Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 29th, 2024
the Week of Proper 21 / Ordinary 26
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Quotations regarding 'Care'

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All of the sudden the audiences started getting younger and the spread of the attendance was really wide. I think it's as a result of the records selling more that they started following our careers.
John Cale, Welsh Musician (1942-  )
Not addicted to gluttony or drunkenness, this people who incur no expense in food or dress, and whose minds are always bent upon the defence of their country, and on the means of plunder, are wholly employed in the care of their horses and furniture.
Giraldus Cambrensis, Welsh Clergyman
I am not unhappy that my contribution was not recognized. I am sure it helped my career.
John Cameron, -
My recording career has luckily run the gamut of recording environments.
Matt Cameron, American Musician (1962-  )
We could hang around for ten years and nobody would care enough to identify us. Therein lies the horror.
Eddie Campbell, Scottish Artist (1955-  )
An increasing number of Canadians must juggle the demands of work with the need to care for children, or for family members who are ill or too frail to care for themselves. Our programs have simply not kept pace with these societal changes.
Kim Campbell, Canadian Statesman (1947-  )
For people on social assistance, the loss of free dental care, prescription drugs and subsidized housing can greatly outweigh additional income from working. We've all heard the stories.
Kim Campbell, Canadian Statesman (1947-  )
I am going into the adult market because they don't care what label you are signed to or who you know.
Luther Campbell, American Musician (1960-  )
Children are our future we must take care of them with maximum effort.
Naomi Campbell, British Model (1970-  )
Elections are also about the future - the pledges that we are making for this country. For those who care about equality and fairness in the UK, and beyond, Labour really is the only choice.
Anne Campbell, English Politician (1940-  )
Those issues are biblical issues: to care for the sick, to feed the hungry, to stand up for the oppressed. I contend that if the evangelical community became more biblical, everything would change.
Tony Campolo, American Clergyman
Many of our nation's great leaders began their careers at a service academy. I encourage anyone interested in a rewarding college experience or military career to apply as soon as possible.
Chris Cannon, American Politician (1950-  )
I am hopeful for the American people that we can actually improve the outlook for bringing down costs in health care.
Eric Cantor, American Politician (1963-  )
We've had Town Hall meetings, we've witnessed election after election, in which the American people have taken a position on the President's health care bill. And the bottom line is the people don't like this bill. They don't want it.
Eric Cantor, American Politician (1963-  )
You know, there are people making a lot of money in this country who can actually afford their own health care. We are in a situation where we got a safety net in place in this country for people who frankly don't need one. We got to focus on making sure we got a safety net for those who actually need it.
Eric Cantor, American Politician (1963-  )
I don't care what anybody says about me as long as it isn't true.
Truman Capote, American Novelist (1924-1984)
The education that prepared me was my general education classes, which I tried to avoid when I was a stupid undergraduate, but which gave me the foundation of general knowledge that makes a career as a writer possible.
Orson Scott Card, American Writer (1951-  )
I fell into playwriting accidentally, took some classes in it, and also took creative writing classes, but I really didn't expect it to be a career because I didn't believe there was a way to make money as a playwright without being lucky and I didn't feel particularly lucky.
Orson Scott Card, American Writer (1951-  )
I don't care if my jokes are appropriate for a kid.
Drew Carey, American Actor (1961-  )
And, so I set my goals on astronaut because, as a military aviator, it was, I considered that to be about the peak of a flying career.
Duane G. Carey, American Astronaut (1957-  )
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