Bible Encyclopedias
Jose (Isi, Issi) ben Aḳabya (Akiba)

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Tanna of the beginning of the third century. The name "Issi" or "Assa" is derived from "Jose," and was borne by many tannaim and amoraim; hence the confusion that prevails in the Talmud concerning the identity of each of them, the same halakic or haggadic saying being attributed sometimes to one and sometimes to another of that name. Thus the prohibition against riding on a mule is reported in the Yerushalmi (Kil. 31c) in the name of Issi ben Aḳabya, while in the Tosefta (Kil. 5:6) it is attributed to Issi ha-Babli, who is undoubtedly identical with Issi ben Judah. Bacher supposes that Issi ben Aḳabya was the brother of Hananiah ben Aḳabya, the interpreter ("meturgeman") of R. Judah. Issi was a diligent student of the Bible, and some of his interpretations have been preserved in the midrashic literature. From 1 Kings 8:64 he infers that the expression (Exodus 20:24) means an altar of copper filled with earth (Mekilta to Exodus 20:24). In reference to Exodus 21:14 he says that though the murderer of a heathen can not be convicted by a Jewish tribunal, he must answer for his crime to God (Mekilta, ad loc. 80b). The permission expressed in Deuteronomy 23:25 is, according to Issi, extended to everybody and not only to the workers in the field; but the permission applies only to the harvest-time (Yer. Ma'as. 50a).

S. S.
I. Br.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Jose (Isi, Issi) ben Aḳabya (Akiba)'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​j/jose-isi-issi-ben-aa3abya-akiba.html. 1901.