speake the wordes of trueth and sobernesse:
Acts 26:29
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Paul sayde: I wolde to God, that (not onely in a parte but alltogether,) I mighte persuade not the onely, but all them that heare me this daye, to be soch I am, these bondes excepte.
Acts 26:32
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But Agrippa sayde vnto Festus: This man mighte haue bene lowsed, yf he had not appealed vnto the Emperoure.
Acts 27:10
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and sayde vnto them: Syrs, I se that this saylinge wyl be with hurte and moch dammage, not onely of the ladynge and of the shippe, but also of oure lyues.
Acts 27:14
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But not longe after, there rose agaynst their purpose a flawe of wynde, which is called the Northeast.
Acts 27:16
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But we came to an Ile named Claudia, where we coulde scarce get a bote.
Acts 27:20
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But wha nether Sonne ner starres appeared in many dayes, and no small tempest laye vpon vs, all the hope of oure life was taken awaye.
Acts 27:22
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And now I exhorte you to be of good cheare, for there shal none of oure lyues perishe, but the shippe onely.
Acts 27:27
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But whan the fourtenth night came, as we were caried in Adria aboute mydnight, ye shipmen demed that there appeared some countre vnto them,
Acts 27:39
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Whan it was daye, they knewe not the londe. But they spyed an hauen with a banke, in to which they were mynded (yf it were possible) to thrust in the shippe.
Acts 27:41
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And whan we chaunced on a place which had the see on both the sydes, the shippe dasshed vpon it. And the fore parte abode fast vnmoued, but the hynder parte brake thorow the violence of the wawes.
Acts 27:43
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But the vndercaptayne wyllinge to saue Paul, keped them from their purpose, and commaunded that they which coulde swymme, shulde cast them selues first in to the see, and escape vnto londe:
Acts 28:5
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But he shoke of ye beest in to the fyre, and and felt no harme.
Acts 28:6
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Howbeit they wayted, wha he shulde haue swollen, or fallen downe deed sodenly. But whan they had loked a greate whyle, and sawe yt there happened no harme vnto him, they chaunged their myndes, and sayde that he was a God.
Acts 28:16
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But wha we came to Rome, the vndercaptayne delyuered the presoners to ye chefe captayne. As for Paul, he had leue to byde alone with one soudyer that kepte him.
Acts 28:19
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But wha ye Iewes spake ye cotrary, I was costrayned to appeale vnto ye Emperor: not as though I had ought to accuse my people of.
Acts 28:22
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But we wyl heare of ye what thou thinkest: for we haue herde of this secte, that euery where it is spoken agaynst.
Acts 28:24
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And some beleued ye thinge yt he sayde, but some beleued not.
Acts 28:25
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But wha they agreed not amoge the selues, they departed, wha Paul had spoke one worde: Full well hath the holy goost spoke by ye prophet Esay vnto or fathers,
Acts 28:30
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But Paul abode two whole yeares in his owne hyred dwellinge, & receaued all the yt came in vnto hi,
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