Bible Encyclopedias
Meyer, Rachel

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

German authoress; born in Danzig March 11, 1806; died in Berlin Feb. 8, 1874. A few years after the death of her sister Frederika, she married the latter's husband. While devoting herself to charity and teaching, she found time to entertain noted men and to continue her own self-education. The publication of her first book, written while superintending the instruction of her children, was retarded by the death of a son. It appeared in Berlin in 1853 under the title "Zwei Schwestern"; it deals with the triumph of love over self and is an idealistic exposition of the marital relation. Her husband's business necessitated his removing to Vienna; here Rachel met Kompert and August Frankl, and here she produced her sketch of Vienna life entitled "Wider die Natur." Another work, entitled "Rachel" (Vienna, 1859), is a novel describing the life of the great actress Rachel. "In Banden Frei" (Berlin, 1869), her last novel, is a character study of her friend Lina Davidson. Rachel spent her last years in Berlin, with her daughters. Despite her idealism she was practical, and shortly before her death wrote a sketch of Stephenson, the inventor, with the express purpose of fostering in her nephew the practical spirit.

S. J. L.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Meyer, Rachel'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​m/meyer-rachel.html. 1901.