Bible Encyclopedias
Österreicher, Josephmanes

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Hungarian physician; born at Alt-Ofen 1756; died at Vienna Dec. 14, 1831. He studied medicine, but could not practise until after the promulgation of the edict of toleration by Emperor Joseph II. in 1781. He received his medical diploma in 1782. He was thereupon appointed physician at the hospital in his native town, and subsequently head physician of the county of Zala. In 1785 he became physician at the health resort Balaton Füred.

In 1802 Österreicher went to Vienna to practise. His investigations into the adulteration of food attracted the attention of Emperor Francis, who rewarded him with handsome gifts; and on his appointment as chief physician to the imperial household in 1818, he received the great gold medal of citizenship.

Österreicher's works include: "Analysis Aquarum Budensium Item Aquæ Sarisapiensis et Acidulæ Fürediensis," Vienna, 1781; "Nachricht von den Bestandtheilen und Kraäften des Füreder Sauerbrunnens," ib. 1792; "Sal Mirabilis Nativus Hungaricus," ib. 1801.

L. V.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Österreicher, Josephmanes'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​a/a-sterreicher-josephmanes.html. 1901.