Bible Encyclopedias
Padovani, Elishama Meïr

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Italian Talmudist of the eighteenth century; born in Modena; died at Padua 1830. He was educated and first served as rabbi in his native place; he then became joint rabbi at Mantua with Jacob Cases, and, finally, rabbi of Padua, where he was the teacher of M. G. Ghirondi. He was the author of sermons, halakic decisions, and a short compendium on the laws contained in Shulḥan 'Aruk, Yoreh De'ah, 29-60, 98-110, which work Ghirondi possessed in manuscript. He wrote, besides, notes to Reggio's "Ha-Torah weha-Filosofia" (MS. Almanzi, 115), published anonymously in Modena in 1797, and "Il Luminario Ecclissato" (Parma, 1797),in answer to the "Luminario dei Ciechi" of the neophyte Maria Gazzoli.

E. C.
I. E.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Padovani, Elishama Meïr'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​p/padovani-elishama-mea-r.html. 1901.