Bible Encyclopedias
Yiẓḥaḳ bar Redifa

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Palestinian amora of the fourth century; the transmitter of the haggadah of R. Ammi (Lev. R. , beginning; Ex. R. , end; Yer. Sheḳ. 48a; Ex. R. to Exodus 3:14). He once requested the amora Jeremiah to decide a question, but received only an evasive reply (Yer. Sheb. 39a). He was the author of several explanations of the stories concerning Samson (Soṭah 9b).Especial mention should be made of his interpretation of the word in Isaiah 3:16, which he derives from the Greek ἔχις ("serpent"), saying: "The women used to place myrrh and balsam in their shoes, and when meeting young men in the streets they stamped their feet so that a strong odor arose which awakened evil impulses in the youths, as though they were under the influence of a serpent's poison" (Shab. 62b).

Yiẓḥaḳ transmitted dissertations on the salvation of the tribe of Benjamin, with reference to Judges 21:7 (B. B. 116a); on the list of idolatrous priests referred to in Hosea 13:2 (Sanh. 62a); on the pronunciation of the words "Praised be the name of His glorious kingdom" () after the "Shema'" (Pes. 56a); on the act of rising when the name of God is uttered, as deduced from Judges 3:20 (Sanh. 60a); and on the assumption of the sex of an expected child, with reference to Leviticus 12:2 (Ber. 60a; Niddah 25b, 31a).

S. O.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Yiẓḥaḳ bar Redifa'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​y/yiaoayaa3-bar-redifa.html. 1901.