Bible Encyclopedias
Meïr (Maestro Bendig) of Arles

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Talmudist at Arles, in the Provence, probably in the second half of the fifteenth century. He wrote the following works: (1) An index of all the Biblical passages cited in the Babylonian Talmud, including the "minor treatises," and the Abot de-Rabbi Nathan, with a list of the passages in which they are cited. A later copyist gave the work the name "Em le-Miḳra" (Scriptural Sources). It is manuscript No. 1637, 3, of Neubauer, "Cat. Bodl. Hebr. MSS.," and occurs also in a Verona manuscript. (2) A collection of the haggadic passages of the Talmud, erroneously entitled by the copyist "Em le-Masoret" (Sources of Tradition). It is contained in the same manuscripts as the preceding work. In his works Bendig carried out a plan of Isaac Nathan, author of "Meïr Netib," who also lived at Arles, but before Bendig.

L. G.
I. Ber.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Meïr (Maestro Bendig) of Arles'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​m/mea-r-maestro-bendig-of-arles.html. 1901.