Bible Encyclopedias
Te'omim (Aryeh Judah), Löb ben Moses

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Rabbi and scholar of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries lived in Pinczow, and later in Plotzk. He was the author of the following works: "Ya'alat Ḥen" (Zolkiev, 1802), sermons on different parashiyyot "Geṭ Meḳushshar" (Warsaw, 1812), compendium to that part of Maimonides' "Yad" which treats of divorce "Magen ha-Elef," called also "Shem Ḥadash" (ib. 1817), on the regulations of the ritual codex referring to the Passover festival (to this work are appended notes on the "Maḥaẓit ha-Sheḳel" of Samuel ha-Levi Kolin) "She'elot u-Teshubot Gur Aryeh Yehudah" (Zolkiev, 1827), compendium of the four ritual codices "Ḥiddushim" (Warsaw, 1830), treating of the sheḥiṭah and ṭerefah "Simḥat Yom-Ṭob" ( ib. 1841), complete commentary on the treatise Beẓah "She'elot u-Teshubot Meshibat Nefesh" ( ib. 1849), responsa on the ritual codices "Ḥiddushim" ( ib. 1859), compendium of the ritual codex Yoreh De'ah "Birkat ha-Shir" (n. p., n. d.), a Passover Haggadah together with commentary "Melo ha-'Omer," commentary on the Pentateuch and the Five Megillot and "Ṭib Ḥaliẓah" and "Ṭib Ḳiddushin" (n. p., n. d.), collections of responsa on the ceremony of Ḥaliẓah as observed in modern times, and on marriage contracts.

Bibliography : Fürst, Bibl. Jud. s.v. Zinz Benjacob, Oẓar ha-Sefarim , pp. 94, 96,175, 208,227, 296,376, 591,592, 594,636.S. S. O.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Te'omim (Aryeh Judah), Löb ben Moses'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​t/teomim-aryeh-judah-lapb-ben-moses.html. 1901.