Bible Encyclopedias
Jacob bar Aḥa

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

  1. Palestinian amora of the third generation (latter part of the third century); contemporary of R. Ze'era. He rarely gives opinions of his own, but repeats halakot and homiletic remarks in the names of earlier authorities. In Yer. Ber. 11a he communicates in the name of Rabbi Johanan a halakah relating to grace at meals. In the name of R. Eleazar (probably ben Pedat) he reports that in the words "Hide not thyself from thine own flesh" (Isaiah 58:7) the prophet refers to a divorced wife, whom her former husband has to support (Lev. R. 34:14).Jacob bar Aḥa associated with Assi (Yer. Meg. 74b); and it is also recorded that he once took a meal together with Ze'era, Ḥiyya bar Abba, and Ḥanina, and was invited to say grace (Yer. Ber. 11a).
  2. Palestinian amora of the fourth generation; a contemporary of Hezekiah, with whom he associated (Yer. Ber. 2:5a, 3:6a; Ket. 5:30a).
S. S.
I. Br.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Jacob bar Aḥa'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​j/jacob-bar-aaya.html. 1901.