Bible Encyclopedias
Enoch ben Solomon al-Ḳusṭan-Ṭini

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Turkish philosopher and cabalist (according to Wolf, "Bibl. Hebr." , No. 635, also a physician); lived at Constantinople in the fifteenth century. He wrote " Mar'ot Elohim," a philosophical explanation of the visions of Isaiah and Ezekiel (mentioned in Isaiah 6:1,2, and Ezekiel 1:1 et seq.) and of Zechariah's vision of the candlestick (Zechariah 4:2); each vision occupies a chapter of the work. The author founded his explanation on the philosophy of Maimonides. There exist several manuscripts of this work, one of which, belonging to Ghirondi, concludes with a supercommentary to Ibn Ezra on Genesis. Ghirondi is of opinion that this commentary also is the work of Enoch.

M. Sel.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Enoch ben Solomon al-Ḳusṭan-Ṭini'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​e/enoch-ben-solomon-al-a2usa1an-a1ini.html. 1901.