Bible Encyclopedias
Escudero, Lorenço

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Spanish poet; born at Cordova of Marano parentage; died about 1683. After his conversion to Judaism he lived in great poverty in Amsterdam. The Marquis of Caracena, then governor of Flanders, urged him to return to Christianity; but, though tempted by the offer of rewards, he steadily refused. After his death he was eulogized by De Barrios in verse. Escudero is supposed to be the author of the apologetic "Fortaleza del Judaismo, y Confusion del Estraño" (without date or place), of which a poor Italian translation entitled "Fortezza dell' Ebraismo, e Confusione dell' Estraneo," and a Hebrew translation by Mordecai Luzzatto of Triest, under the title "Ẓeriaḥ Bet-El," are extant in manuscript.

M. K.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Escudero, Lorenço'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​e/escudero-lorenasso.html. 1901.