Bible Encyclopedias
Yiẓḥaḳ (Isaac)

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Tanna of the early post-Hadrianic period (2d cent. C.E.); a halakic exegete whose Biblical exegesis mostly belongs to the Mekilta and the Sifre. In the Tosefta he transmits sayings in the name of Eliezer ben Hyrcanus (Ter. 1:1,15; 2:5). He was a disciple of Ishmael, but associated also with the pupils of Akiba, with one of whom, named Nathan, he originated a halakah (Mek., Exodus 12:2). He was also intimate with Jonathan and with the proselyte sons of Judah in the yeshibah of Simeon ben Yoḥai (Gen. R.; M. Ḳ. 9a; Pesiḳ. 87b). Of his non-halakic exegeses may be mentioned: on Exodus 12:7: "The blood upon the doors at Passover shall serve the Egyptians as tortures for their souls" (Mek.); on Exodus 20:9: "Count the days of the week after the Sabbath" (c.); on Deuteronomy 14:11: "Unclean birds are called , while clean are called either or " (Sifre); on 1: "The paragraph treating of the chariot of God extends to the word only" (Ḥag. 13a). Another of his sayings is: "The prayer in need is adapted to all occasions" (R. H. 18a).

S. O.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Yiẓḥaḳ (Isaac)'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​y/yiaoayaa3-isaac.html. 1901.