Bible Encyclopedias
Blau, Heinrich

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

German journalist and playwright; born in Neu-Stettin, Pomerania, Sept. 21, 1858. He received his education at the Jewish school and the Sophien Realschule in Berlin, whither his parents had removed when he was a small child. When only thirteen years of age he wrote a metric translation of the Psalms. Blau in 1878 went to London, where he found employment on the "Londoner Journal," a German paper, whose chief editor he became later. Since then he has been engaged on the staffs of various German publications in the English capital.

Blau soon became a proficient journalist, writing both in English and in German; acting as correspondent of papers in Germany, and contributing to such English reviews as the "Nineteenth Century" and the "Contemporary." He also translated literary works from and into English and German, besides writing feuilletons. During all this time he studied Sanskrit and Oriental literature; and the result was shown in "Gautama," a dramatic poem in German in four acts.

Blau is the author of a drama in German blank verse, "Thomas Chatterton," and of "Some Notes on the Stage and Its Influence upon the Education of the Masses," and "Some More Notes" on the same subject, for which essays he received a gold medal from a London society. He also wrote libretti for light operas—"San Lin" and others—and the texts of the opera "Das Erbe Judas" and the oratorio "Samuel," as well as the dramas "Scherben," "Bianca Capello," "Die Prophezeiung," and "Götzen."

In 1893 Blau came on a visit to the United States, but remained only a short time.

F. T. H.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Blau, Heinrich'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​b/blau-heinrich.html. 1901.