Bible Encyclopedias
Stier, Josef

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Hungarian rabbi; born at Neustadt-on-the-Waag, Hungary, April 12, 1844. He was educated at the gymnasium and Talmud Torah at Presburg, at the universities of Vienna (Ph.D. 1869) and Breslau, and at the Jewish Theological Seminary at Breslau (Rabbi, 1872). In 1872 he was appointed chief rabbi at Stein-am-Anger, Hungary, officiating also as teacher of Jewish religion at the local gymnasium. Later he went to Berlin, where since 1890 he has held a rabbinate.

Stier is the author of the following works: "Fr. Deak," 1875; "Festschrift zur Einweihung der Synagoge in Steinamanger," 1880; "Priester und Propheten," 1884; "Zunz," 1893; "Theismus und Naturforschung in Ihrem Verhältniss zur Teleologie," 1896; and "Die Ehre in der Bibel," 1897.

F. T. H.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Stier, Josef'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​s/stier-josef.html. 1901.