Bible Encyclopedias
Maẓliaḥ, Judah B. Abraham Padova

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Italian Talmudist, cabalist, and poet; rabbi of Modena, where he died Aug. 10, 1728. He was the author of two works: "Tokaḥat Megullah" and "'Oẓerot Sheleg" (the latter cabalistic in nature); and of the following poems: Teḥinah; , an acrostic containing the words ("the name of seventy-two letters"); and , an epigram on human mortality, an epitaph in the cemetery at Pinale. Only a few of his many responsa have been printed.

Judah had two sons: Manasseh Joshua of Modena, brother-in-law of Isaiah Bassani (c. 1750), some of whose responsa have been preserved; and Menahem Azariah, rabbi of Florence (c. 1775), an authority in the Law and a prolific preacher, who also wrote various poems, many of which were liturgical. The genealogy of the family is traced to Abraham b. Samuel of Padua, who married in 1530.

S. S.
H. B.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Maẓliaḥ, Judah B. Abraham Padova'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​m/maaoliaay-judah-b-abraham-padova.html. 1901.