Bible Encyclopedias
Ali Ibn Sahl Ibn Rabban Altabari (Abu al-Ḥasan)

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Physician and writer on medical subjects in Irak about the middle of the ninth century; born in Taberistan. His father, Sahl, was well known as an astronomer and mathematician. For a time Ali lived at Rai, where Mohammed al-Razi was his pupil in medicine. From Rai he went to Samarra, and for some years acted as secretary to Mazyar ibn ḳarin. He became a Mohammedan through the efforts of the Abbassid calif Al-Mu'taṣim (833-842), who took him into the service of the court, in which he continued under Al-Mutawakkel (847-861). Ali wrote the following works: (1) "Firdaus al-Ḥikmah" (Garden of Wisdom), called also "Al-Kunnash," a system of medicine in seven parts; (2) "Tuḥfat al-Muluk" (The King's Present); (3) a work on the proper use of food, drink, and medicines; (4) "Ḥafth al-Siḥḥah" (The Proper Care of Health), following Greek and Indian authorities; (5) "Kitab al-RuḲa" (Book of Magic or Amulets); (6) "Kitab fi al-Ḥijamah" (Treatise on Cupping); (7) "Kitab fi Tartib al-'Ardhiyah" (Treatise on the Preparation of Food).

Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Ali Ibn Sahl Ibn Rabban Altabari (Abu al-Ḥasan)'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​a/ali-ibn-sahl-ibn-rabban-altabari-abu-al-aasan.html. 1901.