Bible Encyclopedias
Hinton, Isaac Taylor

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature

a Baptist preacher and author of note, was born at Oxford, England, July 4, 1799. His father, who was teacher in a boy's school of considerable repute, superintended his son's education. At the age of fifteen young Hinton was apprenticed at the "Clarendon Press," and in 1820 he set up as a printer and publisher. He edited and printed the Sunday Scholars' Magazine. In 1821 he was converted and baptized. He was soon licensed to preach, continuing, however, in business, which he removed to London. He also assisted his brother, John Howard Hinton in preparing a History of the United States, in two quarto volumes, with 100 engravings. While thus engaged, his republican feelings were so developed that he decided to emigrate to this country. He arrived at Philadelphia in 1832. His services as a preacher were much sought, but he had resolved on fixing his residence in the West. He was, however, induced to accept the pastorate of the First Baptist Church in Richmond, Va. The church had a large colored membership, a fact from which some embarrassment was experienced by him in the consistent application of his principles. This, in connection with his original predilections, led to his removal in 1835 to Chicago, then in its infancy. The Church was unable to give him a sufficient support, and he was compelled to engage in teaching. His congregations were large, and he delivered a course of lectures on the Prophecies, which attracted much attention. The financial disasters of 1837, however, depressed the material prosperity of his Church, and differences on the slavery question divided it. In 1841 he removed to St. Louis, where he labored for about three years, and enjoyed repeated seasons of revival and ingathering. In 1844 he accepted a call to New Orleans, where he had every prospect of success and usefulness, but his labors were cut short by the yellow fever. He died Aug. 28,1847. His Lectures on Prophecy, above referred to, were repeated in St. Louis, and were published afterwards under the title The Prophecies of Daniel and John illustrated by the Events of History. He also published a History of Baptism, from Inspired and Uninspired Sources. He was diligent, enthusiastic, yet cautious and investigating in his habit of mind, genial in his private intercourse, and an impressive public speaker. His ardor and energy fitted him for the work of which he did so much, that of a pioneer, founding and building up churches. (L. E. S.)

Bibliography Information
McClintock, John. Strong, James. Entry for 'Hinton, Isaac Taylor'. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tce/​h/hinton-isaac-taylor.html. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1870.