Bible Encyclopedias
Münz, Bernhard

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Austrian writer; born Feb. 1, 1856, at Leipnik, Moravia; educated at the University of Vienna (Ph.D. 1877). After leaving that university he continued his philosophical studies at Munich. In 1889 he became amanuensis in the library of the Jewish community of Vienna, of which he has been director since 1900. He has published the following: "Die Keime der Erkenntnisstheorie in der Vorsophistischen Periode der Griechischen Philosophie" (Vienna, 1880); "Die Erkenntniss- und Sensationstheorie des Protagoras" (ib. 1881); "Die Vorsokratische Ethik" (Halle, 1882); "Protagoras und Kein Ende" (ib. 1883); "Lebens- und Weltfragen" (Vienna, 1886); "Jacob Frohschammer, der Philosoph der Weltphantasie" (Breslau, 1894); "Briefe von und über Frohschammer" (Leipsic, 1897); "P. Simon Rettenbacher" (Vienna, 1898); "Adolph Pichler" (Leipsic, 1899); "Moriz Lazarus" (Berlin, 1900); "Hieronymus Lorm" (Vienna, 1901); "M. E. delle Grazie als Dichterin und Denkerin" (ib. 1902); "Goethe als Erzieher" (ib. 1904).

Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Münz, Bernhard'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​m/ma14nz-bernhard.html. 1901.